From a YouTube chat naliakbar asked.
[[[As for where abraham traveled, did he leave a calling card every where that he travelled for you to know everywhere he went?]]]
Pete responded
The historical record, confirmed by the archaeological record, amount to just that.
Try a Google like - archaeological record confirms abraham bible
Next try this - archaeological historical record Jerusalem
Then try - archaeological historical record Mecca
Try this Wikipedia article
Ancient Towns in Saudi Arabia you investigate you will find that the ridiculous suggestion that Mecca existed before the Christian era is purely 7th and 8th century Mohammedan created historical fictional poppycock.
Much as they tried to make sense of Mohammed unintelligible rantings, they were doomed to fail epically, not only by Mohammed's ignorance, but even their own.
Do you really believe there is 66 years in an Arabian generation, when even Mohammed was doing a 9 year old?
naliakbar responded
That is just a redicilios claim, that is like saying in 3000 years from today that an archelogist will be able to uncover that I traveled from North Carolina to Canada, when the only thing that he can possibly do that with is reciepts from a gas station that I am certain I threw away in the garbage a long time ago, and this is in mordern times, we are talking about ancient times where paper was at a premium and you are attempting to tell me that because you found a bible somewhere that limited the travel of abraham, when there story goes he took his wife to mecca and left her there and years later returned to meet his son.
When Muhammad(saw) was born in the 6th centrury you had tribes from ALL across arabia coming there for what they called the Hajj, you are telling me that this happened in less than 100 years? And the arabs claimed lineage of Ishmile way before islam was presented, as the jews of arabia would toment the arabs by the claim that they will destroy the arabs once the prophet comes? As they say common sense is not common, truly it is not.
That is just a redicilios claim, that is like saying in 3000 years from today that an archelogist will be able to uncover that I traveled from North Carolina to Canada, when the only thing that he can possibly do that with is reciepts from a gas station that I am certain I threw away in the garbage a long time ago ......]]]]]
FALSE. THE EXACT EQUIVALENT would be for YOU to inform ME that there is not a trace of archaeological or historical evidence that suggests that Jerusalem ever existed before the 4th century AD.
You can see how stupid it would be for someone to say that, yet where is the same kind of evidence that suggests that Mecca ever existed, before the 4th century AD? This geographical EPICENTER of Mohammedanism?