Haven't commented on YouTube in most of a decade, but was attracted back for a little posting recently, by this ExMuslim I had posted on back in 09. But as one video finishes, another starts, which pulled me down the road to comment on a few others. YouTube offers a great opportunity for us to help Muhammad's followers see the truth. Today there is a very large group of outspoken exMuxlimx, unlike back in 08 or 09.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR7_YQ53lfIHallelujah my friend and now brother in Christ Jesus! Praise the Lord for opening your eyes to the truth. You may not remember me but I commented on your videos around 8 years ago, at which time I was terribly saddened by the ugly turn your life had taken by being deceived by Satan's messenger Muhammad. How wonderful that you have overcome him and his cult! I had posted as both PeteWaldo and IslamExplored usernames. Since that time I have published a couple more websites including
http://www.falseprophetmuhammad.com/#muhammad_on_the_gospel and
http://www.historyofmecca.com/ Are you aware that there is not a shred of historical or archaeological evidence that suggests Mecca ever existed before the Quraish pagan's initially settled the area in around the 4th century AD and built their Kaaba in the 6th century for pagan Arabian moon, sun, star and jinn-devil worship? Basically the same rituals Muhammadans practice today! I would like to invite you to the Islam-Christian forum (as I also did back then), and tell you we would be thrilled to have you join us for Christian fellowship, brother.
http://www.islamchristianforum.com/index.php May the Good Lord continue to richly bless you, Sincerely, Your brother in Christ Jesus, Pete Waldo
Discussion on his channel.
https://www.youtube.com/user/Converted2Islam/discussionHello brother. I wondered if you have had a chance to investigate Muhammad and Islam in Bible prophecy? A good place to begin is with a hermeneutically sound approach to understanding the "beast" of Revelation 13:
http://www.beholdthebeast.com/the_beast.htm As is confirmed mathematically:
http://www.beholdthebeast.com/mathematical_precision_of_prophecy.htm To see the whole thing in a brick by brick empirical argument in the free book The False Prophet:
http://www.beholdthebeast.com/contents_tfp.htm While recognizing that this study is within the TRADITIONAL historicist, or continuous historic approach through which all Jews and Christians understand Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled, that available evidence suggests was also the approach of the church for its first 1800 years, as well as those great men of God of the Reformation:
a reply to BeholderGuard's comment
BeholderGuard, you seem to be concerned about "Those who disbelieve, theirs will be an awful doom....." even as you DISbelieve the whole subject of the Gospel, and reject and blaspheme the Son of God, while denying all of the prophets and witnesses as revealed in the 1600 year record of Yahweh to mankind, whose people have followed Him through two covenants for 3500 years. You instead follow Muhammad ALONE through the STAND-ALONE, 23-year, 7th century record of an illiterate, pillaging, plundering, mass murdering, child doing, female prisoner abusing, stepson's only wife stealing, sex slave prostituting, concubine fornicating, vow and oath breaking, blood drenched, imperialistic, conquering, terrorist, thief that blinded people with hot nails, cut off their hands and feet and burned people alive in their homes. A man, and book that are THE EXACT OPPOSITE of Jesus Christ and the New Testament. Your choice, your fate.
http://www.falseprophetmuhammad.com/jesus_or_muhammad.htm The scriptures do indeed indicate it will be an "awful doom": John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.