Author Topic: Anti-Zionism & Anti-Zionist vid chat with hillbillybushcraft (forum ID Michael2)  (Read 11885 times)


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On "Anti-Zionism & Anti-Zionist" video

Triple space separates authors. I did my best to put the posts in order but copy and pasted YouTube chats come out in desperately disheveled order. Links in posts extended, to be functional.

Jews do not consider the Talmud to be inspired by God. Attempts to tar faithful Jews with the Talmud will be removed out of hand, unless the person copy and pasting it can honestly declare they follow Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell and the Pope simultaneously.
Regarding those "Christians" with a fascination for the Talmud, that spend time with their noses buried in it, I would recommend that you carefully consider what happened to Ted Pike and his wife.
PeteWaldo 6 days ago

I am not part of ANY of the groups you mentioned and I like the Torah Jews am against False Zionism. May be your confusing Zionism with fasle Zionism, that is trying to control the world. You have heard of it. It is called the NWO. But anyhow lets take more of the word into context. 1 John 2:22 says. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. And yes this would include the "Jew". Your going 2 have to look in2 that word MORE
hillbillybushcraft 5 days ago

cont... Sorry I hate these little boxes. Anyhow Not all Jews are of the tribe of Judah. Real Judah is getting a bad name by these imposters. Jesus talked about them in many places but comes right out and says it in Rev 2:9 & 3:9. And the verse you quoted Mat 7:17 tells alot. For instance there is NO WAY Cain is Adams son. If you believe that verse to be true and I for one do then you must agree!
hillbillybushcraft 5 days ago

Sorry Bro. I have to enter another point. Muhammad can NOT be the false prophet of Rev. Because Christ disciples ask one very specific question that time stamps all these things. Mat 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end ? Right after this Jesus gives the seals in order. Perfect as always. So do you see? The FP comes at the END right before Jesus.
hillbillybushcraft 5 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "May be your confusing Zionism with fasle Zionism..."
No need to add confusion by creating your own vocabulary.
"Zionism is a form of nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in territory defined as the Land of Israel."
God is a Zionist.
Gen 17:8 And I will give unto thee...all the land of Canaan, for an EVERLASTING POSSESSION
There are faithful Jews and there are secular Jews. Some blinded to the Gospel by God Himself.
PeteWaldo 5 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "...Zionism, that is trying to control the world."
That's funny. Sweden will be ruled under sharia law within 40 years with Holland close behind, and then the rest of Europe. England has already adopted parts of sharia law into their legal system.
The heirs of 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today, will be out to conquer and subjugate your heirs, to prostrating 5 times a day to a black stone idol in Mecca.
You aid their efforts
PeteWaldo 5 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "The FP comes at the END right before Jesus."
You believe that because of a doctrine you have been taught.
beholdthebeast. com/matthew_24_olivet_discours­­e. htm
The traditional continuous-historic context puts Muhammad squarely in the role of THE false prophet. And no surprise since Muhammadans - 1/4 of mankind - commit the most egregious, AND ONLY UNPARDONABLE SIN in Muhammad's cult if they confess that Jesus is the Son of God & deny Jesus' crucifixion.
PeteWaldo 5 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "And yes this would include the "Jew". Your going 2 have to look in2 that word MORE"
Or maybe you are?
Daniel 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...and his name shall be ...The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Some Jews have been blinded to recognizing that Jesus is that Son.
PeteWaldo 5 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft Here's who anti-Zionists aid.
Surah 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus...BUT THEY KILLED HIM NOT, NOR CRUCIFIED HIM, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not
Sura 19:88 They say: "(Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son!" 89 Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!
brotherpete. com
PeteWaldo 5 days ago

@PeteWaldo Your reply as to the word "Jew" had absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said. Look at the definition of the word. Look at what the Bible actually says BEFORE translation. Many times it says JUDAH. Big difference.
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo I don't read Koran. I only read the word of God! And for someone who thinks Muhammad is the FP why in the world would you? Think about what you said!! Not acceptable!
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo NO wrong again. false Zionism is the final beast system. If you think that is a good thing you are confused. 2 Thes 2 tells us that the Anti-Christ will rule from Jerusalem! Lets not forget they are still waiting on Messiah. Who do you think they will call this fake when he comes?? Your still thinking about two different Zionisms.
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo Again. Jesus gave the parable of the fig tree which could ONLY have been talking about Israel becoming a state which didn't happen until 1948. NO Muhammad is NOT the FP. I suppose you think the final beast power has already risen too? In my opinion your teaching that Rev. is a product of it's time and THAT is just as dangerous as a pre-trib teaching.
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "May be your confusing Zionism with fasle Zionism, that is trying to control the world."
You seem to be identifying intelligence, drive and success as being some sort of conspiracy.
Please tell us what conspiracy carried Jews to the top of the fields of literature, physics, economics, medicine, chemistry and agriculture, resulting in being awarded 20% of Nobel prizes even though Jews comprise only 0.2% of the world's population?
PeteWaldo 4 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "Right after this Jesus gives the seals in order."
Jesus describes how the entire Christian era would unfold.
Revelation 1:9 I, JOHN, both YOUR brother and COMPANION in THE tribulation...
If you can get over anti-Jew pro-Muslim worldview long enough to read a fun free book it will introduce you to the traditional continuous-historic in which we all understand Old Testament prophecy and the Reformers understood New Testament.
PeteWaldo 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo Here you are correct! WHO is the ones screaming racism?? WHO is trying to scatter the power of the people? And one last thing WHO do you think these folks in these countries descend from?
I think this is the right one.
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo God is a Zionist. I am a Zionist too when you are talking about Old Testament Zionism. They are totally different from Fasle Zionism today. Which is why I told you about the Torah Jews that are AGAINST that form of Zionism! Google it or look right here on youtube. <<-- Very interesting!
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo One more thing. I am NOT anti Jew. I love our brother Judah dearly. Bet you didnt see that coming did you. I stick to the word of God. & Christ tells us about the fake. He also tells us about the beast system which I am assuming you support looking at your reply 2 me?? Yes false Zionism is the final beast system. So if you can get over you false ideology look at the word of God & you will understand. And NO no one told me these thngs I have studied for many years I can read just fine
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@PeteWaldo It is obvious you live in your own little world. You didn't even watch the videos I listed. They explain a lot. And NO I do not run with anyone but true Christians! Also I have news for you Israel is 12 tribes not just one. To answer your question about the false Zionist state "achievements" Read Habakkuk 1 and 2. If you understand, it will explain it for you. Pay attention at 1:6.
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

