Author Topic: ‘Islamophobic’ Muslims Leave Islam After Reading the Qur’an  (Read 2025 times)


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Muslim apologists do their best to silence apostates and their criticism of Islam by throwing out the dreaded “Islamophobia” label. Apostates are people who were once Muslims themselves but have since left the religion for a variety of reasons. Many are left shell-shocked, victims or witnesses to Muslim abuses and violence, and others have simply done the unthinkable- they opened the Qur’an and read it.

One such person is Muslim apostate Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has gotten considerable press lately with the Brandeis University controversy. The school first offered and later rescinded the offer for an honorary degree based on her impressive work for women’s rights after Ali was labeled an “Islamophobe.”

This was quite an interesting criticism considering the fact that she was raised Muslim herself, and as such, she became a victim of atrocities like female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage. Ali was once a pious Muslim, but after the Somali native was granted political asylum to the Netherlands and received an education, she began to reflect on Islam and its teachings. After the 9/11 attacks, she picked up the Qur’an and hadith, and it wasn’t long before she renounced her faith.

Another apostate is the well-known Ali Sina, who started in 2001, after reading the Qur’an and coming to the conclusion that Islam is a Satanic religion, and Muhammad was a psychopath as well as, Sina writes, “a liar, a pedophile, an assassin, a rapist, a thief, a lecher, a narcissist, a terrorist, a mass murderer and a madman.  Muslims emulate their prophet and this explains the madness in the Islamic world. They are vile and violent because they worship a criminal.”

He goes even further and declares that Muhammad and Islam do not deserve any more respect than people like Charles Manson and that rather than comparing Muhammad to Jesus, Buddha or Zoroaster, he should be compared to insane criminals like Hitler and Stalin.

Sina does not hate Muslims but hates Islam and has been on a mission to save those following the teachings of a madman. His efforts have saved thousands of Muslims by exposing the truth about Islam and bringing these people back to humanity.

On Faith Freedom, Ali Sina explains what drove him away from Islam:

“… Just like other Muslims, I used to believe that to learn about anything one has to go to the source. Now you may think that the source of Islam is the Qur’an and the hadith. That might be so in theory. But in practice few Muslims read these books to understand them. Muslims get their information about Islam by reading the books written by scholars of Islam. These are apologetic books that deceitfully try to portray Islam in the best light… Now I realize this was a mistake… It was when I reread the Qur’an that I came across injunctions that were not on a par with my newfound humanistic values…”

Sina goes on to provide the violent Quranic verses and stories of Muhammad’s brutality that were both shocking and disturbing. He explains how the hatred and inhumanity of Islam cannot possibly be the word of G-d. His conscience could not accept what he read in the Qur’an.

There are many ex-Muslims like Sina. Abul Kasem, for example, is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Kasem left his “religion” after experiencing its violent and barbaric nature. He explains that as a child, he witnessed the slaughter of a Hindu friend, along with his entire family, in Bangladesh, where Kasem was born.

Most distressing about the crime was the celebratory reaction of the Muslims there, who were out for more Hindu blood, partially motivated by the promised rewards in Paradise. Kasem himself was also nearly killed by Pakistani soldiers and other “fanatic followers of Islam” as he puts it. He did not need to read the Qur’an to know this violence was not right.

Other apostate authors include Ibn Warraq, who wrote, Why I am Not a Muslim, and Walid Shoebat, whose list of penned books include The Case for Islamophobia, Why We Want to Kill You and Why I Left Jihad. While many Muslim apostates, like Ibn Warraq, are so traumatized by Islam, they become Atheists, Shoebat left Islam when he converted to Christianity.

