Author Topic: An Arab even stoned a "she-monkey" for "illegal sexual intercourse"  (Read 3077 times)


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In the chapter titled: 'Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar)

An Arab couldn't even cut a monkey a break when she committed "illegal sexual intercourse"! The Quran includes talking ants and birds and such, but since the following was supposed to have been before Muhammad began receiving his "revelations", I wonder how this soon-to-be-follower knew the monkey had engaged in "illegal sexual behavior" in the first place, let alone how he knew what the other monkeys were stoning her for? Dr. Doolittle?
If you are a follower of Muhammad, isn't it about time that you started seeking out the truth rather than blindly following such nonsense and superstition?

Bukhari B58, #188 Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them.

The implications are interesting. Today Muhammad's followers do what Muhammad did, in a "monkey see monkey do" fashion, like kissing the Quraish pagan's black stone idol solely because Muhammad kissed it.
It is sad his followers can't see that this is exactly why they believe and do anything and everything of Islam, even though the false prophet Muhammad compels them to BLASPHEME the Son of God, DISbelieve the whole subject of the Gospel, and thus REJECT the blood Jesus shed for us all.

Never even taking a moment to investigate the origins of Islamic rituals like Ramadan:


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Re: An Arab even stoned a "she-monkey" for "illegal sexual intercourse"
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2014, 03:42:20 PM »
In the chapter titled: 'Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar)

An Arab couldn't even cut a monkey a break when she committed "illegal sexual intercourse"! The Quran includes talking ants and birds and such, but since the following was supposed to have been before Muhammad began receiving his "revelations", I wonder how this soon-to-be-follower knew the monkey had engaged in "illegal sexual behavior" in the first place, let alone how he knew what the other monkeys were stoning her for? Dr. Doolittle?
If you are a follower of Muhammad, isn't it about time that you started seeking out the truth rather than blindly following such nonsense and superstition?

Bukhari B58, #188 Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them.

The implications are interesting. Today Muhammad's followers do what Muhammad did, in a "monkey see monkey do" fashion, like kissing the Quraish pagan's black stone idol solely because Muhammad kissed it.
It is sad his followers can't see that this is exactly why they believe and do anything and everything of Islam, even though the false prophet Muhammad compels them to BLASPHEME the Son of God, DISbelieve the whole subject of the Gospel, and thus REJECT the blood Jesus shed for us all.

Never even taking a moment to investigate the origins of Islamic rituals like Ramadan:

Dear Peter your ignorance shines again
No research no authentication nor did you ask an Imam about this Hadith. You do what you do best, distort jump to conclusions and prove that the Quran is 100% correct in describing people like you. NOTHING BUT LIARS AND CONJECTURERS

Answered by the Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî
The account in question is narrated from `Amr b. Maymûn – a Companion – in Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3849):
I had seen in the days of ignorance before Islam, some monkeys who surrounded a she-monkey who had committed unlawful sexual intercourse and they stoned it, so I stoned it along with them.
In Fath al-Bârî, Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalânî gives a more detailed narration of this event from `Amr b. Maymûn:
I was in Yemen tending the sheep of my people up upon an elevation. A male monkey came with a female and laid his head on her hand. Then a smaller monkey came and beckoned towards her, so she gently slipped her hand out from under the cheek of the first monkey and followed him. He mated with her while I looked on. Then she returned and gently tried to slip her hand back under the cheek of the first monkey, but he woke up suddenly, smelled her, and cried out.

Then the monkeys gathered round and he began screaming while pointing towards her with his hand. The monkeys went all about and came back with that monkey that I recognized. They dug a pit for the two of them and stoned them both. So I had witnessed stoning being carried out by other than Adam’s descendants.
This is not a hadîth of the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is not even something that `Amr claims he told to the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is just `Amr’s personal account of some things `Amr b. Maymûn saw some animals doing. It is merely his interpretation that those monkeys were stoning the other one as a punishment for adultery. There is no way that he could have known their true motives.

There is no Islamic teaching to be gleaned from this account.

Ibn Hajar writes inFath al-Bârî :
It is not necessary that an event that looks like adultery and stoning was really a case of adultery and capital punishment. He merely described it that way because it looked like these things. It does not mean that legal accountability was being applied to animals.
And Allah knows best

« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 10:36:26 AM by PeteWaldo »


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Re: An Arab even stoned a "she-monkey" for "illegal sexual intercourse"
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 06:48:52 AM »
If you are arguing that Bukhari, like the Quran, is just a book full of lies and fantasies, we already knew that. I put that tripe in here for the entertainment value. A phony book that Muslims place second only to the Quran in terms of divine inspiration. Of course since Islam is an anti-Gospel, antichrist, anti-religion that comes from straight out of the pit of hell, we know who inspired it. The father of lies himself - Satan. I recommend you quit focusing on monkeys and start with the fact that Mecca did not exist before the 4th century AD.

Which proves unequivocally, that the entirety of pre-5th century Islamic so-called "tradition" is nothing more than a work of pure fiction.
Even Muslim Eastern History teachers with a capacity to be honest with themselves recognize this.

Better yet, start with the fact that Muhammad's anti-religion is as perfectly the exact opposite of the Gospel, as the negative is to a photograph.

That Muhammad was just as much the exact opposite of Jesus Christ.