Author Topic: Revelation according to the "Bible Student" "movement"  (Read 2486 times)


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Revelation according to the "Bible Student" "movement"
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:23:11 AM »
A member recently PM'd me with an extensive PM (regarding a thread he started but hadn't revisited for well over 2 years):

It would seem he may have spent those 2 years getting his brain washed.

Lately I have found that before wading through such, it's best to begin with an overview on the source, by copy and pasting a chunk of text to find out who put it together.
A chunk of text like.....

"Since 1799 Papacy has been unable
to control the rapid rise of religious truth-seeking and
investigation. In terms of the Elijah picture"

.....and pasting it into Bing quickly netted verbatim passages at "Winnipeg Bible Students" and "Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio".

The sites don't appear to tout any denominational affiliation but a little poking around yielded:

"The Bible Student movement is the name adopted by a Millennialist[1] Restorationist Christian movement that emerged from the teachings and ministry of Charles Taze Russell, also known as Pastor Russell. Members of the movement have variously referred to themselves as Bible Students,"


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Re: Revelation according to the "Bible Student" "movement"
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 06:45:22 AM »
Later discovering this jackpot containing the same verbatim text, with the site being a little more honest about affiliation:

"Sickle of Truth"

A quick glance:  "The term Bible Students was widely recognized at the turn of the century. It is thought by some that after the death of Pastor Charles T. Russell in 1916, the Bible Students became Jehovah’s Witnesses. THIS IS  INCORRECT.
Bible Students are still the same today, and they are NOT Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Pastor Russell was not the founder of the sect called Jehovah’s Witnesses. He was never known as
one, and he never used the name. The Jehovah’s Witnesses did not even come into existence until
the early 1930’s, years after Pastor Russell died.
The Bible Student movement started in the 1800’s, emerging when the age of enlightenment
challenged Christianity."


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Re: Revelation according to the "Bible Student" "movement"
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 07:05:57 AM »
Here's a real gem:

"The beast, in this instance, appears to be the most entrenched of religious systems, the Church of Rome* -- "Babylon the Great, the MOTHER of harlots." (Revelation 17:5) Because she is called a mother, it is manifest that she has harlot daughters. These daughters apparently combine their influence at the end of the age to be collectively called, "The False Prophet.""

Sure. So let's ignore the specifically counter-Gospel, antichrist, anti-religion of THE false prophet Muhammad, and 1400 years of Islamic conquest, persecution and slaughter of our Christian brethren, and see if we can stick the labels of "the beast" and "THE false prophet" on the church instead!

Yet the very same people are the ones that are out there running around pointing the finger at others and proclaiming they are going to hell!