One last thing I have to say. I am NOT pro Islam. LOL utter nonsense. Your the one quoting the Quran! I want to rephrase something I said earlier. The word says all that deny the Christ is anti-Christ. You can NOT doubt the word of God. We are both bound by it! This would include ALL religious views that do so. That is really not that hard to understand! ALL!
hillbillybushcraft 4 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "Israel is 12 tribes not just one."
That's right. The 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel not the 12 tribes of Ishmael. Today his seed are as prophesied
Gen 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man...
"To answer your question about the false Zionist state "achievements""
I already understand
Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall ALL FAMILIES of the earth be BLESSED.
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "One last thing I have to say. I am NOT pro Islam. LOL utter nonsense."
Sorry, but when you run with anti-zionists, any person honest with themselves can see they are joining forces with Islam. You are advancing Islam.
"You can NOT doubt the word of God."
That's how I know Yahweh has an EVERLASTING covenant with His people over - all the land of Canaan - Israel.
As you leave ask yourself why you couldn't answer the question regarding Jew's achievements.
PeteWaldo 4 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "NO Muhammad is NOT the FP. I suppose you think the final beast power has already risen too?"
It's as plain as the nose on your face. Daniel defined the term "beast" as "kingdom" in the context of a prophetic dream or vision:
Daniel 7:23...The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth...
The seats of Daniel's, then John's Revelation 13 composite lion-bear-leopard
lion = Babylon = Iraq
bear = Medo-Pursia = Iran
leopard = Greece = Syria/Lebanon
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "...teaching that Rev. is a product of it's time and THAT is just as dangerous..."
The continuous-historic context is the TRADITIONAL context Jews and Christians hold for Old Testament prophecy, and reformers like Isaac Newton, Matthew Henry and van Braght understood Revelation would unfold in.
"dangerous" is a doctrine that has a person that believes they are Christian joining Nazis, skinheads and Muslims in the Islamic beast's conquest of Israel.
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "I don't read Koran."
Your ignorance to Quran is why you join Muslims in Islam's conquest of the world.
Surah 9.29 Fight those who believe not in Allah ... and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (EVEN IF THEY ARE) of THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. 30 The JEWS call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the CHRISTIANS call Christ the son of Allah. ...ALLAH'S CURSE BE ON THEM...
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "WHO is trying to scatter the power of the people?"
YOU are.
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "I don't read Koran."
That's why you join Islamic conquest - the final foe of God's people
Sura 9.111 Allah ... they fight in His cause, and slay ... a promise binding on Him in ... the Qur'an:
Bukhari, V1 B2 #24 Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ORDERED (BY ALLAH) TO FIGHT AGAINST THE PEOPLE until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle,
YOUR HEIRS subjugated to Muhammadans
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft "..studied for many years I can read just fine"
So you came up with Darby's "THE" "Antichrist" and "7-year tribulation" on your own? Shame you didn't apply hermeneutics in "study" or you may not have joined the Islamic beast's conquest of Israel. But that's just one country. There have been over 18,000 deadly Islamic terror attacks around the world just since 9-11.
It's their job
Sura 8:12 I will instill TERROR into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbilly "And NO I do not run with anyone but true Christians!"
Muslims also believe that simply because they say something it will magically come true. FACT IS anti-zionists include Nazis, skinheads and Muslims.
Bukhari 52.177 ...Allah's Apostle said, :...fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
YOUR TEAM. Try a YouTube search - Islam indoctrination of children - jews apes pigs
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft When you came you said:
"Sorry I hate these little boxes."
So how about I copy and paste our chat into the forum, and you can join me there where we have virtually unlimited characters, can put in live links, and discuss thoughtfully over time, instead of this 500 character YouTube nonsense? The only forum rule is that folks have to engage in an exchange - that is respond to replies to responses, etc. The first or second link on all my videos will take you there.
PeteWaldo 3 days ago

@PeteWaldo You didn't understand what I said. Jesus' two horns are King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Rev 13 says the FP has two horns LIKE the lamb. so be careful of who you accuse of blasphemy. Maybe I didn't word it that good I will go back and look at the post. If your only going to accuse. Then there is no use for me to come. Again You are in your own little world and Satan accuses day and night. I am not up for that. Sorry. I deal only in truth!
hillbillybushcraft 3 days ago

@PeteWaldo Anyhow as stated before. Two horns LIKE the lamb. So Muhammad Can NOT possibly be the FP. Period.
hillbillybushcraft 3 days ago

@PeteWaldo I have registered as Michael2. But I work a lot and study a lot. I will try to be part of this forum. However I don't know that I can always reply to everything but will try. Thanks
hillbillybushcraft 3 days ago

@hillbillybushcraft In light of your blasphemous exegesis of the two horned beast in your PM I am more than a little concerned. Our primary focus is on bringing Muslims to the foot of the cross and they don't need confusion. I'll start with a couple of devoted threads in the Zionism section.One with our copy and pasted comments from here, and another of our PMs. We can thoroughly exhaust the material we have covered so far. I'll start putting them together.
PeteWaldo 3 days ago


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For instance there is NO WAY Cain is Adams son.

So then whose son was Cain?
That is, who fathered Cain?

You replied to the video comment with:

"I don't know what happened. When I went to reply to your question it just disappeared. Anyhow Who is Cains father. The answer is found Right there in Genesis 3 but confirmation is found in John 8 and also in Mat 23 and Mat 13 the parable of the tares are about Cain who his father is. Jesus point blank tells you. And the parable of the Fig Tree is also an awesome parable if you understand the horticulture of the fig tree. Remeber Eve sowed fig leaves to cover her womb!! Jeremiah 24 is also the place that tells us about the good fig and the bad fig (fake Jews). Are you starting to get the picture??"

To which I replied:

Why don't you answer the question?
Who do you believe Cain was the son of?
That is, who fathered Cain?


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Anti-Zioniists please copy and paste this link, remove the spaces from after the dots and push enter, to get an idea as to who you are running with:
brotherpete. com/index. php?topic=3150.0
PeteWaldo 20 hours ago in playlist Uploaded videos

ALL watch this for some truth. It is amazing. If this don't sound familiar your not paying attention. Here is truth!
hillbillybushcraft 13 hours ago

For folks that are unaware, hillbillybushcraft is in bondage to Satan's Serpent's Seed doctrine that he received by way of his false teacher and false prophet Arnold Murray. We are continuing to expose this satanic deception in detail in the Zionism section of the Islam-Christian Forum. The first link on the video takes you to the forum.
Hillbilly has to reject the plain truth of Genesis 4:1 in order to follow this demonic doctrine of Hitler and embraced by Nazis, skinheads, and the KKK today.
PeteWaldo 9 hours ago

If you add another post on this video, that does anything other than give a sound explanation as to why you reject the plain and clear truth of scripture of Genesis 4:1, to instead join company with Nazis, skinheads and the KKK, it may be removed out of hand along with any others, until you do provide that sound explanation.
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 9 hours ago

LOL. I am not a Nazi for the one hundredth time! Just because I share truth you don't like, you accuse like Lucifer does ALL the brethren day and night! Take all of them off. You act like you have some sort of authority. LOL You may have over comments on this video but that is were your authority ENDS! You are dead wrong in your theology. Your eschatology is non literal and it is flat out wrong. cont.
hillbillybushcraft in reply to PeteWaldo (Show the comment) 9 hours ago

Literalism means that unless the biblical text itself clearly indicates that what is being presented is not literal, then it is literal. To you and Skolfield the WHOLE Bible is spiritual. And YOU are wrong!
hillbillybushcraft in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 9 hours ago

And you reject the whole word of God. Gen 3:15 Mat 13 Mat 23 John 8! Rev 2:9 Rev 3:9. All you can give is one verse to prove this? How about Gen 5. Did you notice that Cain is not in Adams Genealogy? Do you think God made a mistake? The best Nazi's are the ones that support the political Zionism of today. It gives our brother Judah a bad name. Real Jews are against this kind of teaching. Search it on youtube to see for yourself.
hillbillybushcraft in reply to PeteWaldo (Show the comment) 8 hours ago

For those looking on, hillbilly couldn't explain why he rejects Genesis 4:1 - of the God of the bible - to follow the false doctrines of Hitler and Arnold Murray.
The core doctrine I ascribe to is consistent with that of the church over the last nearly 2,000 years.
Hillbilly's Satan's Seed core doctrine is Hitler's, and is still lovingly embraced today by Nazis, skinheads and the Ku Klux Klan. Hillbilly did not deny this because he couldn't.
Mat 7:17...a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 40 minutes ago

Folks can also see how casually hillbilly lies and falsely accuses. I do not reject Gen 3:15 Mat 13 Mat 23 John 8 Rev 2:9 or Gen 5. I understand those verses the way Christians have for nearly 2,000 years. What hillbilly actually means is that I do not ascribe to the false presumptions of Hitler, Arnold Murray, the Nazis, skinheads and KKK, that hillbilly has been taught. Regarding Rev 3:9 and the synagogue of Satan, hillbilly has been so blinded by Hitler that he can't even see he is in it.
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 22 minutes ago

