Author Topic: Christians in Syria fight back against the Obama-backed jihadist rebels  (Read 1126 times)


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    • False Prophet Muhammad
"A great day for Christians in Syria as they fight back against the Obama-backed jihadist rebels"

This is an interesting story to contemplate, on so many levels, I thought it good for this general info section. I was elated to see the article call Muhammad's followers "followers of Muhammad". It is a shame that the whole world isn't doing the same to help illustrate their self-imposed isolation to them. I was saddened when the name of blasphemy "Allah" was used in place of the name of our great God YHWH at the end of the article.
Afraid to even dip my toe in the water on this one. Regarding the defense of a statue or building, when the ecclesia is a gathering of the called out. Old covenant historical events cited in defense. Cain/Able "tradition" regarding that specific location, along with other institutional church tradition. Though, rightly or wrongly (more likely), I am personally not adverse to armed self-defense. Not so much of myself, as defending my family. Or is that just an excuse, to prolong my life in this world, rather than being happy to have someone send me on to the next?

Additional reading:  Confirmed: U.S. Chief Facilitator of Christian Persecution