But neither can I blindly embrace this practice simply because he says it's the truth.
The thing is, it isn't Ellis who says its the truth, it is the Bible that says to practice headcovering.
People who claim to "just do what the bible says", are in reality simply doing what they "believe" the bible says. All scripture requires interpretation and thus the millions of doctrinal and theological differences. The desire to interpret scripture exactly as God intended it to be interpreted is something that goes back as far as the ancient Rabbis. Their whole purpose was to fulfill God's Law as they felt He intended it to be fulfilled. Obviously, how one interprets a certain passage will differ from how another interprets it and naturally you get factions or differences.
I agree with this, but clearly there is ONE correct interpretation, and if you do have the correct interpretation because through God's grace the Holy Spirit gave you the understanding, then yes it is the truth, and everyone else IS wrong.
I believe too that Jesus looks at a person's heart and is NOT going to condemn you for something you did or didn't do out of ignorance. BUT, that is not what Ellis is saying at all; as the book clearly emphasises, headcovering is
"because of the angels".
We know for a fact that when someone wants to believe something and puts their faith in it, many times they will make it work simply by their faith. Look at diet pills or supplements that people stand by as having helped them lose 100 lbs only to find out that the supplement is a worthless sales gimmick....but they still lost weight! How?
This 'argument' is null and void and has nothing to do with headcovering. The ONLY way to lose weight is to use more energy than you intake. If someone unknowingly took a placebo diet pill and lost weight, then either their activity was higher than normal, their energy intake less than normal, or both.
Head coverings will not stop this from happening.
It is too late, it already happened.
9. Just as another practical observation. Paul seems to suggest that equal to the woman covering her head is the man NOT covering his head. So, is it sinful for men to wear hats? If I wear a baseball cap am I now open to demonic attack and deception because I "covered my head"? I think most people would say of course not.
I disagree. People remove their hats just to eat at the table don't they? Isn't prayer more important? Of course it is of equal weighting with women headcovering. "Most people" in my country would say we are crazy for believing in this God "nonsense" - does that make them right? Or "most people" in Saudi Arabia pray to Satan 5 times a day - does that make them right? Jesus said it was a narrow path.
If wearing a cap or hat causes me no spiritual harm
How do you know it doesn't? Maybe it allowed you to become deceived into believing headcoverings aren't important?
Finally, I believe that women are much more susceptible to demonic influence than men. When satan works through deception, its just that - you have NO IDEA you are being deceived. If one believes they are cruising along in their faith never hindered by demonic attack, then chances are there is something very wrong. On the flipside, if a woman starts covering her head and begins to experience spiritual attack that she never felt before, then it probably means satan is VERY upset about it.
If it is for our own protection then isn't it safer for the individual person to do it than not?
Thanks for the discussion anyway.