Author Topic: Islamic Indoctrination in U.S. School Projects  (Read 1044 times)


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Islamic Indoctrination in U.S. School Projects
« on: January 08, 2016, 08:54:24 AM »
" Common Core, which has been enthusiastically embraced by both Brahmin and shudra, effectively mandates the study of Islam, which often takes precedence over the traditional focus on American and Western history. As columnist and author Edward Davenport reports for Freedom Outpost, “An astounding 32 pages of the World history textbook are devoted to Muslim cavitation. Students in two Texas schools–Cross Timbers intermediate and Kenneth Davis–will be required to learn Arabic…thanks to a 1.3 million grant from the Department of Education’s Foreign Language Assistantship program.” Much of American political and military history has been airbrushed out of the materials students are expected to master. Qatar has also been lavish in promoting Islamic propaganda at the expense of objective scholarship; indeed, Qatar Foundation International, directed by Islamic apologist Tariq Ramadan, funded the “One World Education” concept from which Common Core originated.

Davenport points out that “Title VI of the Higher Education Act has become a ‘magic carpet’ for Saudi influence over American schools. Title VI requires Middle East study centers receiving federal funding to engage in cultural-exchange programs with U.S. schools. Outreach coordinators, funded by the Saudis, then create lesson plans for American K-12 teachers.” Publishing giant Pearson Education, which advertises itself as designing “education products and services to institutions, governments and direct to individual learners” and certifies teachers, dominates a significant part of the Common Core industry. According to the Washington Times, Pearson is owned by the Libyan Investment Authority, which controls 26 million shares in the company. The Times concludes: “The $632 billion the federal government spends each year on public school ‘education’ is being wasted on violating the First Amendment, by the federal government instituting a religion through the teaching of Islam in public schools.” The Federal “Race to the Top” initiative, part and parcel of Common Core, has ensured the precipitous chute to the bottom.

What we are observing are the effects of a macropolitical strategy, reinforced not only by curricular structures and testing practices, but by the ostensibly innocent maneuvers that feature on the mirco-tier of educational procedures. The nexus between sectarian politics and partisan education is now firmly entrenched in the American cultural mindscape, and we can see how this plays out on the level of primary and high school “learning projects.” We have read accounts of elementary and high school students pledging allegiance in Arabic, observing Muslim holy days, being drilled in Islamic vocabulary, prayers and culture, being taught the five pillars of Islam and world history from an Islamic perspective, reciting the Shahada (“There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah”) and being taken on field trips to mosques (but not to churches, synagogues or Hindu temples).

A recent controversy illustrating this tendency involves high school students in Blaine, Minnesota, instructed to perform a song in their Christmas concert that includes the Arabic phrase Allahu Akbar, which CBS considerately explains in its report on the event “means God is Great.” No, not quite. As Carol Brown comments in American Thinker, it means “Allah is supreme. As in Islamic supremacy.” It is also the cry uttered by legions of jihadists as they commit their acts of terror, slaughtering innocents at will. But students, to the detriment of all of us, are not informed about the implications of the phrase.

Another such controversy involves a homework assignment in Arabic calligraphy given to students at Riverheads High School in Staunton, Virginia, in which they were required to copy out the Shahada. Parents objected and the school briefly closed down on the ridiculous pretext that such objections posed a “risk of harm.”"

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