Author Topic: beholderGuard, friendofutube2009 (and others) comments on Pete channel  (Read 16241 times)


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BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
Your main video that includes sheikh Ahmed Deedat is full of lies. You say that nowhere does it say what the Sheikh Quotes, yet later on in your SAME VIDEO you find the quote (lol). I don't know what church denomination you belong to, but I am not satisfied by the lie that you are trying to pull off.
Oh and by the way, I will refute that Jesus is God

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

*Job 25:4-6: How can a MAN be righteous before God? How can one born of a woman be pure If even the moon is not bright and the stars are not pure in his eyes, how much less a MAN, who is but a maggot a SON OF A MAN, who is only a worm!
*Numbers 23:19: God is NOT A MAN, NOR SON OF A MAN
*John 8:39-40: If you were Abrahams children, then you would do the works of Abraham, (40) but now you seek to kill Me, a MAN sent by God
*Matthew 12:40: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
*John 14:28 "The Father is greater than I"
*John 10:29 "The Father is greater than all"
*John 5:30: I can of myself do NOTHING. As I see, I judge, and my judging is not of my own, but of the Father who sent me (Can you imagine a GOD who can do NOTHING Ironic huh?)

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

Some Christians say that he (Jesus) raised Lazarus. DID HE Go read John 11:41-42 where Jesus says that GOD is doing the work.
*John 13:16: He that is sent (Jesus) is not greater than He (God) that sent him
John 14:24: He who does not love me will not obey my teachings. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me
*Mathew 5:20: For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the scribes (teachers of the Law), you will certainly not enter the kingdom of Heaven

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

*Luke 18:18-19: (Jesus) Why call me Good?? ONLY GOD IS GOOD!

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

*Mathew 7:22-23: On the Day of Judgment, many shall say: Lord, Lord! Didnt we Cast out Demons and perform Miracles in thy name? And Jesus will answer to them: I NEVER knew you! Get away from me, you who practice lawlessness!

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

*Acts 2:22: Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a MAN attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourself also know
*Mathew 4:1-11: Satan Tempts Jesus and LIFTS him up and carries him from one place to the other. Can Satan TOUCH GOD if Jesus was God???
*Deutoronomy 4:39: The Lord is your God in Heaven and on earth, and there is no other but Him

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

Furthermore, Jesus himself says that He is NOT GOD! Look at the following verse:
*John 5:37 And the Father Himself, who sent ME, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice nor seen His form at any time

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

In simple words; if Jesus was God, and He was speaking to the Jews, that also means that they were seeing Him, then why does He say to them that they havent heard Gods voice or seen His form at any time? Quite simply because Jesus is NOT GOD!

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

And now, as for the trinity question, here is a direct solution that proves that the trinity does NOT exist.

Christians say that God and Jesus are One in a trinity, according to John 14:11: Believe me; I am in my Father, as the Father is in me
HOWEVER, people should read the following: John 17:21: And the glory which you gave Me I have given them, that they may be one as We are one
It is clear in this verse that God and Jesus are one, but that also the apostles are one with Jesus and God. If Jesus is God because he is inside God, then why shouldnt the apostles be Gods also, since all of them are inside Jesus as Jesus is inside God? If God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost were a trinity, then together with the apostles included in it they would not be a trinity, but a fifteen-ity!!!

BeholderGuard (4 days ago)

Furthermore, check out this killer-verse that disputes any claim that Jesus and God are ONE:

*Mark 13:32: But of that day and hour no-one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father

Now, my question is us such: IF JESUS AND GOD WERE ONE, WOULDNT JESUS KNOW TOO???


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 01:52:58 PM »
 PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

"You say that nowhere does it say what the Sheikh Quotes, yet later on in your SAME VIDEO you find the quote (lol)."

You seem to share your false prophet's illiteracy, or perhaps it's just a brain that broken by the spirit of antichrist. Perhaps a text version will help ground you. Simply copy and paste and remove the spaces from after the dots.

