Author Topic: Anti-Zionist's darling Brother Nathanael erases video comments containing truth  (Read 985 times)


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The following was on his video for a good little while before he got around to removing it.

posted 2-15-15 (9 minutes ago)

1 second ago
Why didn't you finish the verse you quoted?

Rom 11:28  As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: BUT as touching the election, they are BELOVED for the fathers' sakes.

Zionism didn't begin with John Darby, or Nathan Birnbaum, since Jews began to be restored to our land in the early 19th century. Through Bible prophecy, Berean spirited Christians recognized Jews would be restored to our land, centuries before that restoration ever began to take place. And certainly before John Darby's heresy and C.I. Scofield's popularization of it:

John Owen 1616-1683: "The Jews shall be gathered from all parts of the earth where they are scattered, and brought home into their homeland."

Matthew Henry 1662-1714: "If God will build Jerusalem for the people and their comfort, they must inhabit it for him and his glory. The promises and privileges with which God's people are blessed, should engage us to join them, whatever it costs us."

Thomas Brightman 1562-1607: "Shall they return to Jerusalem again?" "There is nothing more certain: the prophets do everywhere confirm it and beat upon it."

The following opinion ends by addressing the content of your video:

Isaac Newton 1642-1726: “Hence I observe these things, first that the restauration of the Jewish nation so much spoken of by the old Prophets respects not the few Jews who were converted in the Apostles days, but the dispersed nation of the unbelieving Jews to be converted in the end when the fullness of the Gentiles shall enter, that is when the Gospel (upon the fall of Babylon) shall begin to be preached to all nations. Secondly that the prophecies of Isaiah described above by being here cited by the Apostle is limited to respect the time of the future conversion and restitution of the Jewish Nation, and thirdly that the humour which has long reigned among the Christians of boasting our selves against the Jews, and insulting over them for their not believing, is reprehended by the Apostle for high –mindedness and self-conceipt, and much more is our using them despightfully, Pharisaicall and impious”


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Re: Brother Nathanael
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 01:32:27 PM »
6 months ago
Brother Nathanael, I sure wish you would do more videos exposing the Zionist Christians because my niece, who claims to be a Christian is 100% behind the Jewish State.
1 second ago
The opposing of which puts you behind the Islamic conquest of the Jewish State, and in favor of subjugation of Israeli Jews, Christians and non-Muslim Arabs to Muslims and being ruled under Islamic Sharia law. With Israel being JUST ANOTHER front in the Islamic conquest of the world.
Just as the Christians in Gaza are BEGINNING to suffer under the dhimmitude of Islamic rule: