J wrote:
Dear Pete,
Brother in Christ,
Well, I am running this morning, but thank you for your message.
About preaching to the choir - I may seem like I have only one agenda, but not so. I stand corrected on having common thought, so forgive me on that score. I commend you on your own ministry to help others seem the harms in Islam that can reach epic proportions if people don't get educated. I hope you continue and manage to make inroads as well. Very worthy cause to be sure.
Where to even start, I don’t know. But will share some thoughts with you, because forums are not remotely sufficient for this type of exchange, which by the way, I have been studying for over 30 years, and read 1000’s of books, periodicals, journals and real study, as well as life experience to formulate my in depth knowledge. Bear with me for I may not write again about all this for I do not like to do it piecemeal or we could be here for years. (smiling here). You have opened the door for this, because you seem to believe a woman like me is narrow minded in thought and scope about this issue and I would like to clear up this assumption. However, I also give this because you are a good man, respectful and have genuine interest in combating evil in the world. This is my premise, welcome to a portion of my world, you may glean some information that will assist in your own endeavours, if so then this will be worthwhile. Forgive spelling, please. For you and I are on the same side, and I see you already know Islam is becoming more than a serious issue in our countries.
I do know about sharia law – muslims they tried to pull that one in Ontario not long ago and that was a battle to strike down that is another whole story. So far we are winning that one!
See my posts on some of those videos a while ago under different channel names, [named] to name two. I do counteract those videos with the harms of hitting; that result in emotional, physical, brain stunting, victimization and how it gets perpetuated or misdirected in the next generation. The harms resound in every single place of a woman, body, mind and soul, her children, society, and the next generation. And resounds with us all today. Those harms are not only in Islam and that is why one must focus on what they can, can’t do and know the difference. And truly know how to approach this where one will make inroads and a difference.
Education about abuse is paramount. We cannot solve a sister’s (one of my own sisters as well) with problem with her husband beating her over the years, try to save her over and over and she goes back, we see the harms on their children and more? Police, Church authorities, counselors all play a role including doctors. Where does that leave us trying to convince men a country away to stop something they believe is just fine due to their unbelievable ignorance and indoctrination for generations. We have knowledge, studies, and laws to protect women. We took women off books as chattel finally in 1970’s in Canada.
How does this look to Muslims when we have alarming proportions of abuse of all types raging even on the television or youtube. And these muslims both educated and not, will hone in on that instantly if one attacks their system of thought and laws. So one has to know their own issues too, before remotely addressing what is happening in the bedrooms of muslims we had better understand we can’t solve this issue in a country where woman do have the best rights in the world.
We have a so-called women’s rights country, show me the real women in our society and how they manage. 33 million people in Canada, 300 million in the U.S. that statistics are off the Richter scale for abuse in real stats brought to the fore: Can you imagine what goes on behind closed doors before that happens. Can you imagine, why women in this day and age will sell their bodies, or think nothing now of appearing half naked on family TV. shows?
Can we blame women, society, men, media, the devil, and religious rigidity, permissive society? Where do we even start if we can’t solve our own very serious issues? Not only in media this represented by just a fraction of real abuse – but also our own families have issues that we cannot solve, even in homes that appear solid and caring.
Where is the root of this problem then? This is critical to get to this before we can solve those issues in other countries (which btw we have so many efforts in every sector of society, (Church, government, activists groups of every type, from trying to solve poverty, disease, cancer, wars, conflicts, crime, sexual disease, and all things that come from that) Addictions in society are at an all time high. Abuse of every kind then comes from people who are addicted in some way or form. Men out of balance are sometimes part of these harms (and women don’t get me wrong here, but always there is a base to go back to men).
Men with testosterone in balance, in cities can become productive or out of balance extremely harmful. They need an outlet for their beings, hobbies, passions, pursuits that use the testosterone that builds up in their bodies and brains. If a man is not balanced he is ripe for becoming a: workaholic, alcoholic, addicted to something TV. games, sex. Or he will abuse, or become a dictator.
Know anyone like this? James the preacher fits the bill for dictator because he solved some other issues in his youth. Men without balance and outlets need to find healthy ones or they quickly resort to using their power for abuse.