PeteWaldo  (3 days ago)

Your biggest error is not understanding the difference between when Jesus Christ was manifest as a man if the flesh, and then his role after He was crucified and resurrected, which applies to most of your comments. So while we are quoting scripture, what did Jesus say AFTER He was resurrected and in a glorified body?

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH.

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

You seem to be fond of quoting John. What else did John record?

1John 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; [and] HE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT LIFE.

1John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son [to be] the Saviour of the world. 15 Whosoever shall confess that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

1John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? HE IS ANTICHRIST, THAT DENIETH the Father and THE SON. 23 WHOSOEVER DENIETH THE SON, THE SAME HATH NOT THE FATHER...

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

What did God make you?


The result?

Jhn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIFE, BUT THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM.

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

"Christians say that God and Jesus are One in a trinity, according to John 14:11: Believe me; I am in my Father, as the Father is in me
HOWEVER, people should read the following: John 17:21: And the glory which you gave Me I have given them, that they may be one as We are one"

The body of Christ (Christians) is one body.

"It is clear in this verse that God and Jesus are one, but that also the apostles are one with Jesus and God."

That's right! John 10:30 I and [my] Father are one.
That is the neuter gender in the Koine Greek meaning of one essence.
Jesus is in His followers and His followers in Jesus, as Jesus is in God the Father.

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

"It is clear in this verse that God and Jesus are one, but that also the apostles are one with Jesus and God. If Jesus is God because he is inside God, then why shouldnt the apostles be Gods also, since all of them are inside Jesus as Jesus is inside God?"

We are! In fact we are God's temple, through the Spirit of God. 1Cr 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

" If God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost were a trinity, then together with the apostles included in it they would not be a trinity, but a fifteen-ity!!!"

You mean a jillion-ity! Since God is in all His people. But that isn't how God revealed Himself to us through His Word.
1Jo 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Even Muslims believe that God has a Spirit.
Sura 32:9 But HE fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something OF HIS SPIRIT. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!

Do you consider yourself a polytheist, believing in 2 Gods? God and His Spirit?

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

"Therefore, to sum up: No muslim is a muslim, UNLESS he believes in Jesus."

But Satan believes in Jesus too! Tragically Mohammed filled Muslims with complete resolve as to what NOT TO BELIEVE, while leaving a complete vacuum as to WHO WAS crucified. This, regarding the most important thing to believe about Jesus, and the whole subject of the Gospel. From when God first began to reveal Himself to us, unto this day, atonement of sin has come through shed blood.
Have you ever read the Gospel?

PeteWaldo  (3 days ago)

"As such, we are true believers as the Bible itself testifies for us."

But as you can see from just the Apostle John quoted below this is simply untrue. Indeed you must reject ALL of the New Testament prophets and apostles, and the whole essence of the new covenant Gospel, to follow Mohammed.

Mat 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 01:54:06 PM »
BeholderGuard (3 days ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
*I find it truly funny how you contradict yourself
*1st Epistle of JOHN Chapter 4, verses 1 and 2
Go re-read them, dogmatic 'preacher'
*And explain to us why the Bible has so many DIFFERENT VERSIONS
*'I and my father are one' is the classic stupid out-of-context verse that all missionaries quote, yet if they start reading from JOHN 5: 23 + they will see what the context is:

BeholderGuard (3 days ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
Oh and by the way, I don't think that Jesus was running around preaching with a Bible under his arm called:
'The Gospel ACCORDING to matthew/mark/Luke/John'
We muslims believe in the Gospel of JESUS HIMSELF, and that was the only true Gospel written by his TRUE Apostle Barnabas at the life and time of Jesus. Go ask your church WHY they banned it from the Bible in the year 325 CE at the council held in Nikea.....

BeholderGuard (3 days ago)

"Therefore, to sum up: No muslim is a muslim, UNLESS he believes in Jesus."

Yes! And even the BIBLE (though changed) testifies for us. Now go get a life

BeholderGuard (3 days ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
Matthew 23:9 (Jesus) Do not call ANYONE on earth your father, for we all have one Father, who is in Heaven
Mega-Refuted again


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 01:54:58 PM »
PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

"*'I and my father are one' is the classic stupid out-of-context verse that all missionaries quote, yet if they start reading from JOHN 5: 23 + they will see what the context is:

If that were the case the neuter gender would not have been used in the "one". That makes it mean of one essence.
Talk about out of context! You didn't even see the next verse. The Jews were going to stone Jesus for the blasphemy of declaring that He was one with God.

