Author Topic: 4.152...Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of them...  (Read 1652 times)


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Quran 4.152 And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of them (Messengers), We shall give them their rewards; and Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Muslims are to make no distinction between prophets, including those that only Muslims consider prophets, that weren't prophets at all. Like Alexander the Great, who the historical record tells us was one of the most consummate pagans in the history of mankind.

But do our Muslim friends ever contemplate why it is they are prohibited from making a distinction between prophets?

1. How many prophets do you believe are the Messiah (the anointed one) that was prophesied throughout the Old Testament, and fulfilled through the New Testament?
2. How many prophets do you believe were born of a virgin, by the express will of God?
3. How many prophets do you believe were raised physically to heaven?
4. How many prophets do you believe raised the dead back to life?
5. How many prophets do you believe were sinless?

The answer is just one - the Messiah - Jesus Christ. The same prophet whose prophesies you must reject because you follow the stand-alone recitations of an illiterate, 7th century, SW Arabian desert dwelling illiterate - that proclaimed the EXACT OPPOSITE of the WHOLE SUBJECT of the Gospel - who is revealed through your own books as a mass murdering, child doing, female prisoner abusing, self-admitted terrorist and thief, whose corpse still lies rotting it its shallow grave.

So who might we suspect it is, through the spirit of antichrist, that doesn't want Muhammad's followers to distinguish between prophets?