Author Topic: New FBI Counter Extremism Site Fails to Mention Islamism  (Read 1882 times)


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New FBI Counter Extremism Site Fails to Mention Islamism
« on: March 04, 2016, 08:53:31 AM »
"New FBI Counter Extremism Site Fails to Mention Islamism

The FBI altered its website 'Don't Be a Puppet' after pressure from the Muslim-Brotherhood-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The FBI has launched a new website to counter extremism, but it has been stripped of references to Islamist extremism or Islam.

Titled "Don’t be a Puppet," the site tries to deconstruct some of the motivating factors that lead people into extremism. It’s aimed for use in high schools or other programs for teenagers.

The website was originally slated to launch in November 2015, but did not, following criticisms from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). At the time, CAIR expressed concerns about a new FBI “countering violent extremism” (CVE) online program that would make teachers an extension of law enforcement and may stigmatize and increase bullying of Muslim students.”

Several community organizations told The New York Times they thought the website “focuses almost entirely on Islamic extremism.”

The site was then put on hold, eventually launching in February 2016."