John 10:30 I and [my] Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

Where do you get all your nonsense? Deedat or some other Greek sophist styled liar? Why not read the Gospel some time?

PeteWaldo (3 days ago)

"....the only true Gospel written by his TRUE Apostle Barnabas...."

Then why would you quote from any Gospel but his?
Should we be surprised, then, that? the only Gospel a pagan rock god idol worshiper finds credible, is a proven 16th century Mohammedan fraud?
My advice is for you to at least Google nonsense like this before you present it to others. Try - gospel barnabas fraud - for example.
Pity's sakes. The Gospel of Barnabas even claims that Jesus said Mohammed is the Messiah, even citing Muhammad by name!

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

"Therefore, to sum up: No muslim is a muslim, UNLESS he believes in Jesus."
Yes! And even the BIBLE (though changed) testifies for us. Now go get a life "

But even you could see the foolishness in your nonsensical lie about the bible testifying for the false prophet Mohammed from just a few verses from the First Epistle of John that you spammed away to the next page.

But let me ask. I can understand it of a bunch of 7th century desert dwelling illiterates, but how is it that 21st century, literate men, still bow to the sole surviving pagan rock god idol in the Ka'aba, 5 times a day? Let alone travel to it so they can march around and around it, and even rub on it and kiss it, as Mohammed did?
Mat 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 01:55:33 PM »
friendofutube2009 (2 days ago)

"If that were the case the neuter gender would not have been used in the "one". That makes it mean of one essence."

The Greek word used for ONE is HEN or EN which is exactly the SAME both in John 17:21 (ONE with disciples) and John 10:30 (ONE with God). Neuter gender or not, the issue is if Jesus and God are ONE (HEN) in essence, then Jesus, God, 12 disciples are ONE (HEN) in essence too in John 17:21. How many gods then? FORTEE-NITY!

friendofutube2009 (2 days ago)

If Jesus is God or begotten Son of God or part of the Triune God,

(1) WHY did he wait for 30 years to start preaching when the world around him was awash with sin? Did he not come to pay for the scourge of the original sin? Why tarry?

(2) WHY are his two genealogies (Matthew 1:1 & Luke 3:23) do NOT mention God as his father but instead Joseph, the Carpenter?

(3) WHY did Jesus nor his brother James NOT preach the Trinity? Why is the ONLY biblical reference to the Trinity (1 John 5:7) NOT FOUND in the most ancient manuscript?


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 01:56:27 PM »
[disappeared then reconstructed from data base]

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

The Greek Word 1520 heis {hice} is used.
John 17:21 That they all may be one; AS thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

By AS He means like Jesus is in the Father and the Father in Jesus.
...for your goodness [is] as a morning cloud...
Does that mean goodness is a morning cloud?
Most importantly, if Jesus simply meant one in purpose as was suggested earlier, the Pharisees would have agreed they were one in purpose with God too.
So why did the Pharisees want to stone Jesus for blasphemy again?
John 10:30 I and [my] Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Jesus spoke the words above after He was crucified and resurrected. If Jesus isn't God how could He have ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND EARTH?

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

"1) WHY did he wait for 30 years to start preaching when the world around him was awash with sin? Did he not come to pay for the scourge of the original sin? Why tarry?"

What a foolish question. You act as though there was no solution to sin before Jesus Christ, but God's people had already been following Him for 1,500 years before Jesus Christ was made manifest.
And throughout God's revelation to mankind atonement for sin has always come through the shed blood of sacrifice. From when He had His chosen people build their first temple 3,000 years ago.

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

Or are you asking why didn't Jesus start preaching from the cradle, since Mohammed lifted an Arabic apocryphal fable that suggested Jesus spoke while He was still in the cradle, and so Mohammed put his own twisted version of the fable in his Quran?
Thank you for offering me an opportunity to introduce folks to the forum. What do Jesus speaking in the cradle and clay birds have in common?

