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Messages - annazakiya

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Hi Peter

I am still lurking but been pretty busy as I started at teachers college.

This video has a huge amount of views for any video, let alone one about Jesus. Very good message, but still I can't believe how many views!

General Discussion / Re: What Christians Do
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:39:33 AM »
The Barnabas Fund (focused on helping persecuted Christians - persecution your local news won't tell you about)

Books / Re: Demons in the Church - by E. H. Skolfield (free)
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:46:01 AM »
But neither can I blindly embrace this practice simply because he says it's the truth.
The thing is, it isn't Ellis who says its the truth, it is the Bible that says to practice headcovering.

People who claim to "just do what the bible says", are in reality simply doing what they "believe" the bible says.  All scripture requires interpretation and thus the millions of doctrinal and theological differences.   The desire to interpret scripture exactly as God intended it to be interpreted is something that goes back as far as the ancient Rabbis.  Their whole purpose was to fulfill God's Law as they felt He intended it to be fulfilled.  Obviously, how one interprets a certain passage will differ from how another interprets it and naturally you get factions or differences.
I agree with this, but clearly there is ONE correct interpretation, and if you do have the correct interpretation because through God's grace the Holy Spirit gave you the understanding, then yes it is the truth, and everyone else IS wrong.

I believe too that Jesus looks at a person's heart and is NOT going to condemn you for something you did or didn't do out of ignorance. BUT, that is not what Ellis is saying at all; as the book clearly emphasises, headcovering is "because of the angels".

We know for a fact that when someone wants to believe something and puts their faith in it, many times they will make it work simply by their faith.  Look at diet pills or supplements that people stand by as having helped them lose 100 lbs only to find out that the supplement is a worthless sales gimmick....but they still lost weight!  How? 
This 'argument' is null and void and has nothing to do with headcovering. The ONLY way to lose weight is to use more energy than you intake. If someone unknowingly took a placebo diet pill and lost weight, then either their activity was higher than normal, their energy intake less than normal, or both.

Head coverings will not stop this from happening.
It is too late, it already happened.

9. Just as another practical observation.  Paul seems to suggest that equal to the woman covering her head is the man NOT covering his head.  So, is it sinful for men to wear hats?  If I wear a baseball cap am I now open to demonic attack and deception because I "covered my head"?  I think most people would say of course not. 
I disagree. People remove their hats just to eat at the table don't they? Isn't prayer more important? Of course it is of equal weighting with women headcovering. "Most people" in my country would say we are crazy for believing in this God "nonsense" - does that make them right? Or "most people" in Saudi Arabia pray to Satan 5 times a day - does that make them right? Jesus said it was a narrow path.

If wearing a cap or hat causes me no spiritual harm
How do you know it doesn't? Maybe it allowed you to become deceived into believing headcoverings aren't important?

Finally, I believe that women are much more susceptible to demonic influence than men. When satan works through deception, its just that - you have NO IDEA you are being deceived. If one believes they are cruising along in their faith never hindered by demonic attack, then chances are there is something very wrong. On the flipside, if a woman starts covering her head and begins to experience spiritual attack that she never felt before, then it probably means satan is VERY upset about it.

If it is for our own protection then isn't it safer for the individual person to do it than not?

Thanks for the discussion anyway.


Have never heard of it will have a read. Yes it did occur to me that He had many prophets including Himself!

Pakistani Christian family refuses to convert to Islam so a Muslim rapes their 4 year old daughter.

I don't know if I can bring myself to watch the video but from looking it appears she was actually only 2 years old when raped.

Also noticed this in the video comments:
"Yeshua is great and John the Baptist is His prophet"

Would make an excellent t-shirt slogan

Books / Re: Demons in the Church - by E. H. Skolfield
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:01:11 PM »
Thanks, I ended up reading it almost completely in one sitting last night!

Very interesting, and actually very relevant to this particular forum. The book is about the three ordinances of (1) water baptism and (2) communion, but in particular it focuses on (3) the ordinance of women remaining silent in church and covering their heads whilst praying or prophesying.

Mr Skolfield has a valid biblical argument that the wife is a "type" of the church (church being the bride of Christ the bridegroom), and thus observing the head covering shows to the spiritual realm the state of the church. He even discusses real life examples where Christian women who were having spiritual problems began to cover their heads during prayer (even at home in private) - and began noticing demons in their houses; even hearing screams - and were then able to gain release from spiritual bondage as they observed the head covering.

The book really does make a good case and point. As I said one thing that occurred to me is the relevance of the topic to Islam. We know that for everything God does Satan has a pretty good counterfeit. Thus we could almost look backwards to prove the relevance of the Christian head covering by noticing that headcovering of women is one of the most fundamental and universal concepts of Islam (and the single most obvious sign of Islam to the natural world that there is). Such a dominant counterfeit could indicate the importance of God's original (and true) ordinance.

