Recently I have seen where the Gospel is setting fire in the heart of Muhammad's stronghold. I am praying for these saints. All too often we talk about the persecution of Christians in the "First World", and while I don't take away from the opposition we face in America or Europe, I want to emphasize that the people in the middle east face this reality in a way we, in the "free" world, can't even imagine.
Particularly in Africa in countries like the Sudan - and Nigeria where 2,000 Christians were killed in just the most recent Muslim attack.
There is not a speck of difference between The Islamic State's beheading of those innocent Christian children for not denouncing Jesus Christ or Muhammad's beheading of the innocent faithful Jewish farm boys of the Banu Qurayza.
While there are a few Muslims in the Topix Islam forum, my post titled "Muhammad or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - What's the Difference?", naturally fell in the street without any defenders of Muhammad. want to pose this challenge. Let us pray for these brothers and sisters in the "heart of darkness" (Islam controlled). They need our support. My own challenges pale in comparison. Let us be spiritual warriors and bring our prayers to bear on this situation
Let's continue to do so, and also pray that the Muslims that are not our brothers and sisters (indeed
that are antichrists), will come to know the love of the one true God through a relationship with Jesus Christ! of Muslims are coming to Christ throughout those countries. As Islam continues to drop the false facade of peacefulness millions more Muslims will have an opportunity see the truth that they otherwise never may not have. There can hardly be a question that the Lord is bringing in the last of His harvest.
6 million Muslims come to Christ every year in Africa alone, and that number dates from long before the uprising of The Islamic State, and such widespread Islamic violence around the world.