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

"(2) WHY are his two genealogies (Matthew 1:1  Luke 3:23) do NOT mention God as his father but instead Joseph, the Carpenter?"

You seem as literacy challenged as your false prophet. Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (AS WAS SUPPOSED) the son of Joseph, which was [the son] of Heli,

For those ignorant to the truth, and to unregenerate persons who knew the truth but didn't believe it (such as yourself) it was SUPPOSED that Jesus was Joseph's son, because Joseph acted in the role of Jesus' surrogate father.
There are 234 verses in the Word of God that declare God the Father, and many or even most of them spoken by Jesus of His Father. You can review them at this link.
But even Mohammed taught that God impregnated the virgin Mary with Jesus.

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

"(3) WHY did Jesus nor his brother James NOT preach the Trinity? Why is the ONLY biblical reference to the Trinity (1 John 5:7) NOT FOUND in the most ancient manuscript?"

Your premise is false. Where do you guys get this stuff? From your lying Greek sophist styled deceiving entertainers like Ahmed Deedat? (see featured video)
Hundreds of verses mention that Jesus is the Son of God.
Hundreds more mention that God is Jesus Father
And hundreds more mention the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost.

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST:

Why don't you try reading the Gospel some time? Many unregnerate followers of the false prophet Mohammed have been saved by reading just a few verses.­_john.htm<

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

Now let me ask you something friendofutube2009. I can understand it of a bunch of 7th century desert dwelling illiterates, but how is it that 21st century, now literate men, still bow to the sole surviving pagan rock god idol in the Ka'aba, 5 times a day? Let alone travel to it so they can march around and around it, and even rub on it and kiss it, as Mohammed did?

Let alone pray the prayers of the heathen to it?
Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

PeteWaldo (2 days ago)

friendofutube2009 you asked why I chat with np here. It is because we EXCHANGE channel comments on EACH OTHERS channels. I posted my last comment on your channel, and find it is "pending approval". You are apparently one of those Mohammedan censoring cowards, who feels at liberty to post on others channels, while censoring the truth from his own channel. Are you going to post my question to you?


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 01:57:11 PM »
BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

The Shepherd Knows His Sheep
22 Now it was the feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon's porch. 24 Then the Jews surrounded him and said to Him, "How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly." 25 Jesus answered them, "I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me. 26 But you do not believe because you are not of my sheep. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. 30 I and My Father are one."

Purpose, people, purpose! ONE in PURPOSE!


BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

*Genesis 6:1-4: Sons of God took mens daughters as wives
*Exodus 4:22: God says: Israel is my Firstborn
*Jeremiah 31:9: God says: I am the Father of Israel and Efraim is my Firstborn
*Psalms 2:7: You are My Son. Today I have begotten you
*Romans 8:14: Truly, whoever are guided by the spirit of God, are also the sons of God
*Mathew 5:9: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God
*Mathew 5:45: And you shall become the children of your heavenly Father
*John 20:17: My Father and your Father; My God and your God

This proves to us that Jesus and all the rest are the children of God, but in a metaphoric way, NOT physical!


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 01:57:57 PM »
PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"This proves to us that? Jesus and all the rest are the children of God, but in a metaphoric way, NOT physical! "

Mohammedans believe God impregnated the virgin Mary with Jesus, unlike any other person in the history of the world, but then preposterously have to deny the unique relationship between Jesus and God. Isn't that peculiar?
Gal 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Indeed for a Mohammedan to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God would be to commit the most egregious and only unpardonable sin in Mohammed's 7th century antichrist religion.
1John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? HE IS ANTICHRIST, THAT DENIETH the Father and THE SON. 23 WHOSOEVER DENIETH THE SON, THE SAME HATH NOT THE FATHER

PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"Purpose, people, purpose! ONE in PURPOSE!"

Repeating something doesn't make it any less foolish than the last time you suggested it. The Pharisees believed theirs was one purpose with God's too.
So why did the Pharisees want to stone Jesus for blasphemy again, if He was only saying His purpose was one with God's?
John 10:30 I and [my] Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

Indeed why did the Jews tell Pilate crucify Him?
John 19:7 The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.

PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

That's right, I almost forgot that your gospel is the 16th century Mohammedan fraud of the Gospel of Barnabas.
You wrote
"....the only true Gospel written by his TRUE Apostle Barnabas...."
Quoting from your gospel
'Then said the priest: "How shall the Messiah be called?" {Jesus answered} "Muhammed is his blessed name" ' (ch. 97)[52]
Jesus confessed, and said the truth: "I am not the Messiah." (ch. 42:2)[53]
So for you, Jesus said He isn't the Messiah, but said that Muhammad is. Even calling Muhammad by name!
But should we be surprised, then, that the only gospel a pagan Ka'aba rock god idol worshiper finds credible, is a 16th century Mohammedan fraud?


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 01:58:06 PM »
 np33123  (1 day ago)

BUT YOU FORGET THE FACT PETREWALDO THAT , THE SO CALLED GOSPEL OF BARNABAS WHICH YOU CLAIM TO BE 16TH CENTURY MUSLIMS FRAUD WAS : ( The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. Iranaeus (130-200) wrote in support of pure monotheism and opposed Paul for injecting into Christianity doctrines of the pagan Roman religion ) and Platonic philosophy. He had quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas in support of his views. This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity.


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 01:58:32 PM »
PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E."

Just because some goofball website says something doesn't make something true ( from which you copy and pasted)
The INTERNAL EVIDENCE in the Gospel of Barnabas PROVES it could not have been dated earlier than 1585.
1. Absurdly it repeatedly mentions the name of Muhammad.
2. In Chapter 54, the Italian text mentions a denarius, which is made up of 60 minuti. These gold coins were used only in Spain under Khalif Abdul Malik (in 685 A.D.).
3. The Italian poet Dante lived about the time of the composition of the G.o.B. (1265-1321) and it is interesting to notice a number of quotations from Dante's works in the G.o.B.
etc. etc.

PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

So np are you agreeing that Jesus said that He was not the Messiah, but that Jesus said Mohammed was the Messiah, as the gospel of Barnabas teaches?
There are at least 32 reasons that that nonsensical alleged gospel is a 16th century Mohammedan forgery including citing the medium of exchange that didn't even exist until after Mohammed.
Please copy and paste the link below and remove the spaces from after the dots before you embarrass yourself further with this nonsense.


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 01:59:02 PM »
BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
Face it, you have been beaten at every twist and turn, and you throw nothing but a ft of anger and lies back at us.
I wonder what you have to say about the fact that there are 25,000 DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the Bible!
I myself have 9 Bibles, and they are ALL DIFFERENT!
1: Protestant Bible: 66 Books
2: Orthodox Bible: 79 books
3: Catholic Bible Between 73, 81, and 84 Books!
ROFL!!!! Word of God? WHICH ONE? :P

BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

ft = fit?

BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
Oh and by the way, you can find the Gospel of Barnabas in 3 places around the world:

1: The Vatican
2: Congress Library (Washington)
3: British Museum (London)


BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
RE: Petewaldo
The Quran talks about Bakkah (the older name of Makkah) being the first house of worship appointed for mankind. It also addresses this place as Mother of the Settlements.
The Bible also mentions about the valley of Baca in connection with the pilgrimage. Below is the quote from Psalms 84 (NIV):
1 How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2010, 02:00:03 PM »
PeteWaldo (22 hours ago)

"The Quran talks about Bakkah (the older name of Makkah) being the first house of worship appointed for mankind. It also addresses this place as Mother of the Settlements."

I agree that pagans were prostrating themselves to the 350 rock gods in the roofless Ka'aba before Mohammed, I think even doing the pilgrimage, but since Mecca didn't exist prior to the 3rd or 4th century AD, you can forget the alleged Abraham connection, besides the fact that there is no archaeological or historical evidence that suggests he was ever there.
"There is NO (absolutely NONE) historically documented or archeological evidence to prove Mecca's (or Baka or Macoroba, if muslims wish) existed before this time."

