Great book on disasters being visited on those that sell-out the Jews is "Eye to Eye" by William Koenig. It logs many instances where the such sell-outs share headlines with disasters. A couple include George Bush's Maine vacation home destruction and catastrophic flooding in Texas with another.
"In Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, we document what happens the same day or within 24 hours of Israel being pressured to divide her land. Here are a few examples found in these pages:
During the presidencies of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, 29 record-setting catastrophes and/or major events occurred.
During President George W. Bush's first 40 months in office, 24 record-setting catastrophes and/or major events occurred.
From October 1, 2001, to January 9, 2004, eight periods of distruption occurred in the United Sttes following the 9-11 terror events when the President George W. Bush attempted to divide Israel's land.
Thirty-one major suicide bombings in Israel occurred at the same time President George W. Bush or one of his top-level staff and/or one of Israel's top officials were working with the U.S. on either a cease-fire agreement, a peace deal, publicly stating Israel's approval of a Palestinian state, or Israel was about to evacuate property."
Take the sell-out of Gaza and hurricane Katrina (which even happened after the book was published)