Author Topic: Google to work with communist China gov to suppress information and jail critics  (Read 671 times)


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    • False Prophet Muhammad
Google is working with the Chinese government to censor the Google search engine in China, in order to bow to the Chinese communist government's censorship desires, as well as to provide information so the government can track down Chinese citizens that are engaging in web searches that the government would not approve of.

"Google Scientist Resigns Over Censored Search App for China"

In other words, everyone who is using Google as their search engine is directly financing the oppression of the Chinese people and helping the Communist government stifle religious liberty, while participating in the Chinese government's desire to ultimately conquer the United States. Using Android puts more money in Google's pocket.

Using Google Chrome as your browser puts yet more money in the pocket of the company that seeks to further destroy the human rights of Chinese citizens while advancing their eventual conquest of the United States.
Let alone Google's censorship of one side of the politicical spectrum here in the United States.

Talk about election tampering! And on such a mass scale. Stunning!
"Over time, differentially suppressing negative search suggestions will repeatedly expose millions of people to far more positive search results for one political candidate than for the other. Research I have been conducting since 2013 with Ronald Robertson of Northeastern University has shown that high-ranking search results that favor one candidate can easily shift 20 percent or more of undecided voters toward that candidate — up to 80 percent in some demographic groups, as I noted earlier. This is because of the enormous trust people have in computer-generated search results, which people mistakenly believe are completely impartial and objective — just as they mistakenly believe search suggestions are completely impartial and objective."
"In a postscript, Epstein reveals that he is, in fact, a Clinton supporter himself, but concludes that he does not believe it would be “right for her to win the presidency because of the invisible, large-scale manipulations of a private company. That would make democracy meaningless.”"

With phones, there appears to be nowhere to run, though at least using an iPhone and Safari doesn't add to Google's profiting from information.

One of the few defenses is to remove economic opportunity, by depriving Google's prying eyes of information about you, that they sell to commercial enterprises. I have been using the VPN (virtual private network) - Private Internet Access - for many years and it is inexpensive ($39 per year for up to 5 devices) and does not perceptibly hurt my internet speed. I first brought this subject up around 5 years ago, to hopefully help people in Muslim countries avoid the prying eyes of their totalitarian Islamic governments, from taking an interest in oppressing free thinkers.

I realized over 15 years ago that Google manipulates search engine results, during the controversy with the Episcopalian Church ordaining Gene Robinson, as bishop. At the time, when I did a web search for "homosexual rehabilitation", every other search engine I checked (at least 5 or 6 at the time) had Exodus International come up within the first 3 search results on page one, while it was nowhere to be found at least within the first 25 pages of the identical search on Google.

We can only do as much as we can to avoid being poisoned by Google or financing their oppression of the Chinese people or the political Right. There are lots of other search engines out there that I believe you may find better to use, than Google, like I did. I mostly use Bing which I find far superior to Google in that often the answer I need is in a block at the top of page 1. I'm going to try using Duck duck go. Here are a few more:

About the only time I use Google - but only through a proxy - is when I need language translation, perhaps because of the sheer volume of words they handle may seem to make their engine the best at that task, though it has been a long time since I tried anyone else.

Our ministry has always suffered from Google oppression, suppression and censorship. Try searches for yourself. The following searches were for - false prophet muhammad -

yahoo search we are #1 on page 1

Duck duck go we are #1 on page 1

Bing search we are #1 on page 1

Yippy we are #1 on page 1

AOL we are #1 on page 1

Badu we are #1 on page 1

Google's Islamists have us not found until near the end of page 4 - and from the earlier The New American article (with link): "Note that the first page of Google search results gets 92 percent of all traffic. Burying a site on even the third or fourth page amounts to banishment to Web Siberia."