"To you and Skolfield the WHOLE Bible is spiritual."
More casual false accusations pouring fourth, as Satan takes over full control of hillbilly. The weird thing is that his lies and false accusations are always so easily verifiable. Anyone who has read The False Prophet understands the central subject is THE false prophet Muhammad's followers, at center-stage, as the final foe of God's people. Hardly spiritualizing away scripture, as we see that conflict raging all around the world today.
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 10 minutes ago

"LOL. I am not a Nazi for the one hundredth time!"
I've never said you were a Nazi.
"for the one hundredth time!" I've said you find yourself in the company of Nazis, skinheads and the KKK because you ascribe to the same satanic Serpent's Seed doctrine that they do. You cannot deny any of that. Why is it that you can't seem to grasp that? You have chosen the tree of rotted fruit.
SCRIPTURE is the authority and Genesis 4:1 tells us unequivocally that Adam fathered Cain. You believe Satan instead.
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 2 minutes ago

"Literalism means that unless the biblical text itself clearly indicates that what is being presented is not literal, then it is literal."
Yet you reject Genesis 4:1 which says that Cain is literally the son of Adam - no matter what language or sound resource a person chooses to study that verse in - so that you can instead follow Satan's Serpent's Seed doctrine which is a preposterous heap of pile-on false presumption authored by Satan himself, and further embellished by pop-futurist doctrine.
PeteWaldo 1 second ago

For folks observing this chat, hillbilly gave away the touchstone passages Hitler perverted, to persecute Jews, when he gave us his laundry list of Gen 3:15 Mat 13 Mat 23 John 8 Rev 2:9 Rev 3:9.Gen 5.
If you YouTube search - satan's seed - you will find all the other parrots of Arnold Murray's filthy satanic lie, even right there in many of the video descriptions.
If you then Yahoo - satan's seed hitler - you will find hillbilly's Hitlerian doctrine is responsible for the deaths of millions.
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft 1 second ago

That web search gives us a good idea as to who Satan's seed really are. Who the tares are. Among them are the Nazis, skinheads and the KKK, that advance the satanic Satan's Seed doctrine. Can anybody beside themselves imagine they have a relationship with the God of love, of the bible? They are of the flesh and cannot understand the term "seed" in the spiritual sense. That's why defining Jews is solely a matter of genetics to them.
Rom 2:28-9
More here
brotherpete. com/index. php?topic=3150.0
PeteWaldo in reply to PeteWaldo 1 second ago

As we observe hillbilly pointing his finger and accusing Jews, we find yet another fulfillment of 2Thess and that "man of sin" further revealed. Since hillbilly can't see that the "temple of God" is the corporate body of Christ - is Christians - he can't see his judgments against Jews is another perfect fulfillment.
2 Thess that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
(shewing - point away from oneself)
beholdthebeast. com/man_of_sin. htm


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LOL your not exposing anything other than your ignorance! It is amazing to me how you call me a racist yet you do not see the issue of humanity AND in particular the Christian Suffering of the Palestinians that are Christians! I have ask several Times to explain WHO John was talking about when he said "even now are there many antichrists" you ignore this because you don't want to admit it. There were no such thing as Muslim then. AND they were there in Judea. So he must have been talking about Jews, to deny this shows your blatant ignorance. Now I say these scribes are not of Judah you say they are! That is a dilemma. Jesus told us in many places what I am saying is true. If you can't see it that is your problem.
Now to expose you false prophet Ellis Skolfeild!
Have you ever heard of Iraneus? You two talked about the early church so much I thought I would dig some of this up. Here is what he said about the Anti-Christ. aka boogieman!
Chapter XXV.—The fraud, pride, and tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist, as described by Daniel and Paul.

1. And not only by the particulars already mentioned, but also by means of the events which shall occur in the time of Antichrist is it shown that he, being an apostate and a robber, is anxious to be adored as God; and that, although a mere slave, he wishes himself to be proclaimed as a king. For he (Antichrist) being endued with all the power of the devil, shall come, not as a righteous king, nor as a legitimate king, [i.e., one] in subjection to God, but an impious, unjust, and lawless one; as an apostate, iniquitous and murderous; as a robber, concentrating in himself [all] satanic apostasy, and setting aside idols to persuade [men] that he himself is God, raising up himself as the only idol, having in himself the multifarious errors of the other idols. This he does, in order that they who do [now] worship the devil by means of many abominations, may serve himself by this one idol, of whom the apostle thus speaks in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians: “Unless there shall come a failing away first, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God.” The apostle therefore clearly points out his apostasy, and that he is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped—that is, above every idol —for these are indeed so called by men, but are not [really] gods; and that he will endeavour in a tyrannical manner to set himself forth as God.

2. Moreover, he (the apostle) has also pointed out this which I have shown in many ways, that the temple in Jerusalem was made by the direction of the true God. For the apostle himself, speaking in his own person, distinctly called it the temple of God. Now I have shown in the third book, that no one is termed God by the apostles when speaking for themselves, except Him who truly is God, the Father of our Lord, by whose directions the temple which is at Jerusalem was constructed for those purposes which I have already mentioned; in which [temple] the enemy shall sit, endeavouring to show himself as Christ, as the Lord also declares: “But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, which has been spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that readeth understand), then let those who are in Judea flee into the mountains; and he who is upon the house-top, let him not come down to take anything out of his house: for there shall then be great hardship, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.”4664

3. Daniel too, looking forward to the end of the last kingdom, i.e., the ten last kings, amongst whom the kingdom of those men shall be partitioned, and upon whom the son of perdition shall come, declares that ten horns shall spring from the beast, and that another little horn shall arise in the midst of them, and that three of the former shall be rooted up before his face. He says: “And, behold, eyes were in this horn as the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things, and his look was more stout than his fellows. I was looking, and this horn made war against the saints, and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of days came and gave judgment to the saints of the most high God, and the time came, and the saints obtained the kingdom.”4665 Then, further on, in the interpretation of the vision, there was said to him: “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall excel all other kingdoms, and devour the whole earth, and tread it down, and cut it in pieces. And its ten horns are ten kings which shall arise; and after them shall arise another, who shall surpass in evil deeds all that were before 554 him, and shall overthrow three kings; and he shall speak words against the most high God, and wear out the saints of the most high God, and shall purpose to change times and laws; and [everything] shall be given into his hand until a time of times and a half time,”4666 that is, for three years and six months, during which time, when he comes, he shall reign over the earth. Of whom also the Apostle Paul again, speaking in the second [Epistle] to the Thessalonians, and at the same time proclaiming the cause of his advent, thus says: “And then shall the wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the spirit of His mouth, and destroy by the presence of His coming; whose coming [i.e., the wicked one’s] is after the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and portents of lies, and with all deceivableness of wickedness for those who perish; because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And therefore God will send them the working of error, that they may believe a lie; that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but gave consent to iniquity,”4667

4. The Lord also spoke as follows to those who did not believe in Him: “I have come in my Father’s name, and ye have not received Me: when another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive,”4668 calling Antichrist “the other,” because he is alienated from the Lord. This is also the unjust judge, whom the Lord mentioned as one “who feared not God, neither regarded man,”4669 to whom the widow fled in her forgetfulness of God,—that is, the earthly Jerusalem,—to be avenged of her adversary. Which also he shall do in the time of his kingdom: he shall remove his kingdom into that [city], and shall sit in the temple of God, leading astray those who worship him, as if he were Christ. To this purpose Daniel says again: “And he shall desolate the holy place; and sin has been given for a sacrifice,4670 and righteousness been cast away in the earth, and he has been active (fecit), and gone on prosperously.”4671 And the angel Gabriel, when explaining his vision, states with regard to this person: “And towards the end of their kingdom a king of a most fierce countenance shall arise, one understanding [dark] questions, and exceedingly powerful, full of wonders; and he shall corrupt, direct, influence (faciet), and put strong men down, the holy people likewise; and his yoke shall be directed as a wreath [round their neck]; deceit shall be in his hand, and he shall be lifted up in his heart: he shall also ruin many by deceit, and lead many to perdition, bruising them in his hand like eggs.”4672 And then he points out the time that his tyranny shall last, during which the saints shall be put to flight, they who offer a pure sacrifice unto God: “And in the midst of the week,” he says, “the sacrifice and the libation shall be taken away, and the abomination of desolation [shall be brought] into the temple: even unto the consummation of the time shall the desolation be complete.”4673 Now three years and six months constitute the half-week.

