Author Topic: Mohammed and Goats  (Read 1792 times)


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Mohammed and Goats
« on: January 15, 2010, 06:02:59 PM »
"When I examined the Koran, the hadiths, and the Islamic books under my microscope, I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible - imposible! - for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it, and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.

Do you remember the way that (the Prophet Muhammad) killed 'Asmaa bint Marwan? His followers tore her body apart limb from limb, while she was breastfeeding her child. When they returned to him shouting "Allah Akbar" he said "No two goats would lock horns over her." As you know, goats lock horns over the most inconsequential thing. For Muhammad, however, the killing of a woman while breastfeeding was too trivial an incident for goats "to lock horns over."

Is this a prophet of God?"

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