Yes it is very sad. However the initial excitement will wear off given time, and he will be left with those nagging questions in the back of his mind. Even when people are deleting your comments like that you are planting seeds that will linger in their minds.

And another one...Iranian Muslim Hezbollah member Afshin Javid is visited by Jesus Christ in a jail cell and is now an evangelical Christian

What every single convert to Jesus Christ / Yahushua has in common is that they experience real tangible spiritual happenings within themselves.

As Peter has already said, what most if not all western converts to Islam seem to say is that they chose Islam due to fleshly, pseudo-spiritual reasons. Some reasons I have come across are: the 'beauty' of the mosques, the sound of the call to prayer, the chanting of the Muslim prayers en-masse, September 11 attacks, being emotionally or physically attracted to either male or female Muslims,  dissatisfaction with their own way of life/culture/society/church.

There are many many of Jesus' 'sheep' that will testify that they have at least once felt the Holy Spirit within themselves, and/or the presence of Jesus Christ outside of their own bodies. I would be interested if anyone could find even one Muslim that claims something similar that Islam gives them.

In my country the mainstream media and its online public forums are already discussing the benefits of sharia financial law and we only have 1% or less Muslim population.

This is the censoring "Palestinian's" home page.

This user is a member of WikiProject Christianity"

Of course they are :)

Welcome - (also for registration questions) / Re: New Forum Look
« on: September 25, 2011, 01:13:51 AM »
The Two Horned Beast is blank

I think you should do whatever you are called to do through the Spirit. I can't help guide you there. Focusing on women is perhaps a good idea since they are the victims of Muhammad's men's club.

Yes I completely agree.

Thanks for the help Peter and offer of help resisting... It is good news though we had to postpone our meeting so hopefully I will get to meet him this week instead.

I am almost done with my tracts and am quite happy with them. I thought I would print out a whole heap and keep some on me all the time - in the car etc. then I could give them to Muslims that I see when I am out and about - well women anyway as they are easy to spot with their headscarves etc. I also thought about going to the mosque when the Friday prayers are finished and giving them out when they are getting into their cars out in the street. I wouldn't be so bold as to go onto the mosque as I don't want to anger anyone, but I think on the street is fine, don't you?

Anyway, I wondered if you could point me towards any key bible quotes that can answer that second question? Passages that particularly highlight the way Yahushua brings peace, love, fulfilment and completeness to a person's inner being like nothing else can? And passages that talk about how Yahushua lives in the believer, how it is a two-way relationship, that sort of thing.

Actually I just did a search on Blue Letter Bible for "lives in" and that helps :)

Oh another thing, a short time before I became a Christian, I happened to meet a Saudi Muslim reading a book on Christianity - we actually started talking because he asked me if I was a Christian as he wanted to know what "sovereignty" meant. I had to say that I wasn't and that I had no idea what it meant in Christian terms. I am also pretty sure that (sadly) the book he was reading was written by a Muslim. (Not that I have anything against Muslims, but obviously you are not going to learn the truth about Christianity by reading a book written by a follower of a religion that completely denies the pivotal issue of Christianity)

Of course I am kicking myself now and wish I could run into him again but I've since moved to another city :) However, that just shows that Muslims are looking for answers. So Muslims, don't feel alone or guilty about searching for answers - there are many many others that feel just like you.

That is amazing! First if I had noticed the link to an atheist in this section I would have removed it, and second that it resulted in your meeting!
Likely a lot of them use atheism as a stepping stone after overcoming Islam, but it still doesn't fill that hole in their heart. There is a whole forum full of mostly atheist ex-muslims at

Yes I think atheism is a stepping stone - a definite step up - the kind of atheism we are talking here really is a different sort than the stock standard indifference kind of atheism.

I am working on a couple of tracts specifically for Muslims and this convert will be the first person I give them to. I have largely based them on some of yours Peter: I have used your "Do you love Jesus?" and "Is there a God-sized hole in your heart?" questions as the focus of the tracts.

Anyway, I wondered if you could point me towards any key bible quotes that can answer that second question? Passages that particularly highlight the way Yahushua brings peace, love, fulfilment and completeness to a person's inner being like nothing else can? And passages that talk about how Yahushua lives in the believer, how it is a two-way relationship, that sort of thing.

I just don't have enough bible knowledge yet so it's taking me quite a long time :)

I do have :

Matthew 11:28-30
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

To me the above verse describes the complete opposite of Allah.

Also "my sheep hear my voice", but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


Just noticed you have this convert from Islam to atheism listed Peter.

