Author Topic: Email from a Christian re Partial Preterism  (Read 2753 times)


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Email from a Christian re Partial Preterism
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:59:47 AM »
I am interested in books by Ellis Scolfield on prophecy/Eschatology.  Also I am recently attending a fellowship where the "Partial Preterism" is beginning to be considered.  Please what are your thoughts or where can I go to read any helpful literature about this.

Dear Brother [redacted],

Partial preterism is a really bad idea brother. I'll presume you are futurist, and thus believe you would be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. There are only 3 approaches to Bible prophecy, so before making that leap, please, please, consider the traditional historicist approach. This is the approach of the reformers, and as available evidence suggests, the approach of the church to bible prophecy until the 19th century when the approaches of futurism and partial preterism began to come into vogue. In other words you wouldn't be straying off of, but straying back onto, the reservation. I dedicated a website to exploring the three approaches, based on my study and conversations over the last 8 years or so. A page is dedicated to each approach:

Like futurists, partial preterists are necessarily precluded, from even considering, that Muhammad could be THE false prophet of the book of Revelation.

 This even though 1/4 of mankind in the world today are required to DISbelieve the crucifixion of Christ and thus REJECT His shed blood, as articles of their faith in THE false prophet Muhammad alone.

They must DENY that Jesus is the Son of God as another article of their faith. This makes each and every Muslim in the world today, specifically and necessarily an antichrist!

They are even taught that to confess that Jesus is the Son of God or even to pray in Jesus' name, would constitute the single most "heinous" and ONLY UNFORGIVABLE SIN in Muhammadanism. As opposed to child rape or cold-blooded mass-murder, for example, which may be forgiven (and as it happens both of which Muhammad was guilty of).

Any surprise then, Muslims are commanded by Muhammad to conquer and subjugate the whole of mankind to disbelieving the crucifixion of Christ and denying the Son of God along with themselves?

In other words, those fighting and slaughtering Muslims are not "radical" but are orthodox Muslims, doing exactly as Muhammad did, and commanded his followers to do. This is not argued by scholars in the Middle East cradle of the religion, nor was it argued through 1400 years of Islamic imperialistic conquest.

The only way a modern Muslim can pretend they are supposed to be peaceful, is through the half-truths of dissimulation and "taqiyyah", or lying in the way of "Allah".

In order for the peacenick Muslims to make the lying claim of Islam being a religion of peace, they have to ignore Muhammad's doctrine of abrogation, where Muhammad's later Medina suras that call his followers to violence against non-Muslims, "replace" his earlier less violent Mecca drivel like "no compulsion in religion".

In considering the general state of churches that are partial preterist, we find they are the liberal left wing of the "church" that began ignoring church ordinances in the 20th century and started ordaining women and eventually homosexuals. Their efforts are more geared to conforming their churches to the world, rather than working to conform the world to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At least futurist churches, while holding a scripturally unsupportable eschatology, generally have big hearts for the Lord, and are otherwise well guided and actively helping others.

Even overlooking the little kinks, the 800 pound gorilla in the room is the restoration of Jews to their/our land. Since partial preterists hold that God was finished with any role for Jews in the Christian era, besides coming to Christ, they pretty much have to believe that their return to their/our covenant land is not of the Lord. Thus when finally pressed for an answer they will reluctantly admit that they believe Zionism is of Satan.

This is a big deal. It splits the church into Zionists and anti-Zionists. If a good tree cannot produce evil fruit, then why is it that the anti-Zionist tree includes a near unanimity of Muslims, Nazis, skinheads, white supremacists, the former Soviet communists, Louis Farrakan and the "Nation of Islam", George Soros and his Center for American Progress and anti-Semites of all stripes? Also self-proclaimed Christian anti-Zionists like Arnold Murray's Serpent Seed cult, David Duke and the KKK and Jeremiah Wright. Not a tree that I would want to be caught found fruiting!

The Jews began to be restored to their/our land in the early 19th century, after 1200 years of Islamization had rendered Israel a desolate, denuded, deforested, desertified wasteland.

Great men of God of the reformation confidently anticipated the restoration of Jews to Israel, through Bible prophecy, centuries before that restoration ever began to take place.

Brother, please please consider the tradition of historicism before making a decision as to which of the three approaches is more sound and historical.

A great place to discuss this is the forum where we already have ongoing discussions of the three approaches. The forum has an excellent search function.

May the good Lord bless you, and lead us all in all truth,

Sincerely, your brother in Christ Jesus,
