Author Topic: Persecution in Pakistan  (Read 6067 times)


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Persecution in Pakistan
« on: October 07, 2009, 01:56:21 PM »
Pakistan: Christian woman arrested

Asia Bibi, a 37-year-old Pakistani woman from the village of Ittanwali, was arrested by police on Friday, June 19, and faces possible blasphemy charges. Asia is the wife of 50-year-old Ashiq Masih, and their family is one of only three Christian families in a village of more than 1,500 families.

Many of the local women work on the farm of Muslim landowner Muhammad Idrees, including Asia. During their work many of the Muslim women have pressured Asia to renounce Christianity and accept Islam. Over the past week the pressure has been especially strong.

On Friday, June 19, there was an intense discussion among the women about their faith, with the Muslim women telling Asia about Islam. Asia responded by telling them about her faith in Christ.

Asia told the Muslim women that Christ had died on the cross for our sins, then asked them what Mohammed had done for them, according to VOM sources.  She told them Jesus is alive, but Mohammed is dead. "Our Christ is the true prophet of God," she reportedly told them, "and yours is not true."

Upon hearing this response the Muslim women became angry and began to beat Asia Bibi. Then some men came and took her and locked her in a room. They announced from mosque loudspeakers that she would be punished by having her face blackened and being paraded through the village on a donkey.

Local Christians informed the police, who took Asia into custody before the Muslims could carry out their plan. She is currently being held at the police station in Nankana city. Christians there urged the police not to file blasphemy charges, but police claimed that they must go forward due to pressure from local Muslim leaders.

The Voice of the Martyrs urges Christians around the world to pray for Asia Bibi and her family. Further, we call on the Pakistani government to insure that the rights of Christians like Asia are protected.

The Voice of the Martyrs' sources are actively investigating the case, as well as providing support to local Christians. More information will be posted at as it becomes available.


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Re: Pakistan: Christian woman arrested
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 08:21:13 AM »
persecution in Pakistan

Blasphemy laws are used as an excuse for abduction, rape, and murder


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Re: Persecution in Pakistan
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 08:53:39 AM »
Attack on the Christian Colony in Gojra, Pakistan

No fire trucks or ambulances showed up, so parishioners were carrying their dead and wounded out on vegetable carts. Then the Muslims burned the vegetable carts.


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Muslim rapes 4 year old Christian girl
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 06:29:32 AM »
Pakistani Christian family refuses to convert to Islam so a Muslim rapes their 4 year old daughter.


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Re: Muslim rapes 4 year old Christian girl
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 09:19:34 PM »
Pakistani Christian family refuses to convert to Islam so a Muslim rapes their 4 year old daughter.

I don't know if I can bring myself to watch the video but from looking it appears she was actually only 2 years old when raped.

Also noticed this in the video comments:
"Yeshua is great and John the Baptist is His prophet"

Would make an excellent t-shirt slogan


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Re: Muslim rapes 4 year old Christian girl
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2011, 03:08:12 AM »
Pakistani Christian family refuses to convert to Islam so a Muslim rapes their 4 year old daughter.

I don't know if I can bring myself to watch the video but from looking it appears she was actually only 2 years old when raped.

Also noticed this in the video comments:
"Yeshua is great and John the Baptist is His prophet"

Would make an excellent t-shirt slogan

I wouldn't have thought much about it one way or the other, but after having recently learned a little more about Mandaean Gnosticism while speaking with the guy at the following link, the "prophet" in the singular of the slogan emphasizing John the Baptist smacks of Mandaeanism. After all there were lots of prophets that prophesied of Yeshua, including Isaiah who John the Baptist even quoted. Are we supposed to single out the person of a particular prophet for adoration, besides Yeshua Himself?



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Re: Muslim rapes 4 year old Christian girl
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 04:59:46 PM »

Have never heard of it will have a read. Yes it did occur to me that He had many prophets including Himself!


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Re: Persecution in Pakistan
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2012, 07:53:57 AM »


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Re: Muslim rapes 4 year old Christian girl
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2012, 12:15:11 PM »

"Yeshua is great and John the Baptist is His prophet"

Would make an excellent t-shirt slogan

I like the parallel to the usual muslim slogan. It infers Jesus' divinity and while John wasn't the only prophet of Jesus he certainly had a special place in the grand scheme of things.
Doth that man love his Lord who would be willing to see Jesus wearing a crown of thorns, while for himself he craves a chaplet of laurel? Shall Jesus ascend to his throne by the cross, and do we expect to be carried there on the shoulders of applauding crowds? Charles H. Spurgeon


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Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2014, 04:53:56 PM »

A Christian man has been sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, according to his lawyer, following an incident last year that prompted a Muslim mob to torch hundreds of homes.  It is the latest in a string of convictions prompting calls from religious minorities for the law to be reformed.

Naeem Shakir said his client, Sawan Masih, was convicted during a hearing held in jail for fear of violent protests.  Masih, a cleaner, was accused of insulting the Prophet Mohammed during a conversation with a Muslim friend in the eastern city of Lahore. Within hours, about 3000 protesters had set light to Christian homes and churches in an area known as Joseph Colony.
His supporters have always claimed the incident was fabricated as part of a plot to seize land.

“They hatched a conspiracy to push out the residents of the colony,” said Masih in a statement after sentence was passed. “They contrived a case and got it filed by a person who was close to me. I am innocent.”

At the time police said Masih had been drinking with his friend and the pair got into a heated row.  Although Pakistan has not carried out capital punishment for blasphemy, violent mobs and extremists have. At least one judge has been murdered for appearing to be too lenient in such cases.  Xavier William, president of the Christian pressure group Life for All Pakistan, said the episode marked a clear example of intolerance and misuse of the laws.

