Author Topic: Bigot, racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe epithets mask truth  (Read 1453 times)


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    • False Prophet Muhammad
By now what Americans should be increasingly recognizing is that the vast majority of times that terms like racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and Islamophobic are applied to a person or what they have to say or write, we can pretty much count on the reason being that the accuser is unable to respond to the truth that is being advanced, because they themselves are buried in a nearly inescapable heap of lies. As a result they continue to create Orwellian "Newspeak" to censor the truth through political correctness, so their lies can prevail in a vacuum that excludes truth, in efforts to intimidate those who advance the truth to increasingly self-censor. Let alone that casual overuse of the terms, even to the opposite, has rendered them meaningless for the cases in which they actually do apply.
If that described what you have been increasingly in the habit of doing, why not make a decision to break away from the darkness of the father of lies, and into the light of the truth?
Why can we suppose it is, that Islamic States have had to murder their own citizens for speaking the truth, over the last 1400 years?