Author Topic: Literal Orthodox Understanding VS "hypocrite" "interpretation" of the Quran  (Read 1063 times)


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    • False Prophet Muhammad
How can someone who holds some random, hypocritical, sanitized western interpretation of the Quran and Hadith, argue against the orthodox, literal, understanding of the Quran and Hadith as held by Islamic scholars such as Abu Bakr al-Bagdatti of the Islamic State, and as taught by Islamic universities such as the largest and most prestigious institution Al-Azhar in Egypt. Particularly how are western "hypocrites" supposed to successfully argue against those that hold a simple literal understanding that are armed with a beheading knife in one hand while being supported by the Quran, hadith in the other hand with 1400 years of historical Islamic understanding on their side.

I even heard an Imam call into the Shawn Hannity radio show, who actually said that the U.S. is the only place where true Islam is actually practiced. Talk about twisted! in other words all of the Islamic nation States in the Middle East  cradle of Islam who kill homosexuals, kill citizens for speech and kill people for leaving Islam - all by State statute - are somehow wrong, while this self-deluded western Imam apostate "hypocrite" is right!

Aren't Americans yet tired of hearing mentally impaired leftists parroting that the ORTHODOX Islamic terrorists are following some sort of "perverted", "hijacked" or false "version" of Islam, even as their understanding is perfectly literal, and consistent with 1400 years of Islamic history, as well as the way Islam is taught at prestigious Islamic universities such as Al-Azhar in Egypt.

The terrorists are IN FACT following a simple, correct and literal understanding of the Quran and Hadith VS the apostate false "interpretation" of western "hypocrites".