I happened to come across his website a few weeks ago - he lives in my city. I emailed him to tell him about Jesus and Christianity and we have arranged to meet in a few days so we can talk as he is interested to hear what I have to say  :)

I watched this yesterday and was about to put a link to it, but you already have  :)

Nice story

"Arab Spring" - Prelude to "nuclear winter"? / Re: Israel's Samson Option
« on: September 10, 2011, 02:26:25 AM »
Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

It almost couldn't be anything else but nuclear radiation could it?

The Quran and Hadith / Re: Hadith on Muslim Woman Breastfeeding Adults
« on: September 03, 2011, 07:19:10 AM »

I imagine Muhammad would be into it were he still alive.

Gosh I'm sorry that probably sounds very hateful to any Muslims reading, but come on, can't you see that there are some very crazy and contradictory things about Islam? Does it set even one alarm bell ringing ?

The Quran and Hadith / Re: Hadith on Muslim Woman Breastfeeding Adults
« on: September 03, 2011, 07:10:19 AM »
"Ewwwww" is right. That is just plain weird.

I imagine Muhammad would be into it were he still alive.

Even if Muslims were descended from Ishamel what would it matter since Ishmael received no call from God, and he was specifically cut out of God's covenant promise with the seed of Isaac.

I have been thinking about the Ishmael/Isaac myself thing over the last few days, so thought I'd put my 2 cents worth :)

I'm no history scholar, and haven't even read thoroughly the info you've put here Peter, but I've understood that Arabs descended from Ishmael ever since I read Genesis for the first time and read the study notes in my NIV Bible (yes I know of course one can't take all those notes as truth). However, those notes say that many of Ishmael's sons names are Arabic, supporting the theory.

Anyhow, when I first read that Ishmael was the 'father' of Arabs (therefore Muhammad and all Muslims), it really made sense to me, considering just who Ishmael was:

In Genesis 15 we read how God promises Abram he will have his own son, and as many offspring as the stars, which Abram believes even though he and his wife are very old. Then in Genesis 16 we read how Abram's wife Sarai, because she is old and barrren, convinces him to sleep with her maidservant Hagar, who becomes pregnant with Ishmael. Thus Ishmael is the direct result of Sarai's doubt and disbelief of God's promise to Abram. She didn't exactly disobey God, but she did not have any faith and managed to convince Abram to attempt to fulfil God's promise on his own without God. (Another example of a woman tempting and misleading a man).

And this is the angel of the Lord's description of Ishmael:
And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. (Gen 16:12)
. And we are told that God will make Ishmael a great nation.

If the historical facts do support Ishmael as the father of Muhammad and his religion, it would be very fitting. I just can't understand why Muslims would go out of their way to claim it because from my point of view the story in Genesis puts them in a bad light.

Of course I don't mean anything racist, as any person of any race can become part of God's covenant with spiritual Israel, should they so choose.

Books / Re: Shining Man With Hurt Hands - Ellis Skolfield (free)
« on: August 23, 2011, 02:40:44 AM »
I've also read this book, did so about a year ago. I read it all in one night because I could not stop reading.

It's an amazing account which really opened my eyes to the truth.

Islam - General / Re: Comparison between two groups of women
« on: August 17, 2011, 12:40:04 AM »

" ...... this is a what a typical Muslim woman looks like: Pure, innocent, virgin (until marriage) and non-sexual ........."


I haven't watched it yet, but if I can find time I will take a peak. Normally, I refrain from commenting on something I haven't seen firsthand, but I wanted to say this. I have seen many videos or even talked to people who really put a lot of stock into symbols from this group or that group and draw guilty by association lines to link it all together. However, the interesting thing to me is not the "behind the scenes" evil that supposedly takes place with groups like the Masons or Shriners or whatever other group is under scrutiny but the conspicuous evil that is in front of everyone's eyes day in and day out that goes either unnoticed, unchallenged, encouraged or is glossed over. I am less concerned with secret groups than I am with groups like the Muslim brotherhood and its' offshoots the MSA, CAIR, ISNA, etc. that have an inordinate level of sway in this country. I don't say this to be contentious or argumentative just as my view of things. I certainly do not want to sound rude or cause you to think I am writing off your concern. Shadow governments could very well be shaping current events, but speculation is often all we have to go on. Which is why I ask with all the conspicuous evil in the world who needs to look under rocks for it?

God bless

Yes I know exactly what you mean, and it seems a lot of people get sucked into obsessing with conspiracies and politics, and lose focus on what is actually important.

There was just something about this series that just really helped me understand the extent of the spiritual war that is going on, and understand the true enemy who just repackages the same tricks time and time again. This is probably abundantly clear to some of you, but there may be others that read this whose spiritual growth would benefit from viewing it (as mine did). Now instead of viewing the world's goings on as complete chaos, I am clearly able to see exactly who is behind the scenes running everything.

God bless

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