Author Topic: Quran, Mohammed & 666  (Read 8196 times)


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Quran, Mohammed & 666
« on: May 05, 2010, 10:11:44 AM »
[Disappeared, then reconstructed by copying the thread in Islam General section on 7-6-11]

The following links to Islamic sites connect the Quran (Koran Kuran) and it's Messenger, to the number 666.  Here's a link - and another.  Or Search - submission quran 666.  "GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666." 

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

 "Allah" = 666

On the Zola Levitt program, Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist now Christian evangelist, said that when he saw the Greek symbol that is translated in the Bible as 666, he immediately read it as the Arabic character "Bismillah" (some spell Bismilla) which means "in the name of Allah." (Though it looks more like the character for "Allah").

Here's a seven minute video of Walid Shoebat on 666 at a different venue:

Below (left) are photos of Greek symbols translated in the Bible as 666, from Free  The gold symbol (bottom and right) is Arabic for "Allah" when turned and mirrored.  Additionally, crossed swords are a symbol for Islam.  So in 666 we may find symbols for both "Islam" and "Allah".

If Shoebat's account seems a stretch, even though Arabic was his first language and Islam the religion he was indoctrinated into, consider how this Arabic character is stylized into many different artistic forms.  Consider also how some look for this character in trees, clouds and virtually everywhere, as this search link attests - even in a fish!

Can you make out the word in the picture below?

"This Quran is the 666"

There are 6,666 verses in the Koran.  There is at least one sect of Islam, the Submission sect (Bahattin Uzunkaya), that considers the number 666 as well as the number 19, to demonstrate the perfection of the Koran and the proof that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.

In the Muslim's words: 

"The number 666 is highly publicized all over the world and it is associated with evil and danger.
However, it is not what it seems. It was a Satanic trick.
The trick was to prevent the people approaching the 666.
Satan knew that the 666 is the book of GOD and the people should be kept away from it.
According to his plan, he placed a bad image to the number 666."

"The truth is that This Quran is the 666 , The Book from The Lord of the Universe."

"The First Sura in the Quran, 666, is Praise. This sura is the gift of GOD to us to establish Contact with Him through our daily Contact Prayers. "

"GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666."

To read the above in context click on the link in this link.
This link might make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

You can search - quran 666 - or try - sura 1 to sura 36 is 666

This 666 connection is, however, just one incidental component of Bible prophecy pointing to the Middle Eastern Islamic empire as being, geographically, the leopard-bear-lion beast of Revelation 13.  The seat of Islam today occupies the same geographical region as Daniel's successive lion, bear, and leopard kingdom "beasts".

Most Muslims do not ascribe to this group that labels the Quran 666.  This 666 "miracle" is found on a Turkish website that seems to have embellished Rashad Khalifa's number prime number gematria, who interestingly began his research in 1968, or the year after the "times of the Gentiles" were fulfilled in Jerusalem.  When first brought forward, Rashad Khalifa's mathematical "miracle" was widely embraced by Muslims throughout the world, including the Middle East.  Khalifa eventually determined that according to his gematria, a few verses did not belong in the Quran, and as a result he lost favor and was eventually "stabbed 29 times and his body was drenched in xylol but not set alight".  Submitters still believe Khalifa was a messenger of God. It is interesting to note, that out of the entire universe of numbers that Rashad's computer "miracle" could have arrived at as holy, that the number 666 would be one of the few.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: {Islamic Empire} for it is the number of a man; {the prophet Mohammed} and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. {666}

"...for it is the number of a man..." 
"GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666."

Is this Islamic 666 "miracle" then a warning from God to Christians, Jews, and Muslims, as yet another fulfillment of the related prophecy in the Book of Revelation, now that we find ourselves in this "time of the end"? (GodTube)

Many more testimonies at this link

The book of Daniel defines what a "beast" is: Daniel 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,". Here we learn that the term beast = kingdom when used in the figurative language of a dream or vision in prophecy, and particularly in the context of Daniel's lion, bear, leopard and fourth "dreadful", beasts.  Bible scholars - Christian and Jew - almost universally understand these four "beasts" to be the successive kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire.  The leopard-bear-lion beast of Revelation then, is the Islamic empire since it's occupies the same seats in Iraq (Babylon - lion), Iran (Medo-Persia - bear) and Syria/Lebanon (ancient Greece - leopard).  These beasts are explored in more detail on their own page here, and in "The False Prophet" in this chapter.

Revelation 13:2 And the beast {Islamic empire} which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.


Revelation 19:20 And the beast {Islam} was taken, and with him {kingdom/beast is a "his" in Daniel} the false prophet [Mohammed] that wrought miracles [Quran] before him, [this means in the presence of the {beast - Islam - Muslims} with which he deceived them {Muslims} that had received the mark {666} of the beast, and them {Muslims} that worshipped his image. {today's Islam and second Jihad in the image of the Islamic First Jihad.  Jihad is the pinnacle of worship in Islam} These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

In this rare instance, the NKJV does a little better job of this portion of this verse:
(NKJV) Revelation 19:20 ...and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence...
The Greek word "semeion" translated as "miracles" and "signs" is defined in Strong's as "that by which a person is distinguished from others and is known". That makes Mohammed a perfect fit for the false prophet, since he is his known for his Quran, and has without question been distinguished from others by it for 1400 years.

Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them {Muslims} was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast {Islam} and the false prophet {Mohammed} [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

If we consider an ethnographic hermeneutic of John's whole "world" - that is looking through John's eyes at the time he penned the book of Revelation (which is required because he wrote about the things that were, are and will be, through his eyes) - John's world would have been limited to the Middle East area and perhaps extend into the lands of the Roman Empire at that time.  The Bible was written about the Holy Land and God's people, not Peoria Illinois. 

Through this view we find Iraq, Iran and Syria/Lebanon (geographically the seat of the leopard-bear-lion beast of Revelation, and successive kingdom beasts of Daniel) to be from 90 to 99% Muslim. Other countries in the area are similarly Islamic - like Saudi Arabia at 100% and Turkey at 99% Muslim. 

In other words most everyone in the whole "world" that John knew, is today Muslim, and thus already have the mark.  In Saudi Arabia if a national announces they have converted to Christianity they are beheaded.  The penalty for "apostasy" or turning away from Islam, is death.  This is the prescribed punishment for Christian converts, from Islam to Christianity. The true hallmark of a dangerous cult.

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast {Islam}, or the number {666} of his name.

And thus it is in much of the Middle East - or John's whole world - TODAY.  When we exercise the discipline of hermeneutic rules in our Bible study we find that prophecy is nearly fulfilled, and our Lord and Savior's return is truly imminent.


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Re: Quran, Mohammed & 666
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 05:32:38 AM »
This is a very good discourse


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Re: Quran, Mohammed & 666
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 07:36:57 AM »
This is a very good discourse

This is a very good discourse

A lot of preachers have piled onto this New York city bandwagon. Most of them are trying to splice Islam into their false futurist doctrines - put band-aids on doctrine that needs quadruple bi-pass.
I don't believe it can be supported. I believe there is good reason why he keeps saying things like "I don't know exactly how ...." and such. He knows he is trying to fit some square pegs into round holes.
Certainly no franchise on truth claimed in the following links, but simply for your perusal.

Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.