Author Topic: Arabs are Decendents of Ishmael (split off "Joke of Century" retitled by Pete)  (Read 32132 times)


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Re: We Arabs are Decendents of Ishmael (split off and retitled by Pete)
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2011, 10:30:07 AM »
Then answer me this. How did Ishmael make it to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father's burial?

Gen 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which [is] before Mamre;

How did he do the 1200 kilometers in a couple days, before anybody else ever did? A flying camel?

Now look at the map again and you will see that the Bible paints a perfectly reasonable picture, that is also supported by archaeology and geography.

All you've been fed is lies by Mohammed's 7th century so-called "tradition" creators. Writing thousands of years of history of Mecca without a single reference to any actual historical or archaeological record that preceded the 4th century AD.

More on Mohammed's genealogy.

Flying Camal ? No An Beautiful Angel .

If you are going to try to say that Ishmael rode on an angel from Mecca to Hebron you are going to have to cite me some sources from witnesses, and not a bunch of hogwash that was written 2,500 years after Ishmael.
Where did you learn that Ishmael rode on an angel?

The one that your God Rides accordin  to the bibel . Or By Satan who took Christ to up to the mountian or may be becasue God accroding to the bible is able to do anything . So he did help Him Because according to the bible God named him Ishmael and in another verses it was Ibrahim .

You are the one who is fed by lies , look to your dark age , look to the funny thigns that your books has to offer . like Sex,incest, killing the sons of sinner , Following the Joke of Paul The Serpent .

Mohamed PEACE BE UPON HIM enlighted the world , he encorughed to search and discover , but your christianity look to it as infidilty , Your books was add by many peopel , in old time and new times , Your book tell the story the Fake Cross that is taken from the pagan .

The Old Testament is THE ONLY RECORD we have of Abraham's times. PERIOD. Yet you choose to REJECT THAT RECORD because a bunch of semi-literate 7th century SW Arabian desert dwellers CREATED PURE FICTION regarding events of 2500 YEARS EARLIER!!!! It's impossible for Tabari, Ishak and the rest of those clowns that followed Mohammed to have known anything about what happened thousands of years before.

Now click on this web search archaeological evidence confirms bible accuracy

The Gospel is the same as it was in the 1st century as it was in mohammed's 7th century when he said

Sura 5:47 Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein.

When Mohammed said that the bible had been translated into every popular language, had been copied tens of thousands of times and had been read all over the know world for centuries. The same Gospel we have today.
So are you saying that Mohammed was stupid for saying that and you are so smart for claiming corruption?

Here's a video by a former atheist that thought about the bible the way you do.

So instead of an answer, you instead turn to blasphemy against YHWH and His Word.
But blaspheming YHWH will never make Mohammed's ridiculous stand-alone 7th century religion any more true, than it will move Mecca even ONE INCH closer to Jerusalem. Now ANSWER THE QUESTION THIS TIME.

How did Ishmael travel 1200 miles to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father Abraham's burial?

As i remember is used the Quote from the bible not form the Haith Nor the Holy Quran . if you could not see it i will bring it to you . Read what is in blue[/color]:

Gen 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which [is] before Mamre

You always speak about eye wittness , and quoting from the bible .

Are you not even aware that Christians, Jews AND MUSLIMS visit the place where Abraham was buried near Hebron? 1200 kilometers away from Mecca?

Hahahaha . I did not says that he is burid in Mecca , what i said he came and built mecca , .........

Yet the ONLY reason you believe that is because a bunch of semi-literate southwest Arabian desert dwellers said Abraham built Mecca, and they said it 2500 years after Abraham was alive.
Do you understand how ridiculous it is for someone to believe something so preposterous and without even a shred of historical or archaeological evidence to back it up?

........ you sick boy do not change what said.

Are you as illiterate as Mohammed? The question that you keep avoiding is...

How did Ishmael wander 1200 kilometers from Mecca to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father Abraham's burial?

And the only record you believe in from gospols that written yaers after jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM was raised to heaven . Saul never saw jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM when he was on earth and yet he claims all this lies of him being a messanger of god.

historical or archaeological ?you do not have any Archaelogcical that proves that there was something called temple of Sololm , only in jews myths and christiany , prove to  me that he build it , prove to me that Ibrahim was there , prove it to me  you ca not prove .

