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Messages - Farhat Siddiqui

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The merchandise is not that of the whore of Babylon, but of the merchants.

The rich and corrupt whore is a customer of the delicacies and fine things brought to her by the merchants of this world. For example George W Bush Barrack Hussain Obama and Jimmy Carter and Queen Elizabeth, why do they all go to Saudi Arabia and pay homage to that morally corrupt people of the world. Cause they are the biggest sellers of Oil and equally biggest buyers of all the goods that the top merchants of the West.

Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson in their book "God's war on terror" call Mecca Saudi Arabia the Whore of Babylon who corrupts the kings of the earth by blackmailing them into buying her Wine that is Crude Oil. As well as spreading her genocidal Islamic war theology of total annihilation and exporting it to each nook and cranny of this world.

You are spot on bro Pete,

The Shahada is actually the declaration of faith, it is how someone is accepted as a Muslim that is a non-Muslim is accepted as a Muslim when he or she recites it openly. What it means that the Old Testament and New Testament Laws are abrogated, the God of the Jews and Christians is no longer the God of the Muslim. As for the one born a Muslim, every child who is born whether girl or boy one male relative whispers in the ear of the newborn the "Azan," which is the Shahada again or an affirmation which declares that there is no God but Allah and there is no other Messenger acceptable to a Muslim then the messenger of Allah, Muhammad.

One more thing once you have said the Shahada you are a Muslim whether you like it or not if you ever decide to adopt another faith every Muslim keeps the right to chop your head off, cause that is the prescribed punishment according to Islamic jurisprudence.

Should not a prospective Muslim migrant to another country be asked this question? whether they adhere to this article of their faith or not, and if they do then the authorities should decide whether it is such a good idea to have such people into their country or not?

General Discussion / What harmony is there between Christ and Belial?
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:43:25 PM »
2Corinthians 6:15

I have recently migrated from Pakistan to Canada, being a 60 year old man, it has not been easy to adjust myself in North America especially since I have no immediate family here. But this is not the focus of what I want to say especially in the light of the above cited Scripture.

What I find shocking is that out here in the West, people of all religions especially Non-Christians and particularly Muslims live a most comfortable life, with beautiful, and for some expensive homes, new cars, well paying jobs or private businesses. In contrast I find the white Christian man and women struggling to make ends meet. I find beautiful Church buildings and hardly anyone with the Spirit of Christ in them, in fact the only time they take up the name of the Lord it is when they are swearing.

Why the West allowed hundreds and millions of Non-Christian nations to come into their nations and take over their Christian identity, there is a talk of allowing the Muslims to have the Prayer call from the Minarets of Mosques (I believe in the US this is the norm). Do you know what the Call of the Islamic Prayer is all about?

Did your people in the government realize what they were doing when they allowed millions of Muslims to migrate into Europe, UK, US, Canada and Australia and New Zealand?

How could you allow Mosques to have independent Muslim overseers, how did the situation get to the level whereupon now there are fortified Muslim enclaves all over US and in Europe and UK where the police cannot enter, where a white Christian male cannot enter without getting bodily harmed?

What is this worship of Freedom of Religion?
Is Christ and Islamic Belial the same God?

I tell you I have lived all my life in Islamic Pakistan, where 90% of Muslims who owned a copy of Quran but never read it and the books of Hadiths were considered a definite no, no....

Why? because sane Muslims knew how radical Islam is! yes there is nothing like moderate Islam. We never had any book of Hadith in our home, save a copy of Quran which was only read once a year during the fasting month of Ramzan by my mother and no one else.

Do you know that the former Soviet Union contained so many Muslim countries in its iron fist and kept their evil contained? But it was the West that demonized the USSR and got in bed with Islam and in fact dug out the redundant books of Muslims, yes the Hadiths of the prophet and galvanized illiterate tribals of Afghanistan and Pakistan who resented and hated the Urban Secularized Educated Muslims living in the cities of our two countries. These were called Mujahideens by the American CIA and were trained by the Pakistani ISI and fought the Russians and in the process completely destroyed Afghanistan's secular culture and are in the process of doing the same in Pakistan nowadays.

Instead of focusing on their Christian heritage and Culture, the West went on a witch hunt against Soviets and that too with Muslims and with the worst of them the Radicalized Ones whom they created....and look where the world is now.

President Jimmy Carter, Brzezinski, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros  for their sake I hope there is an eternal hell where they will remain forever.....

General Discussion / The Woman
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:03:24 PM »
 "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed.......And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:14a 15

My uncle the elder brother of my father told me 'its an abominable thing for god to go into a woman's reproductive parts and be born from that filthy part of a woman, I can still remember his facial expression and the disdain in his voice as he uttered these words. He was trying to explain to me why the Christians were wrong because they considered Jesus God and believed that he was born of a woman Marium, shhhhhh how could He do such a dirty thing..............

And though young in those days instantly I thought of myself and of him and of all the menfolk in my family whom their mothers gave birth through the same procedure, they first must have passed into the mother through what Science calls the Genito-Urinary System of the males, their fathers into the Genito-Urinary System of their mothers. Nine months later, amid the booms and bluster of the delivery room of hospitals they all arrived into this world. I wondered why do men and women love their babies, if we have all come from a filthy place we should immediately abhor a baby and certainly not adore it as parent do?

