Author Topic: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)  (Read 24317 times)


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This is an extension of the chat in the "copy and pasted chats with Muslims" section which degenerated in typical fashion to repetitive blah, blah, blah. If you have an interest I recommend you go there first.
Though I posted this, I highly recommend not reading it as friendofutube2009's unregenerate nature finally resulted in the fully degenerate and reprobate exhibition of the manifestation of the spirit of antichrist.
When copy and pasting from YouTube comments, random question marks wind up scattered in. I'm not going to bother to try to scrub them out in this thread because it's simply not worth it.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 10:29:27 AM »
BeholderGuard (2 days ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
That question has already been answered from Wikipedia AND your own Bible, which (according to your belief) came at least 1900 years before Muhammad.
Now answer my Bible challenge by making a video with you drinking deadly poison and picking up snakes and casting out devils and healing the sick with your touch.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 10:29:48 AM »
 PeteWaldo  (1 day ago)

Since you failed to answer, let me help. The obvious answer is a resounding YES! You bow toward and circumambulate the same black stone that the pagan moon worshipers circumambulated, before Mohammed!
Mohammedanism is nothing more than paganism repackaged by an illiterate 7th century narcissistic megalomaniac. Mecca DID NOT EVEN EXIST before the 4th century AD when the pagans migrated there and set up their Kaaba shop. In other words, what Muslims refer to as the "era of ignorance" never ended - for poor, suffering, deluded Mohammedans, such as yourself.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 10:30:05 AM »
 friendofutube2009  (1 day ago)

PaulineWaldo": "Do Muslims today bow..."

Do Christians today, bow toward and worship the same cross that the Roman pagan god Mithra worshipers worshiped, before Jesus?

Comparison? Cross invented by pagans rehashed by Christians. Kaabah? sent by God to Abraham as marker for pristine monotheism, hijacked by pagan for worship, re-claimed by Muhammed (pbuh) & restored as prayer qibla. Are Muslims pagans? No sireee! Are Muslims worshiping Kaaba? No sireee!

Can't grasp it? Rolex Co. made Rolex watch for Pres. Lincoln. He used it for noble presidential schedule purposes. Mafia stole it & used it for criminal scheduling purposes. Then Pres. Obama reclaimed watch. Is Obama Mafia criminal? No sireee! Got it?


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 10:30:34 AM »
PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"Do Christians today, bow toward and worship the same cross that the Roman pagan god Mithra worshipers worshiped, before Jesus?"

No. Saying Christians bow before the symbol of the cross on top of their churches, is like saying Muslims bow before the moon on top of their pagan places of moon god worship. There are many crosses on thousands of churches, just like there are many moons on top of thousands of mosques.

Now your turn. Do Muslims today, bow toward and circumambulate the same black stone that the pagan moon god worshipers circumambulated, before Mohammed? Simple YES or NO please.

PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

The ridiculous thing is that anyone would even imagine, that Abraham would throw out all of the idols of his father, BUT for some reason KEEP ONE IDOL for kissing and circumambulating, the way Mohammed kept the pagan's moon god idol for his followers to bow toward and circumambulate, as Mohammedans do unto today.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 10:30:52 AM »
MrGriegos (1 day ago)

Greetings in Christ to you Pete,

I noticed BeholderGuards "kind" Islamic response to you on MBI3030's channel where he curses at you. What this tells me is that he has lost his sense of perception, especially since the discussions are on interfaith dialogues.

I have noticed that your comments are direct but they do not include harsh words. This tells me that you are here for the right reasons, and BeholderGuard should show you more respect but he is unable to because Islam does not teach respect to non-Muslims.

Keep up the good work brother Pete.

In Christ, God bless.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 10:31:11 AM »
PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

For onlookers, friendofutube2009 is one of those Mohammedan censoring cowards who feels at liberty to post on others channels, but when the truth is posted "pending approval" on his own channel, or even the simple question I ask below, he censors it.
The same reason bibles are banned in Muslim countries. The spirit of antichrist removes a love of truth, and replaces it with a love of lies, because they follow the father of lies, Satan, through his prophet Mohammed.
PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"I noticed BeholderGuards "kind" Islamic response to you on MBI3030's channel where he curses at you."