We understand you have to reject ALL of the prophets and witnesses of God's Word to follow Mohammed and must reject all of the physical and historical evidence like the temple mount and the scriptures.

However now you even break with your own false prophet who, through his buffoonery made a claim that he rode a flying donkey-mule to the temple, without even realizing that the temple had been torn down over 500 years before he claimed to have tied his flying donkey-mule up to it!

Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0309:
It is narrated on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I was brought al-Buraq Who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of vision. I mounted it and came to the Temple (Bait Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets.

Isn't it funny that a magic flying donkey-mule would need to be tethered in the first place?
But you still didn't answer the question. You now agree that Abraham was from Hebron, near Jerusalem where Muslims visit his grave site.

So how did Abraham, his wife Sarah's bondwoman Hagar, and her son Ishmael, travel 1200 kilometers across unknown, uncharted, untraveled desert, from Jerusalem to Mecca, 800 years before the first caravan ever made the trip, and did it on a single skin of water?

How did Abraham make the 1200 kilometer trip back home without even that single waterskin?

How did Abraham make it back down to help Ishmael build the Kaaba?

What were Abraham's WIFE Sarah and Isaac doing in Hebron, while Abraham was in Mecca with Sarah's slave Hagar?

How did Hagar travel the 1200 kilometers up to Egypt and back when she fetched Ishmael's wife?

How did Ishmael travel 1200 miles from Mecca to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father Abraham's burial?

On flying donkey-mules?

If you try to dodge these questions again I am going to give you a time out to think about and research the answers to the questions. If and when you return it will still be your first and only assignment.

Do not bring a story from the bible that says , beucase also i can  bring form the HOLY QURAN THE ONLY WORD OF GOD THAT HAS NOT CHANGED AND WILL NEVER CHNAGE .

Indeed it's just as big a mess as Mohammed and his co-authors left it in.

But Mohammed said I come from a blood clo ? Indeed Mohamed PEACE BE UPON HIM  was from blood clot , but i was not saying it to say he was not . But you misunderstood why i post it . if you read your repleys you  will you about banning me like i fear you , so i was telling i fear Non but God , on you and by the way why did you delet my post  huh i will post them agian .

No posts have been deleted. If you posted gratuitous blasphemy, or proof texted unrelated verses from the Old Testament, particularly without a genuine interest in understanding, it was moved here.

We muslim do not regect any prophet PEACE BE UPON THEM ALL  , i am going to create topic about it.

You not only reject them all, just as your false prophet Muhammad did who even proclaimed his "holy" day to be on Friday, but you have blasphemed YHWH's record and His witnesses in post after post. And all to follow A SINGLE man's STAND-ALONE 7th century cult. A self-proclaimed and self-serving "prophet" with no fulfilled prophecy, that never performed a single miracle, that not one WITNESS ever heard his alter-ego "Allah" or Gabriel give a single "revelation" to.

Yet you suffer under such strong delusion that you actually declared the pure blasphemy that "Abrahm , Jesus , Moso" were the witnesses of Mohammed riding on his flying donkey-mule.

First there is no histoical evidance that Abrahm did not go Mecca ........

First Mecca did not even exist until thousands of years after Abraham.
Secondly the question raised here is the PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY - specifically the 1200 kilometers between Abraham's home in Hebron and Mecca.

....... as long as you can not dissprove it , .......

Here Mecca is supposed to have been the HISTORICAL EPICENTER of Mohammed's religion allegedly since Adam, yet there is not a trace of historical or archaeological evidence attesting that it ever existed prior to the Christian era, and the best you can do is to pose the classic false substitute for a response of argumentum ad ignorantiam, or "argument from ignorance".
Even argumentum ad ignorantiam won't fly in this case because the scriptural record supported by the archaeological evidence doesn't allow it. In other words, since we know where Abraham WAS, we can know where he WASN'T, and that is specifically 1200 kilometers across harsh unexplored untraveled Arabian desert from where he WAS. In a town that wasn't settled until a couple thousand years after Abraham lived.

....... it make no sense .

As we can clearly see from all the EVIDENCE Mohammedanism is the only thing not making sense.


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According to hisotian Mecca exist before that time of christian Pagan Era :

Edward Gibbon writes about the Ka'bah and its existence before the Christian era in his book:

    ..... of blind mythology of barbarians - of the local deities, of the stars, the air, and the earth, of their sex or titles, their attributes or subordination. Each tribe, each family, each independent warrier, created and changed the rites and the object of this fantastic worship; but the nation, in every age, has bowed to the religion as well as to the language of Mecca. The genuine antiquity of
 Caaba ascends beyond the Christian era: in describing the coast of the Red sea the Greek historian Diodorus has remarked, between the Thamudites and the Sabeans, a famous temple, whose superior sanctity was revered by all the Arabians; the linen of silken veil, which is annually renewed by the Turkish emperor, was first offered by the Homerites, who reigned seven hundred years before the time of Mohammad.

Which of course only takes us back to the beginning of the Christian era - or over 1500 years after Abraham lived.
18th century English author Edward Gibbon's misunderstanding is covered in the thread at the following link.

Diodorus Siculus was a Greek historian of 1st century BC who wrote Bibliotheca Historica, a book describing various parts of the discovered world. The following lines are the English translation of Greek quoted by Gibbon from the book of Diodorus Siculus (Diodorus of Sicily) describing the 'temple' considered to be the the holiest in the whole of Arabia.

    And a temple has been set-up there, which is very holy and exceedingly revered by all Arabians.[2]

It is interesting to know that Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, mathematician and astronomer, flourishing about a century after Pliny, undertook to make an atlas of the habitable world. He was not a descriptive geographer, and his book was intended to be no more than a commentary on his maps. He enumerated some hundred and fourteen cities or villages in Arabia Felix.

Which is of course southern Arabia and Yemen. Spices were grown there and transported by ship up into the fertile crescent, because no overland route along the Red Sea was established until around the 6th century BC, or almost a thousand years after Abraham lived. Wells had to be dug and towns established along the way in order to accommodate the eventual caravans. The historical record suggests that Mecca was one of the last such towns established along this historically and archaeologically well documented trade route.

For example, Dumaetha, placed by Ptolemy just outside the northern boundary of Arabia Felix, must be the mediaeval Arabian Daumet, which is today the chief village of the great oasis of Jauf. Hejr, famous in the "times of ignorance" ........

As we have learned repeatedly in this forum, the "times of ignorance" for Mohammed's followers BEGAN with Mohammed rather than ended with him. Today that ignorance, among any but Mohammed's 3rd world followers, is inexcusably self-imposed.

........ as the seat of a kingdom, and now Medayin Salih, ........

Which of course has nothing whatsoever to do with Mecca, but it seems to have everything to do with where the Qibla of the oldest mosques point to, according to the compass roses provided by the ISLAMIC SITE "Islamic-Awareness".
Visit this link for an eyeful on Medayin Salih

Even Mohammed's tribe the Quraish continued to go on a summer and winter pilgrimages long after Mohammed invented his 7th century religion. His jealousy finally resulted in another "revelation" that put an end to the pilgrimages.

Quran 106:1 For the covenants by the Quraish, 2 Their covenants journeys by winter and summer,- 3 Let them adore the Lord of this House,

........ is Ptolemy's Egra. His Thaim is Teima, now known for its inscriptions to have had temples and some sort of civilization as far back as 500 BC.

Which, of course, helps make my point since this is still nearly A THOUSAND YEARS AFTER Abraham lived.

It is the Tema of Job. In Lathrippa, placed inland from Iambia (Yambo), we recognize the Iathrippa of Stephan of Byzantium, the Yathrib of the early Arab traditions, now honoured as El Medina, the City of Cities.

Apart from this a place called Macoraba is also shown which is identified as Mecca (please refer to the map facing page 17 of reference . G E von Grunebaum says:

    Mecca is mentioned by Ptolemy,.......

