Author Topic: Muhammad burned people alive for nothing more than not showing up for prayers  (Read 2223 times)


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    • False Prophet Muhammad
Burning people alive as punishment couldn't be more Islamic. Muhammad burned people alive for nothing more than not showing up for compulsory prayer.

Bukhari Book #41, Hadith #602: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "No doubt, I intended to order somebody to pronounce the Iqama of the (compulsory congregational) prayer and then I would go to the houses of those who do not attend the prayer and burn their houses over them."

Muslim Book #004, Hadith #1373: 'Abdullah reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying about people who are absent from Jumu'a prayer: I intend that I should command a person to lead people in prayer, and then burn those persons who absent themselves from Jumu'a prayer in their houses.

Bukhari Book #11, Hadith #626: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the 'Isha' prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to crawl." The Prophet added, "Certainly I decided to order the Mu'adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.

Makes the decree by this Somali Islamic court official seem almost humane by comparison:

AP - December 06, 2006 MOGADISHU, Somalia - "Residents of a southern Somalia town who do not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an Islamic courts official said Wednesday, adding the edict will be implemented in three days."


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    • False Prophet Muhammad
"In December 627 Muhammad led an attack against the Al-Mustalaq tribe. Because that tribe fought back, Muhammad ordered their fortifications to be set on fire, even though the Muslims knew there were women and children inside."
".....ordered a fire to be kindled with much firewood in the prayer yard (musalla) of Medina and threw him, with arms and legs bound, into it."
"…kill them by every means, by fire or whatever else."
"Kill their wounded, seek out those of them who flee, put the captives among them to the sword and strike terror among them by killing and burn them by fire.  And I warn you against contradicting my orders. Peace (be upon you)."

Much, much more: