Author Topic: Re: PM chat with ayamen1 on Hagar, Abraham & Ishmael  (Read 5283 times)


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Re: PM chat with ayamen1 on Hagar, Abraham & Ishmael
« on: April 17, 2010, 06:33:11 AM »
Meanwhile, 5 days later (after this exchange), ayamen1 posts a video response on my PeteWaldo channel video
I replied figuring that he had stopped blocking me, but I am still blocked. I can't reply on the response video, PM him, or anything else. Can you imagine someone expecting a nonsensical video response to be posted, without allowing the person who's video he posted it on, to respond on that video?

His video response was

To which I had replied

"Are you aware that the location you show for Mt. Sinai is A THOUSAND MILES from where Mecca was eventually built?
And do you realize that there was no trade route connecting northern and southern Arabia along the Red Sea until about the 8th century BC?
And that there is ABSOLUTELY NO historical or archaeological record, of Mecca ever having existed, before the 4th century AD?"

His video showed locations in Israel, the northern Sinai and extreme northwestern Saudi Arabia from Christian sites, and then added a ridiculous distorted 3D style partial aerial photo of Arabia with labels stuck in it, and with no mileage scale or any other reference objects. (his video 6:46 mark) Gee, I wonder why?

And just look where his video photo of Arabia has Mt. Paran located! Down by where Mecca was eventually built!!! The graphic in his video moves a mountain well over a thousand miles!!!!
Mt. Paran is in extreme NW Arabia, in present day Jordan, a hundred kilometers NORTH, of where even his own video places Mt. Sinai - about half way along the Gulf of Aqaba!

Then he writes in his "more info" section:

[[[[This is a documentary about the search for the real paran . As Paran is very important location in the bible . It was mentiened many times in the bible . There are many prophecies about Paran in the bible .
The serch started to see the verses which talks about Paran . I noticed some versions of the bible deleting Paran and replacing it with Maon . Why ?
In this vidoe, we will see the biblical location of Paran and how confusing it is. However, Paran is one of the old names of Mecca.]]]]

As we see above, that preposterous claim would require Mecca, to be in present day Jordan!!!!

[[[[I serched for maps of Paran where they located in Sinai pinsuala or in Jordan .]]]]

Doesn't matter. BOTH are A THOUSAND HARSH DESERT MILES AWAY from Mecca.

[[[[[ There is no any archecological eviedance of Mount Sinai is in Sinai Eygpt . There is no archecological eviedance of exodus was in south sinai .
The recent archecological studies showed us Jabal al-Lawz in Saudia Arabia is the real mount of Moses where he received the commandments from God ..]]]]

As shown on the maps above. Still A THOUSAND MILES FROM MECCA.

[[[[ Therefore mount Sinai is in Saudia Arabia and the real Paran is in Saudia Arabia Exodus was across the red sea from Sinai to Saudia arabia . So Exdous was in Saudia arabia and Paran in Saudia arabia .
Numbers 13:26 (New International Version)

They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran. There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land.

Who lived in Paran?

Ishmael and his sons lived in Paran

Genesis 21:21 (New International Version)

While he was living in the Desert of Paran,

So What does Islam tell us about Paran and Abraham and his son Ishmael ?

You must see]]]]]

So then how did Abraham, Hagar or Ishmael wander across a thousand miles of unknown, uncharted, unpopulated desert, so many hundreds of years before the first caravan route was established along the Red Sea in Arabia?

How was Ishmael able to show up with his brother Isaac at Abraham's funeral in Hebron, well over a thousand miles away?


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Re: PM chat with ayamen1 on Hagar, Abraham & Ishmael
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 06:34:35 AM »
And then ayamen1 posts a video response on my brotherjw channel video

Yet he blocks me so I can't respond to the video, or send a PM or anything else. He apparently thinks I should simply post his nonsense on my video without response. Here is his response video

To which I replied before I discovered I was blocked

 "The historical record shows that the well of Zamzam did not exist before Mohammed's grandfather Abdel Mutaleb dug it. Nor is there A SINGLE SHRED of historical or archaeological evidence that suggests that Mecca ever existed before pagan immigrants from Yemen built it in the 4th century AD.

How did Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar travel from Israel - across a thousand miles of uninhabited, unexplored desert -many hundreds of years before the the first caravan route was established along the Red Sea?"

If someone else who is not blocked would like to copy and paste just this simple question into his video at the link above it would be interesting to see how he explains this.

Even his video explanation is hysterical. In the "more info" section he writes (designated [[[[[ ]]]]]] )

[[[[There were christians ( muslim haters) in the Youtube wants to disproof islam by saying there is no archecological evidance of the city of mecca before 4AD and saying Kabba was not built by Abrahim and Ishmail didnot live there.]]]]

When did it become "hate" to report the historical record, and the absolute ABSENCE of Mecca in it?

[[[[I have the proof from your own bible that Baca which is old name of Mecca was mentiened in your bible in Psalms 84:4-6)
We read in the Bible (Psalms 84:4-6) words referring to pilgrims who praise God in the Valley of Baca:

Blessed are those who dwell in your house.
They are ever praising you.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
Who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the valley of Baca,
They make it a spring.
The early rain also covers it with blessings]]]]

Why do you suppose that Muslims always leave off the very next verse? (caps mine)

Psalms 84:7 They go from strength to strength, [every one of them] IN ZION appeareth before God.

The journey described was TO ZION. That is JERUSALEM. The name of the easternmost hill. THE Holy Land. Zion is mentioned 154 times in the KJV.  Even though ayamen1 has been shown this over and over, he continues to peddle Islam's lies.

