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Messages - RevSanchez

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I thank you all for responding.  It has encoraged me much.  I work in an community that has an reglious diversity in that Roman Catholics, Protestant (pentecostal and baptist particularly) churches dominate the area but by and large are mostly depleted of members.  In the midst of all of this is a Nation of Islam temple. However not all muslims worship there.  There are splinter groups scattered throughout and feeding the idea that what Islam testifies to is true.  There is a difference of something being truly stated and the truth.  Hopefully you would like one to be in concert with the other but it is not always the case.  The Quran state alot of things truly, ei: The virgin birth, God protects his revelations including the bible, That God is the creator of all things.  However speaking the truth is where it lacks detail for example it expresses that the disciples that asisted Jesus in his mission were confessed muslims.  The problem with this is that the terminology of Muslim did not come about till about 600AD.  So it begs the question what is a muslim?  A muslim is a person who has submitted himself to the obedience of God, that is funny, isn't that is what a disciple is.  So a muslim is a misdirected disciple of Christ! because most muslims don't even read the Quran they follow the teaching of Muhammed which always points back to Christ.  You will rarely see the word Christ in the Quran but it is in there.  Other passages use the term messiah which is the same as the word Christ.  I have assembled a number of Quranic passages which cover Christ's birth, ministry and ascension when I am done I plan to publish them as the Injil of the Quran so that Christians can understand what most muslims believe about Christ.  So that the Christian can be informed  so that they can effectively lead these misguided disciples  back to Christ.  For if the first disciples confessed they were muslims then all of them that they have preached and discipled are also muslims under the teaching of Christ.   

General Discussion / The Qu'ran sent as an confirmation not a replacement
« on: September 10, 2009, 04:17:05 PM »
I have many people in my travels that are confessed, not necessarily practicing Muslims.  When the topic of what the purpose of the Qu'ran as it relates to the Bible come up, I am always told by these persons that the Bible we currently have is not reliable and corrupted. That changes have been made that are distinctly different from what the original languages of the first written Bible.  But I rebutted them with this fact that is stipulated in their holy book which most of them don't even read (sounds like a lot of what professed christians do in relation to thier bibles) it, that God or Allah preserves and protects his holy writings.  This includes the bible.  So if God is protecting the Bible from corruption how can it be corrupted?  Furthermore the Qu'ran ,if it is God's Holy book, stipulates that  it has been sent as an Confirmation of all the revelations of God that preceeded it. This includes the entire Bible. Now if the Bible is corrupted, How can the Quran confirm it, unless it too be corrupted?  I also tell them that No where in the Quran that it states that the Bible has ever been corrupted. So where do they get the idea from that it ever was? The Idea came from one of their reknowned theologians back in 1064, after which examining the contradictions between the Bible and the Qur'an  he reported that the Bible must have been corrupted for it to contradict so many of the passages in the Qu'ran, seeing that the Quran is a direct transmission from God to man.  He assumes that the bible was a product of the Christian Church of his day manipulating and twisting the scriptures in contradiction of the Qu'ran.  Muslims in America have been reciting this Theologians idea ever since. Once I have understood this I have challenged every professed muslim who brings the errorneous argument that the Bible has been tampered with, with the response show me in your Qu'ran where it says this and I will believe you. The problem is no where in the  Qu'ran does it say that the Bible is corrupted. In fact it tells muslims that they are to read the bible and believe the bible.  The Quran has been held up as an replacement for a corrupted Bible in the Muslim community in America. However that has never been its purpose. It has been sent to confirm the bible. As i have said before How can you confirm what the Qu'ran has declared as corrupted without the Quran being a corruption itself. Jesus said it this way: Make the Tree good and its fruit good or the tree bad and its fruit bad, for shall know them by their fruits.

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