5. From all these passages are revealed to us, not merely the particulars of the apostasy, and [the doings] of him who concentrates in himself every satanic error, but also, that there is one and the same God the Father, who was declared by the prophets, but made manifest by Christ. For if what Daniel prophesied concerning the end has been confirmed by the Lord, when He said, “When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, which has been spoken of by Daniel the prophet”4674 (and the angel Gabriel gave the interpretation of the visions to Daniel, and he is the archangel of the Creator (Demiurgi), who also proclaimed to Mary the visible coming and the incarnation of Christ), then one and the same God is most manifestly pointed out, who sent the prophets, and made promise4675 of the Son, and called us into His knowledge.

Before you tell me it is gnostic understand this! Iraneus was the student of Polycarp, who was the student of the Apostle John. Do you understand? He is from the first fruits. He knows what he is talking about!

This on top of ALL of the word of God which you WILL NOT accept makes Skolfeild and YOUR doctrine New and FALSE. Your a fraud. While the right thing to do would be do dismantle your websites and rebuild them with truth (Bible)  I am sure you will not do that. That would be to much work.
So I will visit you again sometime in the future I may check in time to time. Because there is one thing I am certain of and that is this. History will prove you to be the heretic that you are!


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LOL your not exposing anything other than your ignorance! It is amazing to me how you call me a racist .........

Ok. We'll start at the beginning. I'll move this to the pit until you produce evidence of where I made this alleged accusation, and then I will move it back.


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Your post is moved to the pit until you support your accusation.


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LOL your not exposing anything other than your ignorance! It is amazing to me how you call me a racist yet you do not see the issue of humanity AND in particular the Christian Suffering of the Palestinians that are Christians!

Thanks to anti-Zionists like you!
Just as I already explained to you.
Did you really think you could ignore the prior answers or were you just hoping they were hidden in the blizzard of repetition you have wasted our time with? I addressed this repeatedly as in these examples.

Between the lines below is an excerpt from that last link:

And let me ask you! What about the Christian Palestinians?? What of them. Not the Muslims but the Christians? Should we just disregard those because they do not say they are Jews?

It's anti-Zionists like you, as well the antichrist anti-Semites that you run with, that bear the responsibility for the ever-increasing demise of those Christians at the hand of your team. Team Hamas. Team Islam. Team Nazi. Team KKK.
Here's the future YOU created for those Christians that you pay lip service to pretending to bleed for, when those same Christians enjoyed protection under Israeli rule that you are systematically destroying:

"'Christians must accept Islamic rule'
Militant leader in Gaza says missionaries will be 'dealt with harshly,' demands women wear headscarfs.
Christians can only continue living safely in the Gaza Strip if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview.",7340,L-3414753,00.html

Your so-called Palestinians firebombing Christian homes.

Do you even realize how selfish you are? Didn't you ever even read those posts? You act as though the conversation never happened in spite of all the effort we have put into answering you.

The next time you bring up material that has already been thoroughly covered, as though it were never answered, I may make that post, the first post in the last 4 years, that I ERASE out of hand. Please REVIEW OUR CHATS and quit squandering our time.


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LOL your not exposing anything other than your ignorance! It is amazing to me how you call me a racist yet you do not see the issue of humanity AND in particular the Christian Suffering of the Palestinians that are Christians! I have ask several Times to explain WHO John was talking about when he said "even now are there many antichrists" you ignore this because you don't want to admit it.

To suggest I ignored the subject is a blatant lie, as is evidenced even by my first few replies to you in the YouTube chat that your post here was posted on, as well as over and over ad nauseum by both Marturion and myself. Even in the very same post, that I quoted in my prior reply here.
From this thread.
Excerpt between the lines that follow:

So sad that it has made you so blind to the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world, that you took sides with their oppressors.

The only thing that is sad is if their are more that believe like you do! And I have told you before about accusing. Lets not forget who is the accuser. It would appear you get mad because you don't understand and just accuse. I didn't take sides with any other than Christ!
Like I have said. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. This means ALL.

It's certainly no surprise that you cannot discern the difference between those antichrists that follow the false prophet Muhammad and satan's Quran - that prostrate themselves 5 times a day toward the Quraish pagan's black stone idol in Mecca - and my brethren of the "good olive tree" (that I am grafted into), and of the "mystery" of the "spirit of slumber" God gave some faithful, Old Testament believing, Jews.

Can you see what a false accuser and liar you are repeatedly?

2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.    2 For men shall be ... 3 ...false accusers... 5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


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LOL your not exposing anything other than your ignorance! It is amazing to me how you call me a racist yet you do not see the issue of humanity AND in particular the Christian Suffering of the Palestinians that are Christians! I have ask several Times to explain WHO John was talking about when he said "even now are there many antichrists" you ignore this because you don't want to admit it. There were no such thing as Muslim then. AND they were there in Judea. So he must have been talking about Jews, to deny this shows your blatant ignorance. Now I say these scribes are not of Judah you say they are! That is a dilemma. Jesus told us in many places what I am saying is true. If you can't see it that is your problem.
Now to expose you false prophet Ellis Skolfeild!
Have you ever heard of Iraneus?

Yes. Iraneus is the early church father that condemned the filthy Gnostic heresy of the Serpent's Seed satanic doctrine of devils, that Hitler, and later Arnold Murray peddle, and Satan deceived you into receiving hook, line, and sinker. The rest of the church also rejected that satanic heresy throughout the Christian era.

Why you buy into Murray's satanic doctrine now?

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;


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I guess he couldn't help himself and added another post to the video.

This man ascribes to ONE mans theology over the word of God! Fact! Anyone that would actually read all of his nonsense, you decide! What I have told him from the beginning is that Not all Jews that say they are Jews are really Jews. Which is EXACTLY what Jesus said in Rev 2:9 & 3:9. He says Jesus is wrong! Fact! And Pete I understand Gen 4:1 just fine . You disregard ALL other scripture that surround this topic at your own cost!
hillbillybushcraft in reply to PeteWaldo (Show the comment) 11 hours ago

1Ti 4:1 "This man ascribes to ONE mans theology over the word of God! Fact!"
We expect blatant lies from you. I ascribe to CORE DOCTRINE of nearly 2,000 years of CHRISTIANITY that holds that Adam fathered Cain,as Genesis 4:1 states. That single verse destroys Satan's/Hitler's filthy Serpent's Seed doctrine that you got from Arnold Murray.
1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils,
PeteWaldo in reply to hillbillybushcraft (Show the comment) 10 hours ago

Regarding eschatology my view is within the TRADITIONAL continuous-historic context through which ALL Christians and Jews understand Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled steadily, as the era written about gradually unfolded. Like Daniel's successive kingdom "beasts".
Unlike the pop-doctrines of preterism, and the futurism you ascribe to, the continuous-historic context, as well as day-year "language" of prophecy, is well supported when we look to "those of the former age".
PeteWaldo 1 second ago


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You two talked about the early church so much I thought I would dig some of this up. Here is what he said about the Anti-Christ. aka boogieman!

