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Messages - vaheedkhan

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You all are not learners........

Matthew, my for-fathers said about you when you were kept questioning him...

Yes it is, who wants in his heart to get satisfy by it. Yes as a muslim am with mafia and i want the whole world to know.

I my fathers were jews, exiled and waited for the prophecies and my fathers slain thee prophets nor i have gone against them but its in allah judge with them....

I curse all who trangress  the god the only one god. God will never appear to one, any one who doesnt studies his scriptures his well destine in hell....even myself as a muslim.

I am only 28, by gods will and guide am very thankfull to him, even though raised with christians orthodox they were nice to me and so i was them, i will love them and always will....

Please analyze well analyze well...who ever you are who ever is has weak mind.

It means born, i speak greek, study the old ancient and speak, and speak the modern one as well...Learn in the old dictionairy (begotten)...

Islam - General / Re: Is Jesus God?
« on: February 06, 2009, 04:46:34 PM »
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him:they wouldnt understand them...fools are those who god hates....not me, how patience they had the prophets no one would understand them....just like juses turn to his mother and said woman what should i do with thee, when thee dont understand not but lost, when they were suppe.....juses peace be up on him walked alone because no one would understand him.

 :) :) :). Abraham peace be up on him and juses peace be up on him. God gives them the highest heavens... So as abraham believed in oneness as i am juses said, believing in oness god. The god of abraham. The one on the heaven. The mind wont understand this is confusion its not like you drink a water and it goes in, simple its not easy to thee mind.

That time mentality you should understand how they were the people...Nor abraham was son of god. Nor he ever declare, now where is the old scriptures of abraham?. When their is no solid evidence, then there is no solid answer.

If you all knew if you all werent corrupted, this by i mean both muslim and christians.

God the only one god (allah) does not loveth fools on this earth who carries corruptions as the family has. Thei judgement be met.

« on: February 06, 2009, 04:33:01 PM »
His not begoten nor he will beget.

Judeo-Christian - General / Re: 7 - Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God
« on: February 06, 2009, 04:29:44 PM »
Tell the jentyls, the christians that is better not they say that god has a begoten a son, nor god is begoten. Thats the problem...

Forgot and made juses as a god made three in one, including spirit.

This where it comes that you wont understand whats spirit is. This topic will take long time of explaining. Your heart should be pure and your mind to understand this. Not easy. I would but it would be difficult or heavy to understand. But then again, you will say or who ever that we havent answer it and we avoiding it. Just god the lord in heaven one day makes understand those that god will guide.

Islam - General / Re: Does God have a Spirit? - A Second Look
« on: February 06, 2009, 04:23:06 PM »
God in the heaven is not our and yours affair, when you and i do not know. When i shouldnt be assuming and nor you, when you dont know whats in the heaven and whats in the earth, and the unseen, when you havent seen god, when you havent heard him.

Simple, no one hasnt seen it nor the prophets god showed to them peace be up on them...its totaly not our affair. God gaves the commandment to praise him and gracious and merciful is.

I declare and i state that the heaven god not juses peace be up on him that the christian the they worship is not a god but a prophet of god. God is a jealous god not a partner to any one. Christian may say that we are falsehood but where we can be falsehood when we believe in your father the one in heaven that they declare. So as a muslim that i have except it this faith of islam as my for-fathers did, as they were jews. And were exiled beacause of this reasons we cant. abraham, ishmail and isaac, moses, haron, solomon, david, salih, lot, juses, the mother of juses mary, noah, zakarya, john the babtist and joseph peace be up on them all and many that god has sent.

Forget about Ahmed Deedat. We now on this earth his gone, his judgement with the lord in heaven the only one god. But if he hurt any one, blasheme the one god, or suffere any one, or punished anjustly any one...then his punishment is severe.

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