And don't forget friendofutube2009's generous use of the f word. This not only demonstrates their unregenerate nature, but more importantly, how engaging in the mantra of the vain repetitions of the heathen 5 times a day, has so broken their minds, that they have failed to mature past adolescence.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2010, 10:31:40 AM »
friendofutube2009 (1 day ago)

PaulineWaldo: You have an outstanding multi-page Inbox message to answer which I sent to you days ago but no reply up to now. Since you continue your lie campaign, I have to chase you even in your own turf.

You accuse me of censor. But my page is like my home. I open my door only to good people. Nobody can blame me for refusing entry to filthy people as nobody can blame you if you opt to.

Answer the multi-page Inbox message which has been waiting for you if you are not a COWARD in the county.

friendofutube2009 (1 day ago)

Yes. 100% of Christians worship Jesus crucified on the cross. In fact, Christian salvation is believing that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. Without cross, no salvation!

Now your turn. Do Christians today, bow toward and worship the same rehashed triune god (Father, Begotten Son, Holy Spirit) that the Roman pagan triune god (Osiris, Isis, and Horus) worshipers worshiped, before Jesus?


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2010, 10:31:53 AM »
BeholderGuard (1 day ago)

Besm Ellah El Rahman El Raheem
Do Christians worship a CROSS while the Bible CLEARLY says not to make one?
Do Christians make carved images when the Bible CLEARLY says not to?
Do Christians avoid the Bible-Challenge when the Bible clearly says that believers will have the power to perform these miraculous signs?


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2010, 10:32:12 AM »
PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"Now your turn."

That's false. I answered your question, but you didn't answer mine.

Do Muslims today, bow toward and circumambulate the same black stone that the pagan moon god worshipers circumambulated, before Mohammed? Simple YES or NO will do fine.

PeteWaldo (1 day ago)

"Answer the multi-page Inbox message which has been waiting for you if you are not a COWARD in the county."

Of course your lie is easily exposed since I already spent a day answering your questions and posting them in the forum so that other Muslims, genuinely seeking truth, could benefit from our exchange.

I guaranteed that our chat would remain just between you and I, on the dedicated threads. 7 of the top 9 volume posters in the forum are MUSLIMS. It is YOU that is the COWARD for running from the accountability of the public eye and the light of day, like a vampire shrinks from the sun.
Otherwise why wouldn't you put your big boy pants on and post in there?


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2010, 10:32:48 AM »
np33123 (23 hours ago)

PaganWaldo you try to mock ISLAM but you mocked your self very BAD ! Jews are worshiping a Wall and Christians are bowing to the PAGAN symbol the Cross and they try to mock with MUSLIMS to blame them in Paganism . The lie says to the TRUTH you are lie . PaganWaldo better to HIDE your self and never show up again !

np33123 (21 hours ago)

PaganWaldo tell me who did the miracle to protect Makkah/Mecca from the Elephant army of the Kafir Abrahah Al-Ashram ? Hubal , Satan , Jesus Christ or You ? Why Makkah /Mecca was protected but not Jerusalem of so many destruction which happened there in Jerusalem ? Is Makkah/Mecca more important ? It seems YES !


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2010, 10:33:06 AM »
 IslamicTerd  (21 hours ago)

Fiendofutube2009 and np33121 are StuPIG BLIND PEDOPHILE TERRORIST worshiping Pagan Pig and yes same as all Pagan Pig mUZlim they block truth speaker and continue top spread there Pagan mohamidan shit everywere


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2010, 10:33:38 AM »
friendofutube2009 (7 hours ago)

IslamicTerd: Been wondering why is your head tilting a little bit? I asked experts and they say IT is caused by sucking big and long possibly 2-feet cock of horses in the filthy ghettos of NY!

