Author Topic: Canada: Father kills daughter over Muslim prayers, family rallies around accused  (Read 1721 times)


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Canada: Father kills daughter over Muslim prayers, family rallies around accused father
by sheikyermami on October 17, 2010

Nothing unites Muslim families better then the murder of a sibling.

Remember “Undercover Mosque?”

Remember the imam who instructs the believers: “By the age of 10 if she doesn’t wear hijab, we hit her,”?

Well, he’s not some greasy “hard-liner”, but a mainstream Muslim. And in this case, the guy who killed his daughter for not praying like a lunatic is not just a poor illiterate headbanger, but a well educated, westernized Muslim.

“Her father called 911 on Wednesday, saying he had ‘slapped’ his daughter during an argument at their apartment.”

Maybe he forgot he was under Canadian law for a moment, as Islamic law is curiously less gung-ho about penalties for parents who kill their children, especially when one stops to think of what’s higher on the list for Sharia’s punishments. That includes apostasy from Islam, for which the penalty is death, according to Muhammad’s own command. That is also of interest here in light of the victim’s reported refusal to participate in prayers.

But for children: “Retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2.).”

Here’s more: Islamic/Sharia Law allows to kill:

Apologists will protest that ‘Umdat al-Salik is but one book. However, it is one book that was certified as “reliable” as a manual for Shafi Islamic jurisprudence by Al-Azhar University, one of the highest institutions of learning in Sunni Islam. Why, pray tell, didn’t Al-Azhar, where one would think “misunderstanding” Islam would be less of an issue, kick it to the curb as un-Islamic, and morally reprehensible in general?

More at the link above

Also see "Rise in Canadian "honour killings"..."