In case you're unfamiliar with The Two Babylons, it is a very authoritative work.
"The Two Babylons - Part III
The Bible is the tale of two cities. One is the heavenly Jerusalem -- God incarnate in His glorified elect, reigning through eternity over a kingdom of the "saved". The other is earthly Jerusalem "which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified". Here Satan, incarnate in the Roman pope, will rule a New World Order through the time of "Jacob's trouble" to the consummation (Revelation 11:8; Jeremiah 30; Daniel 9:26-27).
Some imagine the Roman Catholic church has been corrupted only recently but she was never Christian, committing adultery with the pagan Trinity against God's Word she claims as her Husband when she married the State at the First Nicea Council of AD325. The Catholic, New Catholic, indeed all encyclopedias declare that the Trinity doctrine and baptism in three Titles were not introduced into Christian circles until centuries after the death of the first apostles."
We'll get into the "authoritative" nature of this article - through scripture, and Anthony Grigor-Scott and "Bible Believers" after you finish defending the earlier replies, to your first link.