People living crammed in large cities are a problem, people’s energies vibrating because we do have souls and spirits that are affected negatively by overcrowding. People start acting weird and deviant to get their “territory and space” in society.
Culture, family, medicine, schools, education, every sector forms how we develop. I can talk circles and volumes on this topic.
You would not be able to absorb it all because my dearth of knowledge is vast, and even periodicals and books on abuse, addictions, brains, bodies and the like has grown leaps and bounds in knowledge and understanding from only 5 years ago, let alone almost 4 decades ago when I first started studying. I suppose I even knew as a child there was a huge problem with boys with way more privilege than girls in school or society. My own household was one. We started out with 4 girls, we never remotely got the same privileges or freedom as our cousin male counterparts of same age.
The only way to help people about abuse is with education from their own language, jargon, culture, education system and work from there. People who are informed and live biblical standards will ONLY listen to those who can back their premise up with scripture, and that is very scary too.
Muslims for example, live primarily according to Old Testament standards as Mohammed was pretty much living in totality similar to David or King Solomon (warring tribes for rule – only his was religious based on what God told him). Oh, I guess that is where most wars originate – unless of course one is communist and they don’t pretend it is about God. Only difference with Mohammed, he had a big hate on for Jews and add Christians to that pot, and voila and ready made base for perpetuating harms on everyone for another 1400 years.
And we live in modern America where it appears women are free in society and all these problems solved?
We also, have to be sensitive to the Muslims who will carry that message, because there are many who will do this when they become educated and is happening as we speak in many countries, but this takes time and education. Muslims are the ones who will infiltrate from within to make the most effective and lasting change.
However, youtube commentary is a way to combat as well, this is becoming a very powerful medium as I am discovering in my short time here.
Perhaps you have not been on some youtube commentaries against Islamic practices, that I have, as there are many, too many now to comment on them all.
One is only one person, after all.
It also took me a while to discover enough about Islam, I admit to being in the dark about this for some time, but that too can be explained as to nature of my own life circumstances and again internet and forums expand a persons scope far quicker than news papers or waiting for studies to come out.
Further, the Internet and media have many biases, so one still has to be cautious as to what is culture verses what is religion.
Muslims in general are just breaking out into the world at large (in the scope of centuries of history, so we have to forgive ourselves at times for our ignorance of their ways). Just as the world at large doesn't not understand our countries and history at times and instead sees only harms or news media clips only.
Perhaps you have been informed longer than I as well.
Without getting into more right now. I have in fact written commentary on Islamic videos that show wife beating and other archaic thought. It becomes so appalling one has to take a break or it breaks ones heart.
And too people still have to word things so it is clear enough to not slam personalities, but stay on topic. Very delicate balance at times, when one is up against men who condone wife beating according to "quran" and "hadith" instruction.
It also took me some time to sort out different *sects*, and sections of their laws, sharia, hadith are offshoots of the quran, from sayings and writings of his wives and others who interpreted what Mohammed "said".
We won't get into fact that Mohammed was maybe partly insane - warring, sanctioned pillaging, torturing raping and taking property and women as booty. He had 12? Wives (disputed) including his child bride Aisha married at 6, consummated marriage at 9 years old). , Many concubines, hatred for Jews and Christians - in epic proportions.
However, this is what people do not understand. Mohammed is an example of how people lived in the Old Testament days. There is nothing that he has done that was not done by some prophets in the bible. Yet we don't "see that" because we have been numbed to it.
This is why we must work from within our own Churches (in addition to creating awareness of Islam). Or else we will have people like James the preacher convincing men to treat their wives as in the bible. We most certainly have no choice but to care for our own when we see the battles we did one are trying to be eroded and oppressed again.
These are the seeds and root of abuse.
How shameful that North American women suffer at the hands of their so-called "loved ones" in this day and age.
I do argue on Islamic channels, about this, but it gets exhausting there too with nut cases. One also has to tread carefully on Muslim channels that are very modern and peaceful, that one touches on this subject graduated or they shut down communication.