PeteWaldo (22 hours ago)

"Oh and by the way, you can find the Gospel of Barnabas in 3 places around the world:"

Which, of course, does nothing more than demonstrate that the 16th century Mohammedan forgery exists. Go ahead and believe that Jesus declared He is not the Messiah and that He claimed that Muhammad is the Messiah. It's you that will receive the eternal consequences of that decision.

PeteWaldo (22 hours ago)

"The Quran talks about Bakkah (the older name of Makkah) being the first house of worship appointed for mankind"

The Quran talks about lots of ridiculous stuff. Like Jesus talking in the cradle that Mohammed lifted from an Arabic apocryphal fable, or Jesus making birds out of clay from another fable. His ridiculous nonsense even suggested that Abraham had something to do with Mecca. Let alone that Mohammed had Abraham and Nimrod as contemporaries even though they didn't live within 700 years of each other.

PeteWaldo (21 hours ago)

BeholderGuard, why don't you log into the forum and bring the wealth of archaeological and historical information that proves that Mecca ever existed before the Christian era. Do a quick search online. You realize that if you cannot do that, then everything that you believe is proven to be the Mohammedan fraud that was, in fact, perpetrated by your false prophet Mohammed. I can understand how a bunch of 7th century desert dwelling illiterates could be fooled, but how does that explain 21st century, literate Muslims, in this information age?


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2010, 02:00:28 PM »
BeholderGuard (3 hours ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
You cannot convice anyone with your bunch of lies
Prophet Muhammad was iliterate, therefore it was impossible for him to have written the Glorious Qur'an
At every twist and turn, you throw a bunch of pathetic lies, and you haven't refuted ONE CLAIM.
I challenge you to follow the Bible to the letter. Are you up to the challenge?
If yes, answer with a simple 'yes' or 'no'
In both cases, you are trapped lol


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Re: beholder guard
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2010, 02:00:57 PM »
PeteWaldo (1 hour ago)

If it's me that's lying about Mecca not existing before the Christian era, then all you have to do is bring the wealth of historical and archaeological evidence that there must be, that testifies to this epicenter of Mohammed's religion, existing before that time.
If you can't then it is obvious who's lying. You were perfectly prophesied
2Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be ... FALSE ACCUSERS...

We know the liar is the one that follows the father of lies, Satan, through his prophet Mohammed. But it isn't me that made you a liar.

PeteWaldo (51 minutes ago)

I can understand why a bunch of 7th century illiterates would at least act as though they believed Mohammed's Ka'aba fables, particularly those adverse to gainful employment who preferred instead to join Mohammed in stealing the property, wives and children of others.
But how does that explain 21st century Muslims, believing Mecca preexisted the Christian era, in the ABSENCE of historical or geographical record, even still bowing to and circumambulating, the very same meteorite that the pagan Arabs bowed to before Mohammed - today - in this information age?
Indeed still praying vain repetitions of the heathen to it.
Mat 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

PeteWaldo (10 minutes ago)

" .... and you haven't refuted ONE CLAIM."
Of course I have, at every turn. And it is you that is repeating Mohammeds "pathetic lies".

You said "The Quran talks about Bakkah (the older name of Makkah) being the first house of worship appointed for mankind. It also addresses this place as Mother of the Settlements."

And I showed you that there is NO HISTORICAL OR ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that suggests that Mecca existed before the Christian era, EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE EPICENTER OF MOHAMMED'S RELIGION, allegedly since Abraham.
Now it is your turn to respond. That is, you are now under obligation to show us the geographical and historical record of this city having ever existing before the Christian era, as Mohammed - or any of his followers - preposterously suggest.


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Re: beholderGuard comments on Pete channel
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2010, 07:45:13 AM »
[disappeared and reconstructed from data base]

BeholderGuard (5 hours ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
LOL you deleted my Bible CHALLENGE TO YOU?

BeholderGuard (4 hours ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem


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Re: beholderGuard comments on Pete channel
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2010, 07:45:38 AM »
PeteWaldo (47 minutes ago)

"LOL you deleted my Bible CHALLENGE TO YOU?"

