It would have otherwise been unimaginable for anybody besides Barak Obama (of whom by now it should be expected), to choose the occasion of a
National Prayer Breakfast, to use the opportunity to take a shot at Christianity, in his transparent effort to excuse 1400 years and present day imperialistic conquest of Islamic Jihad. truth matters not to Obama's effort to propagandize, rather than admit that Muslims are specifically called and commanded to imperialistic conquest:
Surah 9.111
Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods.....they fight in His cause, and slay.....a promise binding on Him in.....the Qur'an: mattered not to Obama that the Crusades happened nearly a thousand years ago, nor does it matter to Obama that the purpose of the Crusades was to
liberate and regain the Holy Land that had been conquered by the Muhammadans in the mid 7th century, and to free our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus that lived there and suffered under the oppression and
dhimmitude of an Islamic slave state and also to renew God's people's ability to travel to our Holy Land on pilgrimage.
religion of Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with any part of the Holy Land, besides Muhammad's ridiculously tall tale of having ridden there from Mecca on a flying donkey-mule one night, with a leg up to the "paradise" of Muhammad's overactive imagination and back to Mecca by morning. Holy Land was
just another conquered land of the imperialistic conquest of nearly the whole known world of the Islamic First Jihad, all the way up into France and Austria. (and to a lesser extent Medina) are the "holy land" of Islam, and its worship centers around the Quraish pagan's
black stone idol and Kaaba, that was built in the 5th century AD for pagan Arabian moon, sun, star and jinn-devil worship. of the statements Obama made that was most telling, was his declaration that: "Many atrocities were committed in the name of Christ....."
Yet when he was referencing the Islamic Jihad that is going on today, he referred to it as atrocities committed "in the name of
religion". Well Mr. President, "religion" isn't a name. Why couldn't this president, whose formative years were spent in Indonesia, bring himself to say "atrocities committed in the name of
Muhammad or "
Allah" when he had no trouble whatsoever with saying atrocities committed in the name of christ?
Could it be for the same reason he proclaimed: “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer†– Barack Hussein Obama"Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.â€" of course the Islamic call to prayer is pure blasphemy from a Christian perspective and proselytism to Islam. Here are a few highlights of the satanic blasphemy in the "Adhan":
"Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
Of course when the Arabian pagan's proclaimed the first line before Muhammad ever invented Islam, they were holding up their moon god Allah as being the greatEST of all of their Arabian pagan deities.
But even if one sets aside the Quraish pagan's moon god's blasphemous name of "Allah" - that is a name of blasphemy when used for the name of the ONE true God of the scriptures YHWH - since if Muhammad was a "messenger" of the God of the scriptures, then all of the prophets and witnesses as revealed in those scriptures were false and Jesus Christ perhaps the most false among them, for having prophesied His own crucifixion, death and resurrection. only way a Christian could even abide that verse, much less find it one of the most beautiful or sweetest things that one can hear, is through the actual truth revealed in it. That truth being that Muhammad was indeed a "messenger" of the same pagan moon god "deity" named "Allah", that the Arabian pagans worshiped when they invoked the very same name, before Muhammad was ever born. we Christians of course know as the father of all false religion and strife in the world, who is also the father of lies, Satan. even told us the "why" himself, many years ago, through his accidental admission: a nation - the weaker minds in which succumbed to Obama's skillful use of
NLP (neuro linguistic programming), perhaps may not have had the ears to hear it until more recently as we watch the spectacle of the orthodox Muslims of the Islamic State who fully understand that fighting and slaying in the cause of "Allah" is "binding" on them "in the Quran". that the rest of the world is gaining a fuller understanding of what the term Jihad means, thanks to the murder, mayhem and misery perpetrated by the
orthodox Muslims of The Islamic State.
Obama gave us all the warning we needed when he came out of the closet with this whopper:
"Future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" again defining his "Christianity" by promoting and advancing the EXACT OPPOSITE from a STAND-ALONE false prophet. advancing the lie about Islam being a religion of peace.