While we look to the fathers of those of the former age, and show many confirm the day-year "language" of prophecy and more (like the way they condemn using prophecy as if it were intended to allow us to foretell the future like you futurists do and Murray blew in his false prophecies) we do not rely on them as if their writings were holy writ, as you seem to be doing. This even while you reject the plain truth of scripture of Genesis 4:1, to follow a doctrine of devils advanced by a heretic named Arnold Murray, that was even used by Adolf Hitler to advance his murder of millions of Jews. But then perhaps you too are a holocaust denier as other anti-Zionists you run with, as well as Muslims whose side you have chosen, against the Israelis.

There is a reason the early church father's writings were not canonized. That's why we rely on the only 4 verses that contain the term antichrist, that all suggest that it is a spirit in Satan's people, that also makes sense through other passages.

The Reformers not unreasonably (as the smell of their brethren's burning flesh was still in the air) tried to pencil the pope in as "The" "Antichrist" and the Roman church in as the whore of Babylon. While much of the church, as I, recognize the Roman Church and its nicolaitians may be at least a part of the whore of Babylon - as the false poser religions throughout the ages - it is a bit too much of a stretch to suggest the pope or the Roman Church are antichrist.

Just as Arnold Murray's doctrine goes right out the window through Genesis 4:1 that clearly declares that Adam fathered Cain, along with the church's understanding of the same for the last nearly 2,000 years, so it goes with the doctrine of those that finger the Roman Church or papacy as being antichrist. The cult of the SDA still carries that doctrine today. Just ask one of their members, which of the 4 verses that use the term antichrist they believe the Roman Church is guilty of transgressing, and they will flee from the conversation without answering.


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Weeks later, after investigating the Serpent Seed "doctrine of devils" held by the famous 19th century satanist Madame Helena Blavatsky as well as Hitler and Arnold Murray I sent hillbilly the following.

I dedicated a video to Satan's-Hitler's-Murray's cult.

sent with Serpent Seed

LOL yeah Bro! I saw some of it. It would probably be good if it was accurate. But it is not. You have no Idea what Murray teaches about this. Which is what I said before. I would be careful about calling Christians the things you call them without Checking them out first. The things you said you have gotten from others that don't know what they are talking about as well. I know this because if you had listen to him you would have knew what you are posting is a lie. But then anyone that don't believe Skolfield is wrong in your eyes. I know good and well what Gen 4:1 says, and so does Murray. You have to take the whole word into consideration, which you do NOT. I can take ONE verse here and there like you do and make it say anything I want as well. For instance. The flood! Where did Goliath come from if ALL were destroyed in the flood. THAT was the point of the flood. To kill ALL giants. Those offspring. One more thing In your, or Skolfield's, opinion were did the races come from?? If EVERYONE came off the Ark and only ONE family at that?? LOL

On a side note, you might find this interesting. One of the guys you follow. Walid Shoebat (spl?) is a plant!! It is now been proven that he lied. The whole thing is a lie.
The mark of the beast is not In the name of Allah. i.e. Bismallah!!
Both of these are worth watching, unless like everything else you would rather assume truth than let the spirit be your guide!
they are both bad videos but truth is what matters here.
He is not what you think he is.
I could tell you what the Mark of the Beast is but you wouldn't receive that either so there is no use.
Good Luck. I pray that the Lord shows you wisdom in these issue's. I will check back in your website eventually.

So you're as big a dupe of Hitler as Murray is!
Sieg Hiel!

sent with HITLER'S DUPES

[[[[[LOL yeah Bro! I saw some of it. It would probably be good if it was accurate. But it is not. You have no Idea what Murray teaches about this.]]]]

I got the information recorded by a former member of Murray's cult. Go to the text version and download the tape recordings of Murray's FALSE PROPHECIES for yourself.
The Old Testament solution for dealing with such as Murray was to stone them. Seems harsh 3,000 years later, but at least that would have prevented Murray from claiming you.

[[[[[ Which is what I said before. I would be careful about calling Christians the things you call them .......]]]]

Blasphemers is because you speak blasphemy as surely as the satanist Helena Blavatsky did.

[[[[[....... without Checking them out first.]]]]

I don't divide the body of Christ. I rarely challenge futurists or preterists in spite of their false end-time doctrines because their core doctrines are basically sound.
YOUR CORE DOCTRINE IS OF SATAN. Just ask the famous satanist Madame Blavatsky.

CHRISTIANS have never held the demonic doctrine you have been brainwashed to believe. That's why Murray's followers have to call it the "hidden word", as if Murray and those in that FALSE PROPHET'S cult are the only "elect".. But here's what scripture says about Hitler's/Murray's demonic doctrine:

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS.

It's nothing more than a thinly veiled way to persecute Jews while helping Muhammad's followers conquer Israel. You are following Satan just as surely as Hitler did when he held the serpent seed doctrine. He got it from the famous 19th century satanist Madame Helena Blavatsky.


[[[[ The things you said you have gotten from others that don't know what they are talking about as well. I know this because if you had listen to him you would have knew what you are posting is a lie.]]]]

Sure. And the Nazis, skinheads, white supremacists, Aryans, KKK and Murray's followers are posting truth. How can a person's mind become so twisted as to be comfortable running with that crowd?

[[[[ But then anyone that don't believe Skolfield is wrong in your eyes.]]]]]

Not at all. I have challenged others with his TRADITIONAL continuous-historic context eschatology without anyone being able to offer me reasons to reject it, while being unable to defend their own eschatology.

[[[[[ I know good and well what Gen 4:1 says, and so does Murray. .......]]]]

I showed you what it says and you insist on Hitler's lie. Adam and Eve received Cain FROM THE LORD.
Your choice to continue to blaspheme Yahweh. At least now you are not doing it from ignorance, so you will be judged accordingly.
I did what I could.

[[[[[....... You have to take the whole word into consideration, .......]]]]]

What you mean is you have to run and hide from the plain truth by embellishing it with layer upon layer of lies upon lies and false exegesis.

[[[[[....... which you do NOT. I can take ONE verse here and there like you do and make it say anything I want as well.]]]]]

That ONE VERSE deconstructs your WHOLE LIE and puts you on notice that you are blaspheming Yahweh.

[[[[[For instance. The flood! Where did Goliath come from if ALL were destroyed in the flood. THAT was the point of the flood. To kill ALL giants.]]]]]

Absolutely ridiculous.

[[[[[ Those offspring. One more thing In your, or Skolfield's, opinion were did the races come from?? If EVERYONE came off the Ark and only ONE family at that?? LOL]]]]]

So the thin veil comes off and your racist heart is revealed. You are purely of the flesh and your interest is in dividing mankind based on their skin color and genetics, rather than the condition of their hearts. Hitler did that too. There were 3 couples that overspread the earth.

[[[[On a side note, you might find this interesting. One of the guys you follow. Walid Shoebat (spl?) is a plant!! It is now been proven that he lied. The whole thing is a lie.
The mark of the beast is not In the name of Allah. i.e. Bismallah!!]]]]]

It isn't about whether it is truth or a lie. Shoebat simply said the first time he saw the Greek symbol for 666, being Arabic first language, he read it as the Arabic symbol for Allah as explained here.

The mark of the Islamic kingdom beast IS BEING OF the Islamic beast. Muslims are marked by virtue of their belief in THE false prophet Muhammad who filled them with complete resolve to DENY the crucifixion and reject the Son of God, as articles of their faith in Muhammad.

