Author Topic: Methodist Church feminizing God and worshipping the Queen of Heaven Heresy  (Read 1499 times)


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"Methodist Church feminizing God and worshipping the Queen of Heaven Heresy.
Posted on December 14, 2011   by Andrew

Jeremiah 44:19 “The women added, “When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes like her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?”

Not only has the very worldly Methodist Church sold out to the politics and agenda of climate change and the dominionist movement (read earth worship and the Kingdom of Satan by another name idolatry)but they are also blaspheming the Almighty by the heresy of feminizing God. I believe this is also fooling the Church into worshipping the “queen of Heaven” by trickery and deceit as well as being part of the Pagan Mother-child cult  and the new age “Mother Earth” worship movement.

Source:  ” Just last week the United Methodist Church in Great Britain made official this years Easter prayer to a mixed gendered God, saying it was in preparation for the new millennium. The prayer will be as follows:
“God our father and mother we give you thanks for all you have done and all you have made.”"



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"She was first worshiped in Ancient Egyptian religion, and later her worship spread throughout the Roman Empire and the greater Greco-Roman world. Isis is still widely worshiped by many pagans today in diverse religious contexts; including a number of distinct pagan religions, the modern Goddess movement, and interfaith organizations such as the Fellowship of Isis."