Author Topic: "Allah took down the People of the Scripture Book" (part 5 OT Violence)  (Read 3018 times)


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    • False Prophet Muhammad

What may the book of Daniel say about Muhammad on the subject of women?

Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. 38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not...

"Neither shall he regard ..... the desire of women..." All a Muslim husband has to do is say "I divorce you" three times and it's done. In Saudi Arabia, under their perfected model of sharia law, they do it by text message. Consider also FGM or female genital mutilation, as championed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a barbaric practice of which as high as 96% of Muslim women in more "moderate" Egypt have been subjected. As Winston Churchill put it: "The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men."

Muslims claim Muhammad isn't a fit for the ruler in that verse because he did not "...magnify himself above all...", blindly and tragically confusing Mohammed's words, with the reality of what Mohammed accomplished. He indeed magnified himself above all because Muslims must necessarily reject the one true God Yahweh and His prophets and witnesses as revealed His 1600 year record, that His people have followed through two covenants for 3500 years, to follow Mohammed through his stand-alone, 23 year, 7th century record. Honoring the "God of forces", while engaging in Arabian jinn-devil worship rituals at Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, and prostrating themselves toward a black stone idol five times a day.

Qur'an 33:26 "Allah took down the People of the Scripture Book. He cast terror into their hearts. Some you slew, and some you made prisoners. And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, giving you a land which you had not traversed before. And Allah has power over all things."

Mohammed's alter-ego "Allah", revealed as a terrorist, who "took down" Yahweh's people. Just as Mohammed's true followers who live in the cradle of his "religion" today, desire to kill the Jews and "drive them into the sea".

Quoting Benjamin Netanyahu: "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel"

"Allah took down the People of the Scripture Book." once again making painfully obvious how preposterous the notion is that Muhammad's followers worship the God of the Jews and Christians.

Ishaq:465 "When their wrists were bound with cords, the Apostle was a sea of generosity to us."

"Generous" with stolen property, like a Mafia Don "splitting the take" with his fellow thieves. Muhammad's "charity" consisting of sprinkling part of his ill gotten gains around his neighborhood, like an organized crime boss, cheerfully accepted by those reprobate enough to receive stolen property. Or like a politician being "generous" with the confiscated fruit, of the labor, of others.

Ishaq:465 "Then the Apostle divided the property, wives, and children of the Qurayza among the Muslims. Allah's Messenger took his fifth of the booty. He made known on that day the extra shares for horses and their riders - giving the horse two shares and the rider one. A Muslim without a horse got one share of the spoil. It was the first booty in which lots were cast."

The self-serving "prophet" Mohammed having received a prior "revelation" from his "Allah" (Sura 8.41), that lavished on him 1/5 of all of the property stolen from others, again like a Mafia Don. After all, possessing between 11 to 13 wives, plus concubines and slaves - with counts totaling over 20 - Muhammad had quite a crowd of dependents to maintain. Since lots were cast even though Mohammed's religion prohibits gambling, it gives us a good idea of how much interest Mohammed's fellow cutthroats had in his homespun "religion", beyond what they could personally gain from it.

Ishaq:475 "Allah commanded that horses should be kept for His enemy in the fight so they might vex them. We obeyed our Prophet's orders when he called us to war. When he called for violent efforts we made them. The Prophet's command is obeyed for he is truly believed. He will give us victory, glory, and a life of ease. Those who call Muhammad a liar disbelieve and go astray. They attacked our religion and would not submit."

And neither will I, by the one Great God of the Scriptures Yahweh, in the name of my Lord and Savior Yeshua, Jesus Christ, whose precious shed blood saved a sinful wretch like me from dying to sin.

Tabari VIII:39 "Then the Messenger of Allah sent Sa'd bin Zayd with some of the Qurayza captives to Najd, and in exchange for them he purchased horses and arms."

Slave making and trading, along with property stolen from others, is what financed the imperialistic conquest of the Islamic First Jihad all way all the way up to Tours France, and Vienna Austria.

And so it went.

Ishaq:480 "The Qurayza met their misfortune. In humiliation they found no helper. A calamity worse than that which fell upon the Nadir befell them. On that day Allah's Apostle came to them like a brilliant moon. We left them with blood upon them like a pool. They lay prostrate with the vultures circling round."

Isn't that a beautiful portrait of "Allah's Apostle"?

Tabari VI:133 "We pledge our allegiance to you and we shall defend you as we would our womenfolk. Administer the oath of allegiance to us, Messenger of Allah, for we are men of war possessing arms and coats of mail."

"The religion of peace"

Ishaq:204/ Tabari VI:134 "'Men of the Khazraj, do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man.' 'Yes,' they answered. 'In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging ourselves to wage war against all mankind.'"

Continued in part 6 at this link