I like to opine otherwise but I think with your bad breath coming from your stinking mouth full of venereal germs remnant of your dick sucking, I cannot help but agree...

Satan is tired waiting for you in Hell! Chow, Christian weirdo!

friendofutube2009 (7 hours ago)

PaulineWaldo: "Of course your lie is easily exposed "

In our 1st meeting 3 weeks ago, you said: "I just spent the better part of an hour in reply, but hit an errant button on my keyboard and lost my work...Rather than reconstructing my reply, suffice it to say that all of the subjects you brought up are covered in great detail in the forum. ".

MY REPLY: Well, if it is really true that you spent an hour composing your reply (which I doubt), then I am not in a hurry to have it. You can do in one, two, three days, even weeks...I do not like a forum or the Youtube comment because they are too cramped for me... Moreover, I write profusely...

Who are you to dictate what I should or should not do? Accountability? Well, reply to the multi-page message & we'll post it RIGHT HERE! Deal?

friendofutube2009 (7 hours ago)

PaulineWaldo: Your answered WRONGLY my question. You said Most Christians do not worship the cross which is NOT true because your salvation hangs on the cross. NO CROSS, NO SALVATION.

Your question is sinisterly composed with hidden bombshell & cannot be answered with simple Y/N. First, it has logical fallacy called undistributed middle. Ex: All Roman pagans worship cross (Muslims bow down to black stone), all Christians worship cross (pagan bow down to blacks stone), therefore all Christians are pagan (therefore Muslims are pagans). Can you answer this with simple Y/N? Did you see my point?

Now, try again. Do Christians today, bow toward and worship the same rehashed triune god (Father, Begotten Son, Holy Spirit) that the Roman pagan triune god (Osiris, Isis, and Horus) worshipers worshiped, before Jesus?


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2010, 10:34:00 AM »
PeteWaldo (4 hours ago)

np the others were too cowardly to answer. Being an imam, maybe you can answer for them.

Do Muslims today, bow toward and circumambulate the same Kaaba and black stone that the pagan moon god worshipers circumambulated, before Mohammed? Simple YES or NO will do fine.

PeteWaldo (4 hours ago)

"Why Makkah /Mecca was protected but not Jerusalem of so many destruction which happened there in Jerusalem?"

Mecca wasn't protected any more than terrorist suicide bombers and other Mohammedan murderers are today. Mohammed learned early on what an effective tool of persuasion murder is.
Regarding the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, it was destroyed because it was the beginning of the Christian era. Jesus even prophesied it's destruction in perfect detail just as it happened.
Mark 13:2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

PeteWaldo (4 hours ago)

When I pointed out friendofutube's censoring a simple question on his channel he really said it all here.

"You accuse me of censor. But my page is like my home. I open my door only to good people."

Yet he comes here and blaspheme's God, and His name, and those in heaven with impunity. Satan has so filled him with the lying spirit of antidhrist, that it is impossible for him to see his own selfishness. This is because Satan convinces him that he is full of righteousness, when even his adolescent swearing and the fully degenerate post below clearly prove otherwise.
friendofutube, possesses what is called a reprobate mind. Satan has taken away his ability to discern the difference between right and wrong - good and evil. All can see he is nothing more than a tool of Satan. The amazing part is that he can't see it himself, even as he composes such fully degenerate comments.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2010, 10:34:21 AM »
friendofutube2009 (4 hours ago)

PaulineWaldo: Why are you insisting on this "Do Muslims bow..." question? If you are logical enough, you have the answer in you! If you think Muslims are pagans, then you are worse: your religion is a rehashed paganism. Triune god, Easter, Sunday, Dec 25, redemption, atonement, god incarnating, name it you have it all. NEVER TAUGHT BY JESUS! You are just a Roman pagan walking in Christian cloak!

