Any Christian knows that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. That any who wish to go to heaven must do so by coming through him. In the middle-east however these words are banned and kept away from the eyes of those who may actually recieve such truth. Everyday brings many muslim children closer to total indoctrination to the lies espoused by their "prophet". We all know that hate is something learned. Any child you see shows affection towards it's parents but not spite. Throughout life we go through certain phases of mental maturity where we must learn certain skills or risk never having them such as: empathy, introspection, sympathy, selflessness, dependability etc. The Bible teaches all these moral standards and uses them as a tool for assessing the fruit borne of other Christians. We all know that a deep connection to God through his Son Jesus will naturally render such fruits in our lives. But what of those poor muslim children who are being led astray unwittingly by their parents and leaders? At what point do they become responsible for their decision to bow down to the beast? Consider for a minute that you are just entering puberty. You are developing new mental nuances and are beginning to question and test the things around you. At first things seem fine and the world is just as your parents told you. Months down the road you begin to notice the inequities in your society but figure that it all will even out in the end. Later though as these inequities become more pronounced you know for sure something is not right and start to doubt whether you can continue on with the life style you have been raised into. Such a notion voiced even a single time in an Islamic country is enough to cause your own family to kill you. Imagine the internal angst that results as your spirit screams out for justice but your body screams out for preservation. This my brothers and sisters is what tribulation means for millions of children in the middle east right now. Please pray, and do so without ceasing, that God will make a way to reach them and save them from their affliction. And remember todays lost child could be tomorrow's terrorist.
God bless