Which is false. This nonsense comes from "In the Encyclopedia of Islam Wensinck identifies Mecca with a place called Macoraba mentioned by Ptolemy. His text is believed to date from the second century AD."
However Macoraba was not only an interior settlement of Arabia, but it was a relatively new settlement at the time that Ptolemy wrote about it, so even if it had been Mecca that would only reinforce the fact that Mecca was new to the scene during the Christian era.
Ptolemy placed the city of Macoraba at 73 20 longitude which means about three and a third degrees east of Yathrib.


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........ and the name he gives it allows us to identify it as a South Arabian foundation created around a sanctuary.

You can belive that God has beggton sun , or he became a man , but still you can not belive that , God can not Help his prophet PEACE UPON HIM to Mecca, according to you , you said the IShmael was thrown out , .....

It's not about what I say.

Gen 21:10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, [even] with Isaac.

Gen 21:14 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave [it] unto Hagar, putting [it] on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.

God's covenant was specifically with ISAAC and specifically NOT with ISHMAEL.

Gen 17:21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

...... who can he come back when he buried his father .........

That was up to Ishmael, not Abraham. After all Abraham was his biological father. The only father Ishmael knew.


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........ with his beloved brother  PEACE BE UPON THEM .

"Further, the skin of water was not for the whole journey, ........

So how did they fill the skin since wells weren't going to be dug, or towns established around them, until almost a thousand years after their preposterously alleged 1200 kilometer trip - before the first caravan ever made the journey.

........ but it is what Hagar was left with at the conclusion of the initial journey, when Abraham (as) left her and she then found the well of Zam Zam."masooma

Since you failed altogether to respond to the questions I'll give you a couple weeks off to come up with some answers. When you return you will be expected to provide answers to the questions or you will get another couple weeks off.

Did you really believe that Muslims trying desperately to create a history of Mecca by misconstruing the writings of a couple authors, let alone citing the misunderstanding of an 18th century English author, that himself admitted "I am ignorant, and I am careless, of the blind mythology of the Barbarians: of the local deities, of the
stars, the air, and the earth, of their sex or titles, their attributes or subordination.", would somehow magically create thousands of years of historical and archaeological evidence of a pre-Christian era Mecca?

Much less move Mecca even one inch closer than the 1200 kilometers it lies from Jerusalem?


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I consolidated the questions for your reply on your return.

Mike S

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Re: We Arabs are Decendents of Ishmael (split off and retitled by Pete)
« Reply #56 on: January 19, 2011, 11:38:13 AM »
Then answer me this. How did Ishmael make it to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father's burial?

Gen 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which [is] before Mamre;

How did he do the 1200 kilometers in a couple days, before anybody else ever did? A flying camel?

Now look at the map again and you will see that the Bible paints a perfectly reasonable picture, that is also supported by archaeology and geography.

All you've been fed is lies by Mohammed's 7th century so-called "tradition" creators. Writing thousands of years of history of Mecca without a single reference to any actual historical or archaeological record that preceded the 4th century AD.

More on Mohammed's genealogy.

Flying Camal ? No An Beautiful Angel .

If you are going to try to say that Ishmael rode on an angel from Mecca to Hebron you are going to have to cite me some sources from witnesses, and not a bunch of hogwash that was written 2,500 years after Ishmael.
Where did you learn that Ishmael rode on an angel?

The one that your God Rides accordin  to the bibel . Or By Satan who took Christ to up to the mountian or may be becasue God accroding to the bible is able to do anything . So he did help Him Because according to the bible God named him Ishmael and in another verses it was Ibrahim .

You are the one who is fed by lies , look to your dark age , look to the funny thigns that your books has to offer . like Sex,incest, killing the sons of sinner , Following the Joke of Paul The Serpent .

Mohamed PEACE BE UPON HIM enlighted the world , he encorughed to search and discover , but your christianity look to it as infidilty , Your books was add by many peopel , in old time and new times , Your book tell the story the Fake Cross that is taken from the pagan .

The Old Testament is THE ONLY RECORD we have of Abraham's times. PERIOD. Yet you choose to REJECT THAT RECORD because a bunch of semi-literate 7th century SW Arabian desert dwellers CREATED PURE FICTION regarding events of 2500 YEARS EARLIER!!!! It's impossible for Tabari, Ishak and the rest of those clowns that followed Mohammed to have known anything about what happened thousands of years before.