YOu cannot refute me so you digress on censorship & character assassination. I was forced to come here because you did NOT answer my multi-page message. See my page, I approved your post. You are now welcome to post in my page.

friendofutube2009 (4 hours ago)

PaulineWaldo: Blasphemy? Jesus said GOD is ONE (Shema). You said THREE! Who's is blaspheming? If antichrist means anti triune god, Easter, Sunday, Dec 25, etc then by all means I am! Jesus is with me: he teaches ONE GOD, salvation by prayer and fasting, no pork, etc.

PeteWaldo has a pagan mind. He cannot discern between the teachings of Jesus (good) and Paul (evil). The latter destroyed Jesus pristine monotheism teaching. He saw Satan in his vision to Damascus and is thumb sucked by PeteWaldo! PeteWaldo is just Satan's tool!


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2010, 10:34:38 AM »
PeteWaldo (2 hours ago)

"YOu cannot refute me so you digress on censorship & character assassination."
You assassinated your own character, as all can see.

"I was forced to come here because you did NOT answer my multi-page message."
All can see how foolish you are. You request a multi-page PM to be answered here in 500 character bits, when I already spent a day answering it in great detail, for all to see, in 3 separate threads, in the forum.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 10:34:59 AM »
friendofutube2009 (1 hour ago)

PaulineWaldo: You are far, far away from the real stuff - our discussion on dogma like Trinity, Is Jesus God, etc. Now, you are just engaged in character assassination. You wasted your time even on my response to IslamicTerd. I thought you are up to your caliber with the mentality of a mature polemic. Now, I know that you are just a teenage boy thumb sucking a feeding bottle and your pagan belief.

You cannot even get my point in your Do-Muslims-bow mumbling which I answered with Do-Christians-bow appropriate response.

Satan appeared to Paul in the road to Damascus and destroyed the pristine teaching of Jesus. Muhammed (pbuh) saved Jesus teaching like ONE God, prayer and fasting, etc from Satan. Now you are thumb sucking Satan's teaching of Trinity, Crucifixion, Begotten Son of God. No wonder Jesus will tell you: I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME, YOU MEN OF TORAH DESTROYER!

friendofutube2009 (1 hour ago)

PaulineWaldo: Your calling me foolish, degenerate, adolescent, etc is character assassination far, far from the topic that we are discussing. All along I have on track in our discussion of Is Jesus God, Trinity, etc but you cannot face me on this. You are just stuck on Do-Muslims-bow mumbling which has now become like a broken record and a cliche. You are just making a fool of yourself. Do not be a coward and answer the following:


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 10:35:22 AM »
PeteWaldo (1 hour ago)

It is not an accusation of mine, but you that demonstrated your degenerate, adolescent, foolish character through your language and, I quote one example of your Satanically inspired comments

"Been wondering why is your head tilting a little bit? I asked experts and they say IT is caused by sucking big and long possibly 2-feet cock of horses in the filthy ghettos of NY!"

I am not called to witness to willful degenerates, and here's why.
Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


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Re: extension channel chat friendofutube2009
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2010, 03:10:49 PM »
PeteWaldo (3 hours ago)

For my Christian friends, we really have to feel sorry for these poor folks in light of what they have have now learned. Put yourself in their shoes.
What if you had just learned, that there was not a shred of historical or archaeological evidence, that demonstrates that Jerusalem ever existed, before the 4th century AD?
Well they have now learned that Mecca did not exist before the 4th century AD, and certainly not before the Christian era, and so everything they believe has just gone up in smoke through that one simple MATTER OF FACT.
We should hardly be surprised that their wheels are spinning off!
Also today I uploaded a free PDF tract that sumarizes this subject. Click the link on the video or use this


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Re: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2010, 04:26:30 PM »
friendofutube2009 (1 day ago)

PaulineWaldo 1of2: Your logic is amazing! Lack of evidence DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN there wasn't something! Before 2003, no evidence that Sedna exist. But Michael Brown proved it in 14Nov2003. Does it mean in 1850 Sedna did NOT exist?

