Author Topic: Anti-Zionists Suggest a Moral Equivalence Between Aggression and Self-Defense  (Read 2182 times)


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Except for those that suffer from self-imposed abject ignorance, I increasingly wonder if it is the working of reprobate minds in those who are unable to make a distinction between the terrorism of imperialistic aggression of the fundamental Muslims of the Middle East, who have always specifically targeted civilians for terror, and efforts to bomb civilian population centers - particularly targeting women and children - and the Israelis who have never targeted civilians (outside of a single incident by a group of Israeli irregulars) and instead place their effort into striking enemy combatants and military targets, while working specifically to minimize civilian casualties in compliance with international law (with some innocents unavoidably killed through collateral damage since the Muhammadan combatants operate from, and hide themselves within, their civilian population to maximize casualties among innocents for propaganda purposes). While the Israeli military places their assets outside of civilian centers specifically to avoid collateral damage among their civilians.

Let alone the stunning incapacity of some self-proclaimed "'Christian" anti-Zionists to recognize that Israel is just another front, in the 1400 year and still running Islamic conquest of the world and subjugation of all people, to blasphemy against the Son of God and denying His crucifixion and thus rejecting His shed blood, as articles of faith in Muhammad alone.

While the simple-minded place the blame on the Israelis, on the basis of the greater total number of casualties being incurred by the "Palestinians", a review of the numbers demonstrates the folly of such a simpleton approach. I would refer those thus propagandized to the chapter "Why Have More Palestinians Than Israelis Been Killed?" in Alan Dershowitz's excellent book "The Case For Israel".

For openers, and perhaps not surprisingly based on Muhammad's followers casual playing fast and loose with truth, Muhammad's antichrists even count their suicide bombers as Muslim victims of Israeli fault, even as they blow themselves up in market places filled with innocent Israeli women and children. Additionally, Israeli authorities have thwarted hundreds of attempted terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which would have resulted in massive Israeli casualties (like the thwarted attempt to bomb Shalom Towers - Israel's equivalent of the World Trade Center). From Alan's book:
"Between September 2,000 and August 2002 'approximately 14,000 attacks have been made against the life, person and property of innocent Israeli citizens and residents, the elderly, children, and women.'"

Without thwarting terrorist efforts the number of Israelis killed would have been as much as 10 times higher than it is.

"The New York Times has reported, 'Research published this year [December 2002] suggests that the most significant factor in keeping the homicide rate down is ... faster ambulances and better care in the emergency room.'"
Accounting for much better survival of Israeli victims of Islamic terror attacks.

This while "Palestinians" have refused to take their wounded to Israeli hospitals, even though the Israelis treat patients strictly on the basis of those in greatest need first, regardless of race or religion. Again, the time tested tactic of Muslims increasing the death toll among their own innocents, for propaganda purposes. Even refusing Israeli offers of helicopter transport, and instead opting for their own ambulances for transport, with patients dying for lack of blood on the way to the hospital.

Perhaps most telling, "18 percent of the nearly 2,000 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces since the uprising began in September 2,000 were civilians with no connection to the acts of terror.' This comes to approximately 360 innocent civilians killed in the course of legitimate self-defense.'"
"Of the more than 800 Israeli deaths, approximately 567 have been innocent civilians [over 70%], many of these children, women and the elderly. Every such killing is an act of first-degree murder. To compare the accidental killing of civilians during legitimate self-defense against terrorism with the targeted murder of innocent civilians is like comparing medicine to poison. Both can result in death; but with the former, it is a tragic, if sometimes foreseeable, side effect, whereas with the latter it is the direct intended effect."
"The number of Israeli women and children killed and injured is well in excess of the number of Palestinian women and children killed and injured-as many as three times more according to one study. A prominent feminist writer has observed,
  'On the Israeli side, 80 percent of those killed were noncombatants, most of whom were women and girls. Israeli female fatalities far outnumbered Palestinian female fatalities by either 3 to 1 or 4 to 1. (So far, I have heard no feminist complaints about this; have you?) Israeli women and girls constituted almost 40 percent of the Israeli noncombatants killed by Palestinians. Of the Palestinian deaths, over 95 percent were male. In other words, Palestinians purposefully went after women, children, and other unarmed civilians and Israelis fought against armed male soldiers who were attacking them.'"

Please pick up a few copies of Alan Dershowitz's book to share with folks that may suffer some confusion over this issue. Thread in our book section.

Even a Muslim student was transformed form a propagandized rabid anti-Zionist that hated Jews, to a pro-Zionist that loves Jews, purely from this book.

Indeed each of Muhammad's follower's wars against Israel had the stated goal of genocide of all Jews, and erasing Israel from the map, as confirmed through massacre after massacre. Incited, in particular, in more recent history from the Islamic Mufti of Jerusalem who ultimately worked hand in hand with Hitler, including an Islamic panzer division in Hitler's army.

While those of the world compel the Israelis to give up land they won in their defense from imperialistic Islamic aggression (a historically unprecedented demand), and even to pay reparations, where is the outcry for compensation to Jews and return of their land, homes, businesses and fortunes, after being driven from Islamic states through pogrom after pogrom? (Let alone non-Islamic pogrom after pogrom against Jews)

The truth isn't hard to find. Just do a search like - pogroms antisemitism jews muslims
Or - jews expelled from Muslim countries


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Re: Anti-Zionists Suggest a Moral Equivalence Between Aggression and Defense
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 09:03:31 AM »

"Between 1920 and 1970, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab and other Muslim countries: from Morocco to Iran, from Turkey to Yemen, including places where they had lived for twenty centuries. The 1940s were a turning point in this tragedy; of those expelled, 600,000 settled in the new state of Israel, and 300,000 in France and Canada. Today, they and their descendants form the majority of the French Jewish community and a large part of Israel's population."