[[[[[Both of these are worth watching, unless like everything else you would rather assume truth than let the spirit be your guide!]]]]

It is unclean spirits and demons that are guiding you because that is who drives Satan's-Blavatsky's-Hitler's-your filthy blasphemous "doctrine of devils".

[[[[[they are both bad videos but truth is what matters here.
He is not what you think he is.]]]]]

The beast isn't a "he". Daniel defined the term for us as a kingdom:

[[[[ I could tell you what the Mark of the Beast is but you wouldn't receive that either so there is no use.
Good Luck. I pray that the Lord shows you wisdom in these issue's. I will check back in your website eventually.]]]]

Why don't you start with this paper on the mark of the beast.

You are blaspheming Yahweh, while waiting for a boogieman, when you should be eagerly awaiting the second coming of Christ - TODAY and every day.


It doesn't bother you that you hold the same doctrine as satanists like Madame Blavatsky who said "...the Jewish God was identical with Cain, son of Eve by Satan" and who was a mentor of Adolf Hitler?
Her book was found in his night table at the end of the war.

sent with Serpent Seed again


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Gen 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


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"You are blaspheming Yahweh," You are an idiot!
This is why you will never learn. You can't have an intelligent conversation with people without screaming blasphemy or Nazi or any of the other nonsense you spread!

"Not at all. I have challenged others with his TRADITIONAL continuous-historic context eschatology without anyone being able to offer me reasons to reject it, while being unable to defend their own eschatology."

That is NOT true. You are so brainwashed into that way of thinking that you ignore the Word of God. Only accepting Skolfield! I defended Mine just fine you just reject truth.

[[[[[ I know good and well what Gen 4:1 says, and so does Murray. .......]]]]

I showed you what it says and you insist on Hitler's lie. Adam and Eve received Cain FROM THE LORD.
Your choice to continue to blaspheme Yahweh. At least now you are not doing it from ignorance, so you will be judged accordingly.
I did what I could.

[[[[[....... You have to take the whole word into consideration, .......]]]]]

What you mean is you have to run and hide from the plain truth by embellishing it with layer upon layer of lies upon lies and false exegesis.

[[[[[....... which you do NOT. I can take ONE verse here and there like you do and make it say anything I want as well.]]]]]

That ONE VERSE deconstructs your WHOLE LIE and puts you on notice that you are blaspheming Yahweh.

Absolute NONSENSE! Yes I will stand before YHVH one day and so will you! Good Luck on that! That one verse does not do it alone sorry! As stated before look at Gen5 Cain is NOT in Adams Genealogy! Look at Gen 3:15 Then her punishment. She was already pregnant when Adam Knew her! If you don't accept/understand that because you can't understand the scripture then that is your problem. It shows you don't understand the parable of the tares or Mat 23 at ALL. Which I knew already.

And Know we get to the limit of YOUR knowledge i see.
[[[[[For instance. The flood! Where did Goliath come from if ALL were destroyed in the flood. THAT was the point of the flood. To kill ALL giants.]]]]]

"Absolutely ridiculous."

YOU didn't answer the question! ANSWER it if you can!

[[[[ Those offspring. One more thing In your, or Skolfield's, opinion were did the races come from?? If EVERYONE came off the Ark and only ONE family at that?? LOL]]]]]

"So the thin veil comes off and your racist heart is revealed. You are purely of the flesh and your interest is in dividing mankind based on their skin color and genetics, rather than the condition of their hearts. Hitler did that too. There were 3 couples that overspread the earth."
This is not a racist view jackleg. But I see you have a view on this point at least, to bad it is WRONG!

2 Peter 2:5 "And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;"
It says he was a preacher of righteousness! So what was he teaching??
Gen 6:9 "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God."
Perfect in his generations!!! Do you know what that means??
Yeah I shouldn't have asked should I. Skolfield didn't explain that did he! It means he had a perfect pedigree! He was a man of pure Adamic race and not like those that were offspring of the sons of God. Now again what did he preach?? He was not mixed and neither was his sons! That is what he preached. So knowing this do you believe that his sons each had a wife of a different race?? LOL RIDICULOUS.
You want to talk about a racist view pal?? YOURS IS! To say that we all came from one family and the races were not all created by God equally! That is the most racist thing I have heard from you yet. And yes that is what you are saying. Noah and his sons ALL had Adamic daughters as wives. So again I ask WERE did the races come from? Do you have ANY clue or do you just spout at the mouth all the time? Wait I know your going to call me a Nazi again right? LOL Answer the question.

It isn't about whether it is truth or a lie. Shoebat simply said the first time he saw the Greek symbol for 666, being Arabic first language, he read it as the Arabic symbol for Allah as explained here.

The mark of the Islamic kingdom beast IS BEING OF the Islamic beast. Muslims are marked by virtue of their belief in THE false prophet Muhammad who filled them with complete resolve to DENY the crucifixion and reject the Son of God, as articles of their faith in Muhammad.

Yes it is about truth. You better have a little more discernment than that! It has nothing to do with Allah. That is why I told you that Shoebat lied. He is a PLANT. What do you not get. It is NOT Aramaic writing!

[[[[[they are both bad videos but truth is what matters here.
He is not what you think he is.]]]]]

The beast isn't a "he". Daniel defined the term for us as a kingdom:
When I said HE is not what you think he is I was referring to Shoebat.

You paper on the Mark of the beast is so far off it is not worth my time. Plus everytthing I disagree with you just sit and scream Nazi! LOL If you only knew me this conversation would be WAY different.

I could care less what these groups believe. You are not separating the TWO distinct beliefs. For them their Race IS their religion. My race is NOT my religion! They preach against ALL that call them selves "JEW". I am repeating the word of God when I tell you that their are those that CLAIM to be of Judah but are lying. Why can you not get that. REV 2:9. That has been the point of this conversion. SO who are these that make this claim?? Do you know who they are?

You still did not answer my question?? Answer. Were did the races come from?? And how did the giant survive the flood?

"No I have the rock to stand on as my foundation"
LOL How right you are. However your rock is not my ROCK!
Duet 32. I wish you could understand this Chapter!!
My Rock is Jesus Christ. Good luck with yours!

replies 4-23

[[[[["You are blaspheming Yahweh," You are an idiot!
This is why you will never learn. You can't have an intelligent conversation with people without screaming blasphemy ......]]]]]

When the scriptures say that Eve conceived Cain by Adam FROM THE LORD and you and satanists say Satan impregnated Eve, what do you think it should be called?

[[[[[....... or Nazi or any of the other nonsense you spread!]]]]

Are you trying to deny that this doctrine was held by Hitler, and is held today by Nazis, Aryans, skinheads and the KKK?

sent with serpent seed

[[[[[Here is your boy Hagee.]]]]]

But as you already know, I am not a futurist like you and Hagee. I view BOTH Old and New Testament prophecy within the TRADITIONAL continuous-historic context.

[[[[ I am not a fan but... Wouldn't you know he agrees with me on at least this point. The anti Christ will Claim to be a JEW!!]]]]

That's because you both hold heretical futurist eschatology. What it did was blind you both to the fact that there are 1.5 billion antichrists in the world today, just in Islam!

[[[[[Rev 2:9
LOL Your list of people to support just got one more shorter. Well.... two counting Shoebat!]]]]]

Shoebat is a futurist too.
There are only 4 contexts of bible prophecy.
The 17th century Catholic Jesuit invention of PRETERISM
The 16th revamped in the 19th century Catholic Jesuit invention of FUTURISM
The 19th century created context of IDEALISM
and the traditional CONTINUOUS-HISTORIC context.

[[[[[You will only have Skolfield to stand on before long.]]]]]

