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Messages - ER1011

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General Discussion / Peter & other readers,which one do you believe ?
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:55:22 PM »
i could be wrong but it looks like this forum is post-millennial ?
so which one do you lean towards ?

"theonomic" form of postmillennialism ?
"dominion" form of postmillennialism ?

still searching and understanding the truth concerning this...please correct,comment and discuss.thank you  :)

The concept of a millenium has caused a great deal of confusion. Most Christians believe that Christ is going to return and set up a throne in Jerusalem from which he rule for 1000 years. However, they generally do not realise that the concept is based on one fairly obscure verse in the book of Revelation.
They will be priests of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. Rev 20:6.

This reference to the "thousand years" during which the saints will reign has caused a great deal of confusion. It is generally assumed to refer to the future. However, if we realise that we have already participated in the first resurrection, then we will understand that we are reigning with him now.

This number 1000 should not be taken literally. Like all the numbers in the book of Revelation, it is symbolic. In the Bible the number ten signifies completeness. One thousand is the cube of ten, so one thousand years signifies the completion of an age. It also indicates vastness of time (Ps 50:10; Deut 1:10,11). The number, as used in Revelation 20, indicates that God’s people are to reign throughout the present age. Their reign will be complete.

The thousand years is the period between the ascension of Jesus and his second coming. The Bible is teaching that the saints are to rule throughout this time. The use of such a large number also indicates that this age will go on for a long time. This is confirmed by the fact that we have now gone nearly two thousand years beyond the ascension.

The expression, the "Millennium" comes from this passage (millenium means 1000). Many commentators use this title to describe a thousand year reign of Christ that they place after the second coming. They believe that Jesus will return to Jerusalem, and rule the world through the nation of Israel. The Old Testament prophecies of an age of blessing are seen as being fulfilled in this time. In this pre-millennial scenario the Jews are not converted until after Jesus returns.

There is also a problem in explaining how the saints would rule. Revelation 20 describes the saints ruling with Christ. If this is after the second coming, then the saints will have already experienced the resurrection of the body. They will have spiritual bodies (1 Cor 15:42-44). It is hard to understand how saints with spiritual bodies would rule in a physical world. (And those who were converted after the millennium began would still have physical bodies, so the church would be a strange mixture.)

those who then are born-again during the 1000 yrs,when do they get their glorified/resurrected body ? Their is only 1 resurrection to come...

There is also a problem of how Jesus would reign. He was glorified at the time of the ascension. At the second coming he will come with the "glory of the Father and of the angels" (Luke 9:26). If the millennium follows the second coming, there would still be men on earth in their present physical form. Those who understand the fullness of Jesus’ glory will realise that communication with these men would be impossible. They would be destroyed by his glory. Any humans who tried to have contact with him would be totally overcome. When John saw Jesus just in vision form, he fell at his feet as though dead (Rev 1:17). It would be impossible for normal human life to go on in the presence of such glory. Likewise, his glory would be so great that no temple built by human hands would be able to contain him.

The pre-millennial interpretation of Revelation 20 postulates two days of judgment. One for the church before the millennium, and one for the rest of mankind after the millennium. This is contrary to the teaching of the Bible, which always declares that the saints and the righteous will face judgment together.

A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out – those who have done good will rise to life, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. John 5:28,29.
It is quite clear from these verses that there will be just one judgment, for the righteous and the wicked. Matthew 16:27 warns that at his coming Jesus will reward "every person" according to what he has done. The righteous and the wicked will be judged together. This teaching is so clear, that any theory that requires two judgments must be contrary to the Word of God.

 Thanks for your kindness and response. You have shown me patience and agape love after all I just want to make and stand before my Lord & Savoir Yeshua/Jesus and hear those words well done thy good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord. Some of the meanest and angry “saints” are those who get questioned about their doctrines especially the more popular one in American Christianity today.

 I received another email from it turned out one who believes in the pre-trib and other classic traditional teachings that go along with it….premill flavor and got rebuked telling me I am an embarrassment and to wake up.

 It is those responses that have motivated me to question and search the truth.

I just want someone to explain with agape when I have sincere questions. I have been reading the CARM forums and a lot is explained their.

I also have noticed that there are a lot of teachings/beliefs about Israel and the Jews. I simply as a Jew believe that body/called out ones/church/bride is made up of gentiles and jews but they all have the same in common and that is a circumcised heart/regenerated spirit. As I search and read more it amazes me how the enemy has twisted a lot of truth and there are many flavors of beliefs out their especially concerning prophecy.

It must be done as it sounds you have done the same of unwrapping the futuristic teaching and truly understanding the scriptures, that one is difficult as decades of teaching is engraved in me.

I will study and pray for revelation as the Lord has done with the pre-trib teaching.

Once again thanks for your answers and kindness as your response has made me search more.

General Discussion / SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH w/ various questions
« on: February 01, 2013, 09:12:23 AM »
I am a Jew who believes that Jesus/Yeshua Christ is my messiah, redeemer, savoir, Lord as described in the OT/NT.
 I have been reading your web sight over the past months and have some specific questions.
Do I agree with it…still rebounding from shock, taught the futuristic version and just years ago finally threw out the “pre-trib rapture” teaching. I am still on the border but leaning towards your revelations as I search and pray that the "pure real truth" be revealed to my heart and mind as all of us want to stand befor our Lord & Savoir as faithful servants.It is a humbling and intense experience just coming from a Jewish backround and the revelation of Jeus Christ let alone the flavours of prophecy teachings out their.Thank you for your service and web site.

1-time of the gentiles was over in 1967,where are we then on the prophetic time line ?

2-Daniel speaks of the final days before messiah returns?

If this is the last generation from 1967, how long in years is that final generation…40/70/80 or???

3-If the next event is the 7th trumpet how were the first 6 trumpets revealed? What about the seals & bowls?

4-There are some very powerful dramatic events described and I can not find any confirmation that it has already happened or at least no one has explained it to me yet.
What is a present & future prophetic summary of the days ahead for the believers and America ?

5-the teachings for the 1000 years (pre/post/after) Rev 20.It reads to be literal but others believe it as symbolic and we are in that time now.It is today 2013 AD and it says 1000 years.How can that be ?

Is 1000 years a codeword in prophecy or literal number ?
If it means completion of a age,why did God then use he number 1000 instead of another number or no number at all but just say a long time ?

Is the first resurrection a future event or tied to John 5;24-25 in the present ?
What then is meant by 2Thes 4:15-16 ? Is not John 5 speaking of spiritual regeneration and 2Thes about the new glorified body like Jesus has ?
Is this just spiritualized because scripture says we are raised to new life in Him as we are united by faith in His death and resurrection ?
Are their not prophecy concerning the future millenium in the OT ? Isaiah/Zecharia

 OK...alot of questions because of exposure to this from a futuristict backround,thanks for your replies.

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