I wondered if part of the popularity of The Harbinger (besides not stepping on futurists toes) isn't the long drawn out, gradually incremental, manner in which the information is presented, with a build up to each element. Otherwise the information in the book could have been contained in just a few pages. (I was a little disappointed that the author, Jonathan Cahn, labeled Nouriel Kaplin's guide as a "prophet" rather than simply a guide. Perhaps also unnecessary since I don't remember him prophesying anything (though my memory could be in error)).
It struck me that perhaps uploading a similar approach with some of the material detailed in "The False Prophet" might attract a few internet surfers, but rather than with the reader being an observer of a fictional character's journey, instead engaging the reader in an interactive adventure as a participant - like the fictional character Nouriel Kaplin - but with the prophets Daniel and John as guides, with additional help from some of those great men of God of the Reformation.
So I registered and uploaded "Beyond the Harbinger" to give it a whirl. Would appreciate a little feedback from anyone who has a few minutes to spare that can take a peek at it. I may have overdone page 9 a little as I heavily embellished it when I made the video tease.
By the way regarding any opinion on the difficulty of navigating the site, I wanted to make it difficult for someone to jump around the site being attracted by page titles, so the pages just have numbers to encourage folks to move from one page to the next. In fact a person has to make it to the bottom of the (brief) home page in order to even begin their journey.
http://www.beyondtheharbinger.com/Then a couple days ago I uploaded a video intro to the website to expose it a little more on youtube.