No I have the rock to stand on as my foundation, and eschatology as confirmed by the fathers of the former age.

Not Blavatsky's-Hitler's serpent seed doctrine, that was condemned by the very same fathers of the former age.

Job 8:8 For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers: 9 (For we [are but of] yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth [are] a shadow:)

sent with HITLER'S DUPES

[[[[[I could care less what these groups believe.]]]]]

Yet a Christian would very much care that he is holding the same doctrine as unregenerate reprobates like Nazis and skinheads.
So you have to believe the bible lies when it talks about fruit.

Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Here's what another member of Murray's cult wrote in my video comments. "Eve is lying in gen 4:1"
You see? Once you start down Murray's road there is no end to the blasphemy.

Your Hitlarian Serpent Seed community is full of evil fruit, and your-Murray's-Hitler's-Blavatsky's doctrine is the fertilizer that produced that evil fruit.

[[[[[ You are not separating the TWO distinct beliefs. For them their Race IS their religion. My race is NOT my religion!]]]]

However your-Murray's religion is about the race of others and all about denegrating Jews that live in Israel.

[[[[[ They preach against ALL that call them selves "JEW".]]]]

While you preach against just SOME Jews eigh? Indeed that indistinct portion of Jews, that you separate out through a genetic fiction that was entirely created by a guy named Arnold Murray.
The difference between you and Hitler is that you would be pointing and saying "this one looks like he should go to the ovens, but set that other one aside, and this next one, to the ovens...".
There is NO difference between your hatred of what you falsely call "fake" Jews and skinheads hatred of all Jews.

[[[[ I am repeating the word of God when I tell you that their are those that CLAIM to be of Judah but are lying.]]]]]

That's blasphemy. You are not repeating the word of God. Even you know you are repeating the "word" of Arnold Murray. A fiction about "Kenites" not to be found elsewhere over the last 2,000 years! You are no less indoctrinated into a lie than Muhammad's followers.

[[[[[ Why can you not get that. REV 2:9. That has been the point of this conversion. SO who are these that make this claim?? Do you know who they are?]]]]]

It's pretty easy for me to see who they are. You can only speculate as to who they are through a preposterous genetic fiction created by a guy named Arnold Murray. That's why you never explained how you discern the difference between Murray's "fake" Jews that live in Israel, from genuine Jews that live in Israel. Yet you aid and abet the Islamic conquest of Israel, toward the demise of ALL Israeli Jews, along with ALL Israeli Christians.

'Christians must accept Islamic rule'
Militant leader in Gaza says missionaries will be 'dealt with harshly,' demands women wear headscarfs.
Christians can only continue living safely in the Gaza Strip if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview.",7340,L-3414753,00.html

I have you to thank for helping to make the picture evermore clear to me as to exactly who is in the synagogue of Satan.

Jews are not grafted into a gentile tree. Those of us of the wild olive tree that have been saved and washed by the blood of the Lamb of God are grafted into the "good" olive tree. That makes me a Jew through the circumcision of my heart.
I don't have to speculate as to who is in the synagogue of satan because it is made obvious by the fruit. The Jews that are in the synagogue of satan often happen to be the very same folks that are pointing their fingers and accusing others of being in the synagogue of Satan!
Thanks to you and those you run with it is evermore clear that anti-Semites and anti-Zionists are in the synagogue of Satan, that are helping Muhammad's followers in their conquest of Israel, toward the demise of Jews and Christians that live there. You are helping Muhammad's followers establish yet another female circumcising, child doing, female captive abusing, wife beating, Christian beheading, Islamic slave state.
I don't have to SPECULATE as to who is in the synagogue of satan because It is easy to discern from THE FRUIT (which you must necessarily "care less" about because you follow the same doctrine) which anti-Zionist fruit includes Nazis, skinheads, Muslims, Illuminati, satanists, Aryans, white supremacists, David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, the United Nations, the Soviet Union, and anti-Semites of all stripes. That's your team. Team anti-Zionist.
This even though Daniel pinned the dates of the restoration of the Jews to their land, and to their city, right to the year.

[[[[ You still did not answer my question?? Answer. Were did the races come from?? And how did the giant survive the flood?]]]]

The bible answers your question. The earth was overspread by Noah's three sons and their wives.

Gen 9:18 And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham [is] the father of Canaan. 19 These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.

sent with proof of God


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{{{[[[[ I am repeating the word of God when I tell you that their are those that CLAIM to be of Judah but are lying.]]]]]

That's blasphemy. You are not repeating the word of God. Even you know you are repeating the "word" of Arnold Murray. A fiction about "Kenites" not to be found elsewhere over the last 2,000 years! You are no less indoctrinated into a lie than Muhammad's followers.}}}

Congrats you just called the word of God Blasphemy!!
Rev 2:9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

You might want to go look that little word "JEW" up. In the original it says Judah!! Which is what I said!
And it is OBVIOUS you have no idea who Jesus is talking about when he speaks of these.
Now that is Blasphemy!! You are however a preterist!!

{{{[[[ You still did not answer my question?? Answer. Were did the races come from?? And how did the giant survive the flood?]]]]

The bible answers your question. The earth was overspread by Noah's three sons and their wives.

Gen 9:18 And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham [is] the father of Canaan. 19 These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.}}}

I didn't ask what Wiki said I ask YOU. And you still did not answer my question! And yes I know very well that the Bible answers this but YOU did not. I want to hear you say it.
Are You saying that they each had wives of different races??
LOL DO you know that when a man and a women have a Child the blood comes from the father?? SO even IF that were true which it is NOT. The descendants after 10 generations would be a pure Adamic race again! The word of God backs this up! Deut 23:2 If you go read that verse you might want to look that word bastard up! Then think for a whole second if you can. Did Noah's sons really MIX? Again even if they did it would be Pure Adamic after 10 Generations. By the way Science backs this as well. So again the question is WHERE did the RACES come from?? Those that his sons took with them that you are insinuating were of different races. Where did THEY come from?? Do you have ANY clue. Of course you do NOT. If so Answer then.
Talk about racist.... this ought to be good.

[[[[[{{{[[[[ I am repeating the word of God when I tell you that their are those that CLAIM to be of Judah but are lying.]]]]]

That's blasphemy. You are not repeating the word of God. Even you know you are repeating the "word" of Arnold Murray. A fiction about "Kenites" not to be found elsewhere over the last 2,000 years! You are no less indoctrinated into a lie than Muhammad's followers.}}}

Congrats you just called the word of God Blasphemy!!
Rev 2:9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

You might want to go look that little word "JEW" up. In the original it says Judah!! Which is what I said!]]]]]

Because you are of the flesh and your doctrine is of the flesh you want to find a way to hate Jews on the basis of genealogy, while still trying to fool yourself into believing that you and those that taught you your doctrine like Arnold Murray, Adolf Hitler, Madame Blavatsky are of God.

[[[[[And it is OBVIOUS you have no idea who Jesus is talking about when he speaks of these.
Now that is Blasphemy!! You are however a preterist!! ]]]]]

You should maybe try to learn about things, like doctrine and scripture, before you speak to them.
Preterists believe that virtually all of Revelation after chapter 3 was fulfilled in the first century, except the second coming of Christ.

My view of New Testament prophecy is within the TRADITIONAL continuous-historic context through which ALL Jews and Christians understand that Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled, and the reformers understood New Testament prophecy was being fulfilled as well. Your futurist heresy has only been in the "church' for the last 150 years when John Darby rehashed 16th century Roman Catholic Jesuit Francisco Ribera's anti-reformation invention.

{{{[[[ You still did not answer my question?? Answer. Were did the races come from?? And how did the giant survive the flood?]]]]

The bible answers your question. The earth was overspread by Noah's three sons and their wives.