(1) Historical - Christian historians book, NIL. Why Blot out & Destroy Islam! Muslim historians, FULL. Credible historians, Edward Gibbons: "The genuine antiquity of Caaba ascends beyond the Christian era: " - Edward Gibbon (Introduction by Christopher Dawson), Gibbon's Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Volume V, Everyman's Library, London, pp. 223-224.

friendofutube2009 (1 day ago)

To all visitors: the second part of my response PaulineWaldo 2of2 cannot be posted here. I tried it several times but is either blocked or deleted. Please proceed to my channel to see it.


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Re: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2010, 06:57:51 AM »
np33123 (1 day ago)

SatanicWaldo you did not give the right ANSWERS to my QUESTIONS ! Why ?


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Re: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2010, 06:59:09 AM »
PeteWaldo (9 hours ago)

I already answered your questions np
"Why Makkah /Mecca was protected but not Jerusalem of so many destruction which happened there in Jerusalem?"

Mecca wasn't protected by God any more than terrorist suicide bombers and other Mohammedan murderers are today. Mohammed learned early on what an effective tool of persuasion murder is.
Regarding the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, it was destroyed because it was the beginning of the Christian era - one path to God - Jesus Christ. Jesus even prophesied it's destruction in perfect detail just as it happened.
Mark 13:2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

PeteWaldo (9 hours ago)

Incidentally, if you are talking about Mecca being protected from ANYTHING, any time before the 4th century AD, it is just another Mohammedan fable, because Mecca did not exist before the 4th century AD and the Kaaba did not exist until it was built in the early 5th century, after the black stone was brought

PeteWaldo (9 hours ago)

To my Christian friends, isn't that funny? The only historical or archaeological evidence Muslims bring, to show that Mecca was the center of Islam for the 1500 years before Mohammed, is a single 18th century author's misunderstanding of an early writer, who actually wrote about one of the many Kaabas in Arabia - that one being a temple close to Ilat in the Aqaba gulf area belonging to a tribe called Batmizomaneis. Even Mohammed's own tribe the Quraish went on pilgrimage twice a year, demonstrating the insignificance of the Kaaba in Mecca.
Please view the links in this video "more info" section for much more.

PeteWaldo (8 hours ago)

Here are the Arabian deities and worship that Gibbons describes in that same passage
".... of blind mythology of barbarians - of the local deities, of the stars, the air, and the earth, of their sex or titles, their attributes or subordination...."
Isn't that hilarious? Muslims only "proof" regards pilgrimage to worship the Arabian Star Worship family!
That's why Gibbons says "The genuine antiquity of Caaba..." instead of THE Caaba. Because there were lots of Kaabas and lots of black meteorites. Every time one would be discovered, they built a temple to their moon god around it, and worshiped their Star Family.
The moon god rock Muslims bow toward and circumambulate today, is just one, of the very same ones, that the pagans circumambulated before Mohammed, throughout Arabia.

PeteWaldo (7 hours ago)

"Ibn Abbas, the cousin of Mohammed, and one of the reporters of the tradition of Mohammed, called Hadith, speaks of two pilgrimages of the Quraish tribe. One of the journeys was to the city of Taif.[1]

At Taif there was also a temple called Kaabah of Ellat, or Kaabah of the Sun. This Kaabah was more significant and much older than the Kaabah of Mecca. All Arabs, including the tribe of Quraish from which Mohammed came, venerated this Kaabah. The Kaabah of Taif was identical to the Kaabah of Mecca, and it had the same religious functions."

PeteWaldo (7 hours ago)

Here's some really funny stuff that was alluded to in these comments by the Mohammedans.
Here Mohammed is supposed to be directly quoting the Jews.

"Surah 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary..."

Isn't that hilarious? The term "Christ" means "Messiah" or "the annointed one".
So if, as Mohammed quoted them, the Jews had recognized Jesus as their Messiah, why would they then kill Him?
Isn't that ridiculous?!


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Re: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2010, 07:00:37 AM »
friendofutube2009 (21 hours ago)

Lack of evidence DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN there wasn't something! The New World has been existing without evidence before Europeans discovered it.