So that's what he cites as "archaeological evidence"?!!???
In fact there is NOT A SHRED of archaeological or historical evidence that Mecca existed before the 4th century AD, or that the Kaaba existed before the early 5th century AD when pagan immigrants from Yemen built it for Jinn worship, and Arabian Star Family worship.

[[[[The Qur'an talks about Bakkah (the older name of Makkah) being the location of the first house of worship appointed for humanity (Qur'an 3:96-97). Therefore Makkah goes back to Adam's time. But we do not have much information about that period.

Muslim pilgrims raise their voice as they chant together the following words over and over (called in Arabic talbeyah):

Here I come (for your service) O God. Here I come.
Here I come. There is no partner with You. Here I come.
Verily Yours is the Praise, the Blessing and Sovereignty.
There is no partner beside You. ]]]]
“Allah are them, I am here.”

On the third day, [of Hajj] the 9th of Du al-Hajj, pilgrims continue to the hill called Arafa. They all wear white, showing they are in a state of consecration, according to tradition. They stand in a plain near a mount called the “Jabal Al-Rahmah,” which means the “mountain of mercy,” and they cry in loud voices from afternoon until sunset “Labeik Allahumma Labeik.” Allahumma means “Allah, are them,” so their cry is translated, “Allah are them, I am here.”

"The same cry was spoken by Arabians before Manat. They said:

Allah are them, I am here. Without the prayerful who come early before you, people will fail and abandon you, but they will still come to you in one pilgrimage after another."

"We find that when the Hajj was transferred to Islam, it presented the same religious words. When they came to the hill dedicated to the worship of the moon, they cried “Allah Akber,” which means “Allah is greater.”   This is because the moon, who was Allah was viewed as head of the Star Family and was greater than the other members, Ellat, the sun, and Manat and al-'Uzza, two of the planets. The cry “Allah is greater” is not an Islamic cry but, rather, a pagan cry which the worshippers of the Star Family used to say. Pre-Islamic Arabian poetry often honored members of the Star Family by emphasizing Allah as the head of the Star Family by repeating the words “Allah Akber."  For example, Loas Bin Hagar, the Arabian poet of Jahiliyah, which was the pre-Islam period, said:

I swear by Ellat and al-Uzza and all who follow their faith, and in Allah, Allah is greater than they."


[[[[So Muslims make pilgramage to mecca , which has the well of Zamzam , we praises God in pilgramage ..

The above translation is the New International Version but the name Baca or Bakkah has been changed in some versions because they are still changing their book until this day! even you will not find this name at all as they replaced it with another name .

You must see ."]]]]

He has not yet, nor will ANY MUSLIM be able to explain how Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar traveled across A THOUSAND MILES of barren, unpopulated, unexplored desert, many hundreds of years before the first caravan route was established along the Red Sea in Arabia.


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Re: PM chat with ayamen1 on Hagar, Abraham & Ishmael
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2010, 06:55:07 AM »
Someone with a YouTube account please visit this video

And copy and paste this simple question (or write your own)

How did Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar wander from Israel, across a thousand miles of uninhabited, unexplored desert to Mecca, a thousand years before the the first caravan route was established along the Red Sea?


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Re: PM chat with ayamen1 on Hagar, Abraham & Ishmael
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2010, 09:33:13 AM »
My new YouTube ID hasn't been blocked yet.
I posted the following on ayamen1's video and it is "pending approval".

"If Paran is Mecca, how did Hagar and Ishmael wander across 1200 kilometers of - at that time - unpopulated, untraveled, unknown desert wasteland, the better part of a thousand years before the first caravan route was ever established along the Red Sea, only to arrive at, and stay in, one of the harshest desert environments that even Arabia has to offer?"
(full link )

I also posted this video as a video response


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Re: PM chat with ayamen1 on Hagar, Abraham & Ishmael
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2010, 09:45:37 AM »
I was actually able to post on the earlier video mentioned with my PeteWaldo (maybe unblocked) and my new ID. Maybe channel blocking doesn't effect video comments on open videos.
I copy and pasted comments below

"Didn't you even listen to your own video? Listen to it again around the :27 mark.
84:7 They go from strength to strength, [every one of them] IN ZION appeareth before God.

Zion is mentioned 153 times in God's Word because it is the name of the easternmost hill of ancient Jerusalem.
Thus we see this passage describing a journey to ZION - to Jerusalem - to THE HOLY LAND, Baca simply being a stop along the way.
brotherpete. com/index. php?topic=1236.0 "
5 seconds ago

And then this comment

"Besides the obvious scriptural reference to ZION, how can the pilgrimage referenced in the OT be about Mecca when there is NOT A SHRED of EVIDENCE that suggests that Mecca ever existed before the 4th century AD?
How could anybody have traveled the 1200 kilometers from Jerusalem to Mecca, the better part of a thousand years before the first caravan route was established along the Red? Sea in Arabia?
25 seconds ago

I also added the "History of Mecca" video as a video response "

Then I added this additional message

"Besides the obvious scriptural reference to ZION, how can the pilgrimage referenced in the OT be about Mecca when there is NOT A SHRED of EVIDENCE that suggests that Mecca ever existed before the 4th century AD?
How could anybody have traveled the 1200 kilometers from Jerusalem to Mecca, the better part of a thousand years before the first caravan route was established along the Red? Sea in Arabia? "
25 seconds ago

They were all removed this same day.
How is it that Muslims can't seem to understand just why it is that Islam cannot stand the light of truth?