I don't delete anything, because Mohammedans provide a great opportunity for me to learn about Mohammed's goofy STAND-ALONE 7th century religion.
Your "challenge" resides just 4 posts down from the one in which you made your false accuastion. Do you see why I want to have a conversation in the forum? There we can have mutual accountability for false accusations like this one, of folks like you that share your false prophet's reading ability.

PeteWaldo (44 minutes ago)


I can only TRY to do so. As a human, still in the flesh, I will always be prone to sin. But the longer I have had a relationship with Jesus Christ, the easier and more naturally it has been, to avoid sin.

PeteWaldo (39 minutes ago)

So tell me. Why is there so much HISTORICAL and ARCHAEOLOGICAL evidence that confirms that cities like Qedar, Dedan and Teima were long established - ancient civilizations - but not a trace of such EVIDENCE that Mecca - the very epicenter of Mohammed's 7th century religion - ever existed prior to the first century?
Why are there artifacts in virtually every shovelful of dirt in the Holy Land? The epicenter of Judeo/Christianity. Because it IS the epicenter!
Yet for Mecca there is NO EVIDENCE, NO artifacts, NO historical record, nothing. Nada. That's because it didn't exist prior to the first century, my friend.

PeteWaldo (24 minutes ago)

"Prophet Muhammad was iliterate, therefore it was impossible for him to have written the Glorious Qur'an..."

You are only further proving your own illiteracy and abject ignorance to Islam and the life of your "prophet". He had a tri-lingual Jewish secretary, concubines and wives with Judaism and Christianity in their backgrounds, and he spent extensive hours visiting with his good friend Jabr, a former "Christian" Islamic convert. Because Mohammed was too mentally challenged to learn to read, doesn't mean he was deaf. Indeed so often did Mohammed come up with a "revelation" right after a visit with Jabr, that the local nickname for Jabr became "holy spirit". Mohammed even made a feeble attempt at damage control with another specially designed "revelation".
Sura 16.103 We know indeed that they say, "It is a man that teaches him." The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear.

PeteWaldo (3 minutes ago)

While Jabr was indeed a foreigner, it is obvious he knew the Arabic language due to the long hours Mohammed spent with him in conversation. Indeed even Mohammed's foolish claim "...while this is Arabic, pure and clear." is patently false, because there are at least a hundred words in the Quran that are not Arabic. The word "Injeel" for "Gospel", for example, is Syriac.


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Re: beholderGuard comments on Pete channel
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2010, 09:23:10 AM »
[disappeared then reconstructed from data base]

BeholderGuard (16 minutes ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
The Bible has a scientific test to identify a true believer. It is mentioned, in the Gospel of Mark 16: 17-18: There will be signs for true believers, and among the signs: In my name, they will cast out devils; they shall speak foreign tongues; they shall pick up serpents; and if they drink deadly poison, they shall not be harmed; and when they place their hands over the sick, they shall be cured.
This is a scientific test; a test to confirm a true believer. In scientific terminology, this is also a falsification test. That means, that if a false person tries to take this test (i.e. take poison), he will die. And, a false person will not dare attempt this test. If you are not a true Christian believer, you will not dare attempt this test; because if you try and attempt the falsification test, you will fail. So, a person who is not a true Christian believer will never attempt this test.

BeholderGuard (15 minutes ago)


BeholderGuard (15 minutes ago)



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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2010, 10:24:39 AM »
PeteWaldo (1 minute ago)

"The Bible also mentions about the valley of Baca in connection with the pilgrimage. Below is the quote from Psalms 84 ......... 6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools."

What pilgrimage? Why don't you try reading passages before following in the footsteps of your Greek sophist entertainer styled liars like Deedat, to see if the passages actually refer to Mohammedanism?
The very next verse - Psa 84:7 They go from strength to strength, [every one of them] IN ZION appeareth before God.

That is about pilgimage to ZION - JERUSALEM - THE HOLY LAND.
Mecca DIDN'T EVEN EXIST before the first century AD.