My mind went into an immediate conflict, if Jesus because He was God and therefore could not be born in the natural way as Islam claims because it is filthy, so must be my father's uncle was born of a filthy place, and I too was born of a filthy place. Therefore, women are filthy and unclean creatures, I wrestled with the argument in my little mind but then decided to follow it up when I grow up and I did when the time came.

Walid Shoebat in his book 'God's war on terror' quoting the above verse from the Bible says' This prophecy was made right from the beginning of humanity. It states that Satan will hate the woman and her seed who will crush the head of the Antichrist, the seed of Satan and like his father, he has a deep disdain and hatred for women. This is a commonality found in m. any Satanic cults from fundamentalist Islam to fundamentalist Mormonism."

And so it is in all faiths apart from the Jews and Christians that there is a violent hatred of women and a desire on the part of men to subdue, subjugate and crush their humanity, to exploit them, to make use of them as sex slaves for the evil perverted imaginations of powerful men.

This is how Satan is paying back Eve and all her daughters because she believed in Yahweh and produced Abel, because the woman Israel believed and produced Yeshua who will crush the serpent under our feet shortly, that will be the day for all of us but especially for the women of the World who have been raped, abuse, humiliated, scorned, shunned and called every evil and derogatory name by the Devil and his minions.

How does the God of Jews and Christians speaks of his creatures? with love and honor! "And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house , thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet." Luke7:44, 45

I was blown over, the Islamic faith its culture came crashing down in front of me and was blown to smithereens, the day I read this verse I wept for I did not know that God was so beautiful, so sensitive to beauty and a woman is a beautiful thing, a most beautiful of his creation. My mind was made up I will follow this God Jesus and on other one, and I was a youth then and am now an old man but there is no turning back!

Shalom Peace in Jesus

General Discussion / Re: Salvation is of the Jews!
« on: July 12, 2014, 07:00:25 PM »

Yes bro Pete move this post of mine to where you mentioned and I will also formulate my next post there so that Muslims coming over here are able to see my testimony.


General Discussion / Salvation is of the Jews!
« on: July 10, 2014, 08:54:44 PM »

As a former Muslim I feel for my family who all are Muslims, then there are billions of others of my former faith who are in invisible chains and 'under strong delusion.' They are not aware that they are a part of that 'great falling away' that occurred in the 7th Century when a world of Christianity was devastated in the middle east and forced either through violence or fear or through despair into the bondage of Islam.

Muslims thinking is territorial thinking, any place conquered by Islam is forever Islamic and from then if taken forcibly by another religion it would be mandatory for Muslims to reclaim it. Muslims are taught Islam is the best of faith, Muslims are the best of people or 'Ummah' in Arabic. This sort of racist ideology and a deep Satanic hatred for the Jews has made a billion Muslims insensitive to the word of God.

Any Muslim who wants to come to Jesus has to cross over this great hurdle, it took me decades to understand how much hatred and anti Jewishness was in my own heart! In Islamic countries Jews are demonized, they are made as the most evil, vicious and abominable of human beings.

The words of Jesus came as a shock to me 'Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.' Any Muslim that we have to convince for Christ must first be convinced of the innocence of the Jew. The Devil has been tremendously  successful against a billion or so people by duping them into believing that Yahweh the God of the Jews is done with them. That the relationship and covenant has come to an end when they rejected Christ.

This lie is so powerful, and so hurtful that Muslims will cry rivers of tears in front of their TVs watching The Passion of the Christ condemning the Jews and believing that God could not possibly forgive the Jews because of what they did to their most beloved prophet, yes Muslims do love Issa or Jesus as they call him but have been told the lie that He was only a man an apostle of Allah.

Before convincing any Muslim to come to Jesus they have to find out that Jesus is a Jew, a brother of Jews who hurts for them, for whatever happens to them is the same is what He suffers, and sitting on his Judgment Seat one day He will call to the book every mistreatment every wrongdoing against everyone of His brothers and sisters to account.



Welcome - (also for registration questions) / Re: My Introduction
« on: June 15, 2014, 11:31:09 AM »
Hey bro Pete,

I could'nt agree more with you Walid is stuck in there with the rest of them 7 year tribulation antichrist rule interpretation, althuogh he should not be, being a former Muslim it should beabsolutely clear to him when the G T began who has played a big big role in beheadings and killing the martrys in the middle east, namely the Jihadi war mongerers Muslims. I am going through the posts right now and like it, and hope to take part in diacussion soon.


Welcome - (also for registration questions) / My Introduction
« on: June 05, 2014, 03:33:46 PM »
Hello guys its Farhat Zubair Siddiqui recent migrant to Canada from Pakistan.

I studied Elis Skolfield's research on the internet and was instantly accepted it as truth, and though a long-time convert from Islam I consider Elis my mentor in Christ who showed me who and what the 'antichrist' is. Being an ex Muslim it was not difficult at all since I had read both the books the Islamic holy book as well as the Bible and had my doubts as to who it was that the Bible was broadly hinting at!

Later on I came in contact with Walid Shoebat and his research and agree to a lot of what that gentleman says too.
I have always admired, supported the US because of its kindness to the underdogs such as the Jews and those others, also the American people a lot of whom love their country and Jesus and have respect for the word of God The Bible. I hope to travel soon to see your country and meet the people.

In short I am happy to be a brother in the Lord with all of you who love the Lord Jesus and together one day we will all travel to His Kingdom and leave this world of pain and misery!

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