PeteWaldo (9 hours ago)
I already answered your questions np
"Why Makkah /Mecca was protected but not Jerusalem of so many destruction which happened there in Jerusalem?"
Mecca wasn't protected by God any more than terrorist suicide bombers and other Mohammedan murderers are today. Mohammed learned early on what an effective tool of persuasion murder is.
Regarding the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, it was destroyed because it was the beginning of the Christian era - one path to God - Jesus Christ. Jesus even prophesied it's destruction in perfect detail just as it happened.
Mark 13:2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
PeteWaldo (9 hours ago)
Incidentally, if you are talking about Mecca being protected from ANYTHING, any time before the 4th century AD, it is just another Mohammedan fable, because Mecca did not exist before the 4th century AD and the Kaaba did not exist until it was built in the early 5th century, after the black stone was brought
PeteWaldo (9 hours ago)
To my Christian friends, isn't that funny? The only historical or archaeological evidence Muslims bring, to show that Mecca was the center of Islam for the 1500 years before Mohammed, is a single 18th century author's misunderstanding of an early writer, who actually wrote about one of the many Kaabas in Arabia - that one being a temple close to Ilat in the Aqaba gulf area belonging to a tribe called Batmizomaneis. Even Mohammed's own tribe the Quraish went on pilgrimage twice a year, demonstrating the insignificance of the Kaaba in Mecca.
Please view the links in this video "more info" section for much more. (8 hours ago)
Here are the Arabian deities and worship that Gibbons describes in that same passage
".... of blind mythology of barbarians - of the local deities, of the stars, the air, and the earth, of their sex or titles, their attributes or subordination...."
Isn't that hilarious? Muslims only "proof" regards pilgrimage to worship the Arabian Star Worship family!
That's why Gibbons says "The genuine antiquity of Caaba..." instead of THE Caaba. Because there were lots of Kaabas and lots of black meteorites. Every time one would be discovered, they built a temple to their moon god around it, and worshiped their Star Family.
The moon god rock Muslims bow toward and circumambulate today, is just one, of the very same ones, that the pagans circumambulated before Mohammed, throughout Arabia. (7 hours ago)
"Ibn Abbas, the cousin of Mohammed, and one of the reporters of the tradition of Mohammed, called Hadith, speaks of two pilgrimages of the Quraish tribe. One of the journeys was to the city of Taif.[1]
At Taif there was also a temple called Kaabah of Ellat, or Kaabah of the Sun. This Kaabah was more significant and much older than the Kaabah of Mecca. All Arabs, including the tribe of Quraish from which Mohammed came, venerated this Kaabah. The Kaabah of Taif was identical to the Kaabah of Mecca, and it had the same religious functions." (7 hours ago)
Here's some really funny stuff that was alluded to in these comments by the Mohammedans.
Here Mohammed is supposed to be directly quoting the Jews.
"Surah 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary..."
Isn't that hilarious? The term "Christ" means "Messiah" or "the annointed one".
So if, as Mohammed quoted them, the Jews had recognized Jesus as their Messiah, why would they then kill Him?
Isn't that ridiculous?!