Gen 9:18 And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham [is] the father of Canaan. 19 These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.}}}

I didn't ask what Wiki said I ask YOU.]]]]]

And that is why I provided the scripture. It isn't about what I say.
ALL PEOPLE came from Noah's 3 sons and their wives. PERIOD.
You prefer to follow the filthy blasphemer and false prophet Arnold Murray's lies, and that is why you were too blind to understand that I provided the answer through scripture.

[[[[[ And you still did not answer my question! And yes I know very well that the Bible answers this but YOU did not. I want to hear you say it.
Are You saying that they each had wives of different races??]]]]

That is why I gave you the Wikipedia link. Maybe it's wrong. Why don't you Yahoo the subject and actually try learning something rather restricting your experience to wallowing in Murray's manure.

[[[[ LOL DO you know that when a man and a women have a Child the blood comes from the father?? SO even IF that were true which it is NOT. The descendants after 10 generations would be a pure Adamic race again! The word of God backs this up! Deut 23:2 If you go read that verse you might want to look that word bastard up! Then think for a whole second if you can. Did Noah's sons really MIX? Again even if they did it would be Pure Adamic after 10 Generations. By the way Science backs this as well. So again the question is WHERE did the RACES come from?? Those that his sons took with them that you are insinuating were of different races. Where did THEY come from?? Do you have ANY clue. Of course you do NOT. If so Answer then.
Talk about racist.... this ought to be good.]]]]]

I trust in God through His Word.

Gen 9:19 These [are] the three sons of Noah: and OF THEM was the WHOLE EARTH overspread.

Until I experienced the raw filthy blasphemy from satanist Helena Blavatsky's / Hitler's / Murray's Serpent Seed doctrine, I wasn't called to this area of scripture, as my time is otherwise filled.

I'm a Christian, so I have been focused on bringing the 1.5 billion Muslims - that you are helping to conquer the Christians and Jews in Israel - to the foot of the cross.

Rather than devoting your efforts to hating Jews, why don't you instead try learning about them from other than Hitler, Murray, Nazis and skinheads?
But first why don't you try reading the Gospel for help in understanding the most important commandments Christians are given.


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[[[[[That is NOT true. You are so brainwashed into that way of thinking that you ignore the Word of God. Only accepting Skolfield!]]]]]

Genesis 4:1 doesn't have anything to do with Skolfield's ministry. His focus is the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation pointing out that Islam is the end-time foe of God's people.
That's YOUR team trying to conquer Israel.

[[[[[ I defended Mine just fine you just reject truth.]]]]]

You defended yours???
I don't remember you getting to first base.


The scriptures tell us that Adam and Eve received Cain from THE LORD.

Arnold Murray and Hitler and the satanist Blavatsky and you, believe the EXACT OPPOSITE and say that Cain was Satan's son, contrary to 2,000 years of CORE Christian doctrine.

How exactly did you "defend" that again?


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{{{Because you are of the flesh and your doctrine is of the flesh you want to find a way to hate Jews on the basis of genealogy, while still trying to fool yourself into believing that you and those that taught you your doctrine like Arnold Murray, Adolf Hitler, Madame Blavatsky are of God.}}}

For the last time I DO NOT HATE JEWS. Can you read at all?? Just those that CLAIM to be but to LIE. And YES you called the word of God Blasphemy. You can NOT deny it. You are at a loss now. Because this verse does not fit into your theology! LOL To bad it is in the word of God. We as watchmen must understand what it means. You can call it racist if you want but you are calling God a racist not ME.

{{{You should maybe try to learn about things, like doctrine and scripture, before you speak to them.
Preterists believe that virtually all of Revelation after chapter 3 was fulfilled in the first century, except the second coming of Christ.

My view of New Testament prophecy is within the TRADITIONAL continuous-historic context through which ALL Jews and Christians understand that Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled, and the reformers understood New Testament prophecy was being fulfilled as well. Your futurist heresy has only been in the "church' for the last 150 years when John Darby rehashed 16th century Roman Catholic Jesuit Francisco Ribera's anti-reformation invention.}}}

LOL that is hilarious. I know what preterism is and YOU are one! And quit saying traditional. Your view is NOT tradition unless you consider from the time Skolfiled said until now to be traditional. I do NOT!

{{{Until I experienced the raw filthy blasphemy from satanist Helena Blavatsky's / Hitler's / Murray's Serpent Seed doctrine, I wasn't called to this area of scripture, as my time is otherwise filled.
HA!!!! I knew it. You do NOT KNOW!!!!
YOU are a coward. You are afraid to be labeled a racist aren't you??? You are afraid that if you say what I know you are thinking you will be labeled what you call everyone else.
HA! To funny.
The word of God is clear about the subject. I make no apologies for it. Nor should anyone that calls their self a Christian. I can not believe you do!
As far being called to an area. I think when a man is called to study God's word he is called to study ALL of it. To understand. That especially means understanding what happened in the beginning. Because without understanding that you can NOT understand the end.
So out of PURE BLIND IGNORANCE. You would sit and call others Blasphemers on a subject by your own admission you know NOTHING about. That is real Christian of you. Remember what you warned me of?? Having to stand before our God and give account. I warned you about talking bad about other Christan! This will not sit well with Father!
Evangelizing is ALWAYS good. But your doing it in a way that your not going to turn many to Jesus. We as GOOD Christians must be patient. You are not! Nor do I think you understand enough to debate on such hard subjects! And you definitely do not have the right to call others folks names!


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[[[[{{{Because you are of the flesh and your doctrine is of the flesh you want to find a way to hate Jews on the basis of genealogy, while still trying to fool yourself into believing that you and those that taught you your doctrine like Arnold Murray, Adolf Hitler, Madame Blavatsky are of God.}}}

For the last time I DO NOT HATE JEWS. Can you read at all?? Just those that CLAIM to be but to LIE.]]]]

Exactly! Your doctrine is about who to hate.
But worse then that your hatred is based on the "Kenites" that is a pure fiction that springs from the imagination of your false prophet Arnold Murray - and nobody else throughout the Christian era.
That fiction has filled your heart with hate. That's why it isn't a surprise that you are joined in your heresy by Blavatsky and satanists, Hitler and Nazis, Aryans, and skinheads.

That's why I told you to read the Gospel and learn what Christian are commanded to do.


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hillbillybushcraft (forum ID Michael2) next wrote:

Romans 9: 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
Do you think God should have read the Gospel?? LOL
I have read the Gospel MANY times. I am sure more than you! I understand the Love that Jesus speaks of. God hates some too!


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[[[[Romans 9: 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
Do you think God should have read the Gospel?? LOL
I have read the Gospel MANY times. I am sure more than you! I understand the Love that Jesus speaks of. God hates some too! ]]]]

Like false prophets, enough to order them stoned.

If you understood love your focus wouldn't instead be on who to hate, based on the false prophet Arnold Murray's UNIQUE - ONE-OFF Kenite fiction.
It is Satan that fills your heart with hatred of Jews by brainwashing you into believing the Jews that you hate are other than Jews. At least Nazis are honest about their hatred.


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[[[[[ I defended Mine just fine you just reject truth.]]]]]

You defended yours???
I don't remember you getting to first base.


The scriptures tell us that Adam and Eve received Cain from THE LORD.

Arnold Murray and Hitler and the satanist Blavatsky and you, believe the EXACT OPPOSITE and say that Cain was Satan's son, contrary to 2,000 years of CORE Christian doctrine.

How exactly did you "defend" that again?


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[[[[I have read the Gospel MANY times. I am sure more than you! I understand the Love that Jesus speaks of. God hates some too! ]]]]

So where does the Gospel instruct Christians to hate non-Christians, or Jews that are atheist or agnostic?