He explains his story on

“I used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until I converted to Christianity in 1994. As a member of the PLO I was involved in terror activity, and was imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks. In prison, I was recruited to plant a bomb in Bethlehem as a result of which, thank G-d, no one was injured. My mother was an American and my father a Palestinian Arab. My parents sent me in 1978 to the United States to study at Loop College in Chicago Illinois. There I was recruited at a hotel ‘Terror Conference’ by Jamal Said, a founder of the IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) and Imam at one of the largest mosques in Chicago. The IAP was a forerunner to today’s Hamas terror organization and also to the terror front group CAIR (Council for American Islamic relations). This was in the early 1980s when I was being trained for Jihad activities in the USA along with many other young foreigners as well as US citizens. The Imams were the prime recruiters for terrorism then as they are still today and terror conferences are held all over the USA to this day…”

The mainstream media has tried to discredit Shoebat, as he is known as a terrorism expert and has spoken around the world at universities, network television news programs, and even on Capitol Hill. His media presence brought on attacks by CNN and others who take offense at his anti-Islamic stance and hope to disprove his advice on terrorism by questioning the validity of his story. CNN in fact did an exposé on Shoebat, which he refuted in “Evidence of My Credentials,” and laughed off in a piece entitled, “Walid Shoebat to CNN: I Confess.”

It makes sense that Muslims, Muslim apologists and the left-wing media would paint Shoebat as a “loon.” (He’s on after all, a Muslim site meant to discredit their critics by calling everyone crazy). Rather than argue the facts which are indisputable, the easy way out is to simply attack the messenger. I cannot speak for Shoebat’s credentials, however his site does a good job posting real news stories about Muslim horrors.

Another Muslim scrutinizing Islamic doctrine is Osama Dorra, a writer and former Muslim Brotherhood member. On his blog, he wrote a touching piece, translated and published on Egypt Independent. (H/t Creeping Sharia) He begins:

“I decided to deactivate my practice of Islam as a religion because the ‘cognitive dissonance’ between some of its details and what I think is rational, just and logical has reached a limit that is beyond my comprehension…

“The Arab Spring has shaken our confidence in what we were like before revolutions. It has become clear that the assumptions upon which we built our lives were not all sound, the institutions that led us were not all efficient or honest, and the people we thought highly of were not all worthy of that praise…”


Dorra began questioning his faith based on several things: the violent protests against the “Innocence of Muslims” film; the story told by a Friday prayer preacher of a man who stabbed his pregnant wife in the stomach after she criticized Muhammad, and Muhammad’s decree that this murder was lawful (a story which other apostates have cited as a reason to leave Islam as well); the discovery of the sexual abuse of children permitted in the Qur’an; and the Islamic basis for slavery along with the realization that the return of jihad can also include slave trade and the possession of women as war hostages.

These issues contradict Dorra’s previous understanding of Islam as merciful, compassionate and tolerant. He realized the literal interpretations of Islamic texts which are being preached are not his idea of what religion should be.

Many Muslims are seeing the light and are becoming “ex-Muslims.” There are support groups such as Former Muslims United and Apostates of Islam, and sites like Islam Watch. Not all groups are created equal however. I would caution against the Council of Ex-Muslims in Britain and One Law for All, whose spokesperson, Maryam Namazie, spews anti-Semitic hatred and lies against Israel and counter-jihadists.

Nonetheless, most of these groups seek to expose the truth about Islam, and if anyone is acquainted with the horrors associated with its doctrine, it is the people who have lived it, learned from it and ultimately decided to leave the savagery and join humanity. These individuals know more about Islam than most practicing Muslims, and it is this profound knowledge which has driven them away from their religion with no regrets, despite the prescription of the death penalty as the punishment for apostasy. They are freethinkers with a moral conscience who have abandoned Islam after careful thought and consideration, often to the dismay of their families.

Reading the Qur’an, listening to Muslim clerics and living the nightmare all add up to one thing for the freethinker: apostasy. And while Western politicians, media outlets and liberal universities should provide a safe forum for apostates to speak out, they instead support radical groups like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. But as Scottish historian Sir William Muir once said, “The sword of Mahomet, and the Coran, are the most fatal enemies of Civilization, Liberty, and Truth, which the world has yet known.” Muslim apostates agree. It would be wise to take heed.