JIHAD - The Pinnacle of Islam - The Islamic State


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[1] Justified: A Jihad Generation Story

[2] The Third Jihad - 9/11 and Muslim Silence (videos from Clarion Project)

[3] 3-year old Islamic Jihadi Executes Prisoner With Handgun

[4] MOVED: Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Threat Doctrine of Shariah & Muslim Brotherh

[5] The History of Islamic Jihad and Why the West is Cowering - Beaten Dog Syndrome

[6] "The term 'Jihad for the sake of Allah' applies only to fighting the Infidels."

[7] Warning To The West from former Muslim

[8] "Apostate" "Hypocrite" peaceful Muslims must face true Islam

[9] The Islamic State Declares Christians to be their #1 Enemy


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