Now click on this web search archaeological evidence confirms bible accuracy

The Gospel is the same as it was in the 1st century as it was in mohammed's 7th century when he said

Sura 5:47 Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein.

When Mohammed said that the bible had been translated into every popular language, had been copied tens of thousands of times and had been read all over the know world for centuries. The same Gospel we have today.
So are you saying that Mohammed was stupid for saying that and you are so smart for claiming corruption?

Here's a video by a former atheist that thought about the bible the way you do.

So instead of an answer, you instead turn to blasphemy against YHWH and His Word.
But blaspheming YHWH will never make Mohammed's ridiculous stand-alone 7th century religion any more true, than it will move Mecca even ONE INCH closer to Jerusalem. Now ANSWER THE QUESTION THIS TIME.

How did Ishmael travel 1200 miles to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father Abraham's burial?

As i remember is used the Quote from the bible not form the Haith Nor the Holy Quran . if you could not see it i will bring it to you . Read what is in blue[/color]:

Gen 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which [is] before Mamre

You always speak about eye wittness , and quoting from the bible .

Are you not even aware that Christians, Jews AND MUSLIMS visit the place where Abraham was buried near Hebron? 1200 kilometers away from Mecca?

Hahahaha . I did not says that he is burid in Mecca , what i said he came and built mecca , .........

Yet the ONLY reason you believe that is because a bunch of semi-literate southwest Arabian desert dwellers said Abraham built Mecca, and they said it 2500 years after Abraham was alive.
Do you understand how ridiculous it is for someone to believe something so preposterous and without even a shred of historical or archaeological evidence to back it up?

........ you sick boy do not change what said.

Are you as illiterate as Mohammed? The question that you keep avoiding is...

How did Ishmael travel 1200 miles from Mecca to Hebron in time to join Isaac at their father Abraham's burial?

And the only record you believe in from gospols that written yaers after jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM was raised to heaven . Saul never saw jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM when he was on earth and yet he claims all this lies of him being a messanger of god.

historical or archaeological ?you do not have any Archaelogcical that proves that there was something called temple of Sololm , only in jews myths and christiany , prove to  me that he build it , prove to me that Ibrahim was there , prove it to me  you ca not prove . Do not bring a story from the bible that says , beucase also i can  bring form the HOLY QURAN THE ONLY WORD OF GOD THAT HAS NOT CHANGED AND WILL NEVER CHNAGE .

But Mohammed said I come from a blood clo ? Indeed Mohamed PEACE BE UPON HIM  was from blood clot , but i was not saying it to say he was not . But you misunderstood why i post it . if you read your repleys you  will you about banning me like i fear you , so i was telling i fear Non but God , on you and by the way why did you delet my post  huh i will post them agian .

Here you go:

A National Geographic article:

Solomon's Temple Artifacts found by Muslim Workers

Another article at The Underground website:

Archaeology Team Discovers Parts of Solomon's Temple

Another website :

Arcaeological Evidence for Solomon's Temple in a Newly Discovered 9th Century BC Stone Tablet

and another:

Dutch Archaeologist recounts discovery of Solomon's Temple

still another:

The Historicity of Solomon's Temple

As far as which Holy Book changed, There's over 100 abrogated verses in the Qur'an, with the abrogating verse stating exactly the opposite of the abrogated verse.  

On the Bible: There are over 5000 pieces of manuscripts covering the New Testament alone, some of which date back to the 2st Century. Every single one of those manuscripts are the same as today's Bible (in the Greek, of course)

These manuscripts can be found in the great universities and museums throughout the world.
The Dead Sea Scrolls date back  to the prophet Isaiah's time, and contain passages that prophesy the coming Messiah. The text is in agreement with the Bibles we have today.

In the numerous translations and versions, there are minor differences, and even some translational and transcriptural errors, but none of them change any doctrine when compared to the earliest manuscripts we have.

This are not histoicall evidance , most of them are just talk

When you say "most of them is just talk", that leaves the rest as actual discoveries that are evidence that Solomon's Temple was located on the site. More evidence than has been offered for the existence of Mecca before the 4th century.