Author Topic: Since 2009 there've been over 30 threats and plots against U.S. military targets  (Read 1175 times)


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Since 2009 there have been over 30 threats and plots against U.S. military targets, both overseas and on American soil, including the June 2009 attack on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas and the November 2009 attack by Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan at Ft. Hood, Texas.

The dramatic surge in threats against U.S. military personnel has been brought to the public’s attention most visibly by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King. Rather than being hailed for investigating what he recognizes as a threat to American security, he has been criticized in the media and by certain politicians as being an over-reactive “Islamophobe.” Clarion Fund’s Senior Fellow Clare Lopez delves deeper into the very real threat faced by America’s service men and women.

U.S. Military in the Jihadi Bull’s-Eye
by Clare M. Lopez
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King held the fourth of his series of Capitol Hill hearings on Islamic radicalization in early December 2011. The 7 December hearing focused on military communities in the United States (U.S.), which King described as the most sought-after target for Islamic terrorism. King’s Homeland Security Committee report, “Homegrown Terrorism: The Threat to Military Communities Inside The United States,” was issued the same day. It documents the startling surge in Islamic plots and strikes against military targets since 2009.  [MORE]

Clarion Webinar - Saudi Petrodollars Sponsoring Stealth Jihad


Watch Clarion Fund's latest webinar to learn how the Saudis have been using their huge reserves from oil exports to increase the influence of radical Islamic doctrine in the US government, universities, media coverage and even grade school curriculums.

Did You Know… Islam Commands Individual Jihad?

by Clare M. Lopez

According to Islamic law, Jihad is warfare to spread the religion and is obligatory for all Muslims everywhere until such time as “there is no more Fitna [resistance to Islam] and the religion will all be for Allah alone.” (Quran 8:39) Jihad against the infidel (kuffar) is of two types: offensive and defensive. The offensive kind, called “Fard Kifaya,” is conducted under the leadership of the Caliph and is for the purpose of defending the borders of Islam and sending out the armies of Islam at least once a year to terrorize the enemies of Allah. Offensive Jihad is a collective duty and when enough Muslim fighters respond to the call of the Caliph, the remainder of the Muslim population is relieved of this duty.

Defensive jihad is a compulsory duty upon all Muslims primarily when the kuffar enter Muslim lands. It is considered so critical to repulse the invader that Ibn Taymia even asserted it took precedence over making the hajj. [MORE]

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Raymond Ibrahim: Shariah, Dhimmitude & the Copts


Raymond Ibrahim (Middle East specialist and Associate fellow, Middle East Forum) testifies before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House of Representatives. Reps. Frank Wolf and James McDermott presented "Under Threat: The Worsening Plight of Egypt's Coptic Christians." [WATCH]