"In Pakistan even being accused of blasphemy is equivalent to being sentenced,” he said.  "The blasphemy laws in Pakistan are used to settle personal vendettas.”

The police arrested 83 suspects following the rampage through the Christian colony, including the man who brought the complaint against Masih, but so far none have been convicted. Amnesty International called for Masih to be released and for those responsible for attacking Christian homes to be tried.

"Failure to do so will effectively send the message that anyone can commit outrageous abuses and excuse them as defence of religious sentiments," said David Griffiths, Amnesty International's deputy Asia Pacific director.

An elderly British man is among the several dozen currently being held for blasphemy offences. Muhammad Asghar, 70, was sentenced to death after being arrested in 2010 for writing letters claiming to be a prophet. His relatives say he has a history of paranoid schizophrenia and his lawyers have launched an appeal. Efforts to reform the British-era colonial laws – toughened in the 1980s with Sharia penalties – have foundered. Such is the febrile atmosphere that few dare to question the laws. In 2011, Salman Taseer, governor of Punjab, was shot dead by one of his own bodyguards for taking up the case of a Christian woman sentenced to death.


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Re: Persecution in Pakistan
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2014, 07:24:24 AM »
Don't know if you saw this page bro:

From CNS on Hillary Clinton's Obama Administration effort:
"'The OIC has hit on a winning strategy to get Western countries to break away from their commitment to free speech by repackaging blasphemy as hate speech and free speech as the manifestation of "intolerance,"' George Washington University professor of public interest law Jonathan Turley warned in a column this week."
"'Although the OIC and the Obama administration claim fealty to free speech, the very premise of the meeting reveals a desire to limit it,' he argued."
"In her address Wednesday, Clinton referred briefly to criticism of the talks.
'Now I know that some in my country and elsewhere have criticized this meeting and our work with all of you. But I want to make clear that I am proud of this work, and I am proud to be working with every one of you.'"

The death penalty for blasphemy by statute is of course perfectly consistent with the death penalty for "apostasy" by statute (by beginning a life in Jesus Christ for example), of many OIC Islamic countries today, in the cradle of Muhammad's anti-religion.

That is, Muslim State's statutes providing for the murder of their own formerly Muslim citizens, who come to know the love of the one true God through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The following lists the penalty in some OIC member States for "blasphemy", or what we in the west used to know as free speech. A small sampling of Islamic countries' penalty for "blasphemy":

Afghanistan (member OIC) - death penalty
Algeria (member OIC) - 10 years of imprisonment and a fine
Bangladesh - so far, "Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rejected calls for new laws.....demanding death penalty for people involved in blasphemy."
Egypt (member OIC) - death penalty
Kuwait (member OIC) - death penalty
Malaysia - up to 3 years in prison
Nigeria - "Nigeria prohibits blasphemy by section 204 of its Criminal Code and by permitting Sharia courts to operate in some states.[52][53] Vigilantism frequently usurps the jurisdiction of the courts.[54]"
Pakistan (member OIC) - death penalty
Saudi Arabia (member OIC) - death penalty
Sudan (member OIC) - imprisonment, a fine (up to 8 million Sudanese pounds for having sold a book), and a maximum of forty lashes
Turkey (member OIC) - 1-3 years
UAE (member OIC) - up to the judge, but based on what they do to tourists that are victims of rape.....
Yemen (member OIC) - death penalty

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expresses her pride in working with OIC Islamic states toward speech laws that would run roughshod over our constitution, while a young Christian mother of five has been sentenced to death in OIC member Pakistan for a false accusation of so-called "blasphemy", lodged against her by a group of anti-Christian Muslim bigots:
"Asia’s case dates back to June 2009 when she was asked to fetch water while out working in the fields. But a group of Muslim women labourers objected, saying that as a non-Muslim, she should not touch the water bowl.
A few days later the women went to a local cleric and alleged that Asia made  derogatory remarks about the Prophet Mohammed."

Would trying Clinton for treason be going too far?


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Christian couple killed for 'desecrating Quran' in Pakistan
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2014, 03:23:19 PM »

LAHORE, Pakistan: An enraged Muslim mob beat a Christian couple to death in Pakistan and burnt their bodies in the brick kiln where they worked Tuesday for allegedly desecrating a Quran, police said.

The incident took place at the town of Kot Radha Kishan, some 60 kilometers southwest of the city of Lahore, and is the latest example of mob violence against minorities accused of blasphemy.

"A mob attacked a Christian couple after accusing them of desecration of the holy Quran and later burnt their bodies at a brick kiln where they worked," local police station official Bin-Yameen told AFP.

"Yesterday an incident of desecration of the holy Quran took place in the area and today the mob first beat the couple and later set their bodies on fire at a brick kiln," he added.

Another police official confirmed the incident. The victims were only identified by their first names, Shama and Shehzad, and were a married couple.

Pakistan's brick kiln workers are often subject to harsh practices, with a study by the Bonded Labour Liberation Front Pakistan estimating that 4.5 million are indentured labourers.

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has constituted a three-member committee to fast track the investigation of the killings and ordered police to beef up security at Christian neighborhoods in the province, an official from his media office told AFP.

Blasphemy is a hugely sensitive issue in the majority Muslim country, with even unproven allegations often prompting mob violence.

Anyone convicted, or even just accused, of insulting Islam, risks a violent and bloody death at the hands of vigilantes.

A Christian woman has been on death row since November 2010 after she was found guilty of making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Mohammad during an argument with a Muslim woman.

An elderly British man with severe mental illness, sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan in January, was shot by a prison guard last month.

Mike S

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Re: Persecution in Pakistan
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2014, 04:16:40 PM »
Quote from Ex-Military:
At the time police said Masih had been drinking with his friend and the pair got into a heated row
What? A Muslim drinking alcohol? I thought that was forbidden! :o ::)