Interesting that immediately upon marrying Ted his wife began her descent.
Under the subject "Possible Criticism of Us" Ted wrote:
"Why didn’t we call in an exorcist? Because we knew we were in spiritual warfare, being attacked in retaliation for what we have been doing (largely successfully) to hold back great forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). As David said, “If war arise against me, in this will I be confident†(Psalm 27:3). The Holy Spirit gave us no liberty to seek relief from man in a battle we knew God wanted us to fight. I knew that if we stopped opposing Jewish supremacism and became passive observers, like most Christians, the demons would undoubtedly vanish."
So apparently they were guided to inaction by their incorrect personal opinion, rather than share their difficulties with brethren that have had experience in delivering brethren from unclean spirits and demons and stayed in their cocoon.
Or is that simply an excuse because Ted feared that if others got involved in their plight, the cat would be out of the bag, and he feared he might loose his "ministry" and source of income?
It seems the demons were having a stroll down easy street. Rather than having to deceptively disguise themselves as being benevolent spirits, the more the Pikes became possessed by the demons and the more evil those demons revealed themselves to be, the more it encouraged the Pikes to believe that they were doing the Lord's work. Thus the more the violent and evil the demons became, the more the Pikes thought things were as they should be.
Does "Learning to Live with Demons" really describe a Christian state of walking with our Savior?