Author Topic: What Saudi officials did to a young girl who professed “Jesus as her savior”  (Read 3648 times)


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"This is what Saudi officials did to a young girl who professed “Jesus as her savior”"

"ShariaUnveiled (h/t Jack) This angered many officials at her work and they ordered men to carry out the process of sewing her mouth shut, in order to stop her from expressing her love for Christ Jesus. Additionally, they sewed her left eye shut as an added form of punishment.
The process utilized was not only inhumane but unsanitary.  The plastic thread that was used contained chemicals, for the sole purpose of intentionally causing infection.
This story has been confirmed through Human Rights Organizations that called this report: ‘..not only a reflection of the deadly Saudi Arabian Human Rights System, but a clearly flagrant violation of women’s rights."


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This story has been confirmed through Human Rights Organizations that called this report: ‘..not only a reflection of the deadly Saudi Arabian Human Rights System, but a clearly flagrant violation of women’s rights."

That isn't "clear" to me. Perhaps someone can help me understand what this has to do with "women's rights"? Would it somehow be different than if they did the same thing to a young boy?

Do women have more of a right to not have their mouth and eye sewn up by a Satan filled, sociopathic, antichrist, moral reprobate, than men do?


  • ecclesia
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Not too sure but I think this one is a fake.  Not saying that it couldn't happen but this picture was stolen from another source which has nothing to do with Islam. 

Mind you, I'm not defending them in any way but we need to speak "truth"!


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Not too sure but I think this one is a fake.  Not saying that it couldn't happen but this picture was stolen from another source which has nothing to do with Islam. 

Mind you, I'm not defending them in any way but we need to speak "truth"!

Can you post a link to the source that you mention?

Thank you for the possible heads up, as do we want to put our best effort into making sure we don't repeat false rumors aren't repeated in this forum. In reviewing the article:

"This is what Saudi officials did to a young girl who professed “Jesus as her savior”

A recent report by a human rights organization in the Middle East stated that “..a young girl employed in Palmelkh, Saudi Arabia was barbarically punished because she had the audacity to say ‘..Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, is my personal Savior..’ “

ShariaUnveiled (h/t Jack) This angered many officials at her work and they ordered men to carry out the process of sewing her mouth shut, in order to stop her from expressing her love for Christ Jesus. Additionally, they sewed her left eye shut as an added form of punishment.
The process utilized was not only inhumane but unsanitary.  The plastic thread that was used contained chemicals, for the sole purpose of intentionally causing infection.
This story has been confirmed through Human Rights Organizations that called this report: ‘..not only a reflection of the deadly Saudi Arabian Human Rights System, but a clearly flagrant violation of women’s rights.


If you click on that article it is Arabic, but the picture is on the website.
Do you have a source from which you are reporting? Can you share a link?

PS just found the translation on the page at that site following the Arabic. Has Google translator fingerprints on it but not bad. The other day I put German into the translator and was stunned at the near perfect result I got.

" This young girl and that she was employed Palmelkh Saudi Arabia , have had the audacity to say that the full Jesus Christ peace be upon him , is a personal Savior .

This angered much of its official work , and who ordered his men to carry out the process of the cemetery and very serious , was to sew the mouth of the girl in order to stop the expression and permission for their love for Christ Jesus , as they are ignorant of the Magi Bedouin herders of camels in the desert, barren , sewed her left eye as well as punishment , has been sewing her mouth and the same thread , plastic can result in complications as it contains chemicals .

This underlines the scene strange and dangerous , but endorsing the reports issued by human rights organizations in the world , and women in particular , of what it considers a flagrant violation occurs in the deadly Saudi human rights system ."

If that was the Google translator, I just ran the text again, and look how much better the translation may be even just since that article was written:

This young girl and that she was employed Palmelkh Saudi Arabia, have had the audacity to say full that Jesus Christ peace be upon him, is a personal Savior.
This angered much its official work, and who ordered his men to carry out cowardly and very serious process, was to sew the girl's mouth in order to stop the expression and permit her love of Christ Jesus, as they ignorant of the Magi Bedouin herders of camels in the desert, barren, sewed her left eye also to punish her , has been sewing her mouth and eye plastic thread can result in complications as it contains chemicals.
This underlines the scene strange and dangerous, but endorsing the reports issued by human rights organizations in the world, and women in particular, which, from what it considers a breach occurs in the deadly traveled to Saudi human rights system.


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This story has been confirmed through Human Rights Organizations that called this report: ‘..not only a reflection of the deadly Saudi Arabian Human Rights System, but a clearly flagrant violation of women’s rights."

That isn't "clear" to me. Perhaps someone can help me understand what this has to do with "women's rights"? Would it somehow be different than if they did the same thing to a young boy?

Do women have more of a right to not have their mouth and eye sewn up by a Satan filled, sociopathic, antichrist, moral reprobate, than men do?

The thing that was lost on me when I wrote this post is the whole discrimination against women in Saudi Arabia, and so many other Islamic countries. However I've no doubt that if a young man had said the same thing in the same place in time, he would have gotten the same treatment. Perhaps worse being a boy and thereby more influential, as an apostate "spreading mischief in the land".