Other evidences for Meccas existence: Archaeological - Today, Christian archeologists proved from the Bible that Mecca does exist. Google "the search for the real mt sinai" and see video. Biblical - Desert of Paran is Mecca (Gen21:19-22) where Abraham sent Hagar & Ishmael. Paran is south of Sinai (Deut33:2). Google "The teaching of Paul is so clear, that we could locate Mt. Sinai".

Paul confirms Mecca in Gal4:25. Need explanation?

friendofutube2009 (21 hours ago)

I cited Gibbons to prove that Mecca exists regardless of what is there. The pagans are NOT worshipping the black stone but 360 idols. The stone is sent by God to Abraham as marker for worship of ONE God & not object of worship but qibla, hijacked by pagans & re-claimed by Muhammed (pbuh).

Youre a manipulator! Gibbon says: "The genuine antiquity of Caaba ascends beyond the Christian era". Had he meant many Caabas, he would say ASCEND and NOT ASCENDS! I do NOT rely on any Christian historians to prove my case nor do you rely on Muslim ones for yours!

Do NOT be a coward: (1) Prove TRINITY (2) Do the ARSENIC ACID TEST (3) Explain wall-worship and Bin Pantera

friendofutube2009 (20 hours ago)

PaulineWaldo: "Isn't that hilarious?"

The keyword is IN BOAST! If Oswald would say "I killed John Kennedy" the effect is lame. But if he say "I killed PRESIDENT John Kennedy" the effect is devastating! Does he believe in the President? Not necessarily, else why did he kill him!?

Similarly, if they say "We killed Jesus" nobody would care to listen. At that time, there were many Jesus too like the BarJesus. Compare this to "We killed CHRIST Jesus the son of Mary.." which has the maximum effect.

Now go back to dogma. Prove Trinity is not pagan and taught by Jesus and OT prophets. Do the ACID TEST. Explain wall worship and Bin Pantera.


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Re: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2010, 07:02:35 AM »
PeteWaldo (20 minutes ago)

"The stone was considered the main shrine, or sacred element, in each temple, called Kaabah in Arabic. This revered stone, which represented the moon, was considered to be divine. The worship of the Arabian Star Family with Allah, who was the moon as its head, revolved around the black stone. Ellat, Allahs wife, was the sun, and al-'Uzza and Manat, his daughters, represented two planets."

Our Muslim friends should recognize those names from
Surah 53:18-22 "For truly did he see, the signs of his Lord, the greatest! Have ye seen Lat, and Uzza, and another, the third [goddess] Manat?
In other words Mohammed kept the moon god allah, and the black stone idol that represented him, and threw the rest of allah's family out.

PeteWaldo (14 hours ago)

"The stone was considered the main shrine, or sacred element, in each temple, called Kaabah in Arabic. This revered stone, which represented the moon, was considered to be divine. The worship of the Arabian Star Family with Allah, who was the moon as its head, revolved around the? black stone. Ellat, Allahs wife, was the sun, and al-'Uzza and Manat, his daughters, represented two planets."

Our Muslim friends should recognize those names from
Surah 53:18-20 "For truly did he see, the signs of his Lord, the greatest! Have ye seen Lat, and Uzza, and another, the third [goddess] Manat?
In other words Mohammed kept the moon god allah, and the black stone idol that represented him, and threw the rest of allah's family out.


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Re: extension channel chat beholderGuard, friendofutube2009, (and others)
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2010, 07:02:58 AM »
np33123 (3 hours ago)

SatanicWaldo you made me LAUGH again and again with your non sense PAGAN explanations about things which you Christians and Jews have not any KNOWLEDGE ! Do you know Satanic Kafir if your American and Jewish army attack Mekkah/Mecca with your modern technology and just hit there with your satanic boms what will happen to whole world ? Kafir there is the HEART of THE EARTH the WHOLE EARTH will be destroyed ! Mecca is CHOSEN by the CREATOR who is the CREATOR Jesus or ALLAH ? ALLAHU AKBAR .