PeteWaldo (7 seconds ago)

If I am called by the Spirit to do those things then I guess I will. In the meantime I have been called to bring the truth of God to antichrists that follow the false prophet Mohammed's STAND-ALONE 7th century religion, to try to help save them from their apparent fate.

1Jo 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; [and] HE THAT? HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT LIFE.

1John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? HE IS ANTICHRIST, THAT DENIETH the Father and THE SON. 23 WHOSOEVER DENIETH THE SON, THE SAME HATH NOT THE FATHER...

Jhn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIFE, BUT THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM.

 PeteWaldo  (1 minute ago)


Who ridicules himself? More of your illiteracy shining through. The term "YE" does not mean yes.

PeteWaldo (4 seconds ago)

I uploaded a new web page to help you guys out with this Mecca/Ka'aba thing (though it is still raw and needs a bit of work).


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2010, 01:39:06 PM »
 BeholderGuard  (18 minutes ago)

Answer my test, and stop evading
By the way, anyone could miss a stroke on a keyboard. Stop evading the Bible test I have put forth to you.
Now go make a video of yourself performing these signs that Jesus said.


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2010, 01:39:54 PM »
PeteWaldo (2 minutes ago)

I did answer regarding "YOUR test". It's certainly not a test as described in the Word of God.
Here is a test, or at least what could be described as a measure

1John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? HE IS ANTICHRIST, THAT DENIETH the Father and THE SON. 23 WHOSOEVER DENIETH THE SON, THE SAME HATH NOT THE FATHER:

Now your turn. If you can't bring any archaeological or historical evidence, that Mecca ever existed before the first century, then Mohammedanism is exposed as being exactly what it is. Mohammed's STAND-ALONE 7th century religion. Check the new web page and please point out what you believe me to be in error on. Copy and paste and remove the spaces from after the dots.


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2010, 01:57:37 PM »
[disappeared then reconstructed from data base]

BeholderGuard (13 minutes ago)


BeholderGuard (9 minutes ago)

Keep deleting my comments.
I will put them back on to ridicule you more and more lol


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2010, 01:58:11 PM »
PeteWaldo (4 minutes ago)

I don't delete comments. I certainly wouldn't delete yours. They are too much fun!
I have noticed lately that when I try to copy and paste to your channel, or try to put a link or something like that into a channel comment, it appears to post, but then if I hit the refresh button, it is gone.

Try posting the same thing you did, and then as soon as it posts, hit your refresh button. Are you going to suggest that somehow I intervened within that second or two and deleted it?

PeteWaldo (1 minute ago)

Are you simply upset that you just saw Mohammedanism go up in smoke since I proved that it is purely a 7th century fiction of Mohammed, of which the supposed center - since Adam - has NO historical or archaeological record that it ever existed before the first century? That black rock that you bow to and pray your vain repetitions to five times a day, is the very same one the pagans did the same thing to. Have you gone to rub on it and kiss it too?

PeteWaldo (1 second ago)

No need to be embarrassed. You are in good company. Veneration of meteorites is as old as mankind itself.


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2010, 06:03:57 AM »
np33123 (1 day ago)

PeteWaldo who wrote the Qur'an Hubal ( The Moon god ) ? or Satan ? Why the Qur'an is so high then your Gospels ( In which are only stories which don't match to each one ) and in the Gospels don't have any scientific proofs , but in the Qur'an are to many ?


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2010, 06:04:21 AM »
BeholderGuard (21 hours ago)

The Qur'an puts to shame your 40 (or 43) writers of the Bible, who have created a book of fiction that is not compatible with science, and it is full of hate, porn, racism, and contradictions.
If you STILL INSIST that your book of authority (the Bible) is God's word, and if you STILL INSIST that Jesus is God (according to your belief), then you should go make a video of yourself casting out devils, speaking foreign tongues, picking up snakes, drinking poison, and healing the sick by touching them!!!!
And that is how a Christian can prove himself to be a true believer according to the Bible!!! According to the words of Jesus!!!! Reference: Mark 16:17-18


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Re: beholderGuard (and others) comments